Today on the podcast we're going in deep. After the last 2 years, it's natural to want to stop and reassess what's going on in life and business. I think it's so easy to just keep going. Keep doing what you've been doing. But the truth is you're not the same person. You might think you are, but I'm here to tell you, you're not. You've been through a life-changing event where everything was put on pause and now you're back in life again.
So the questions I'm going to share today are to help you understand where you are and what you really want.
I'm excited to ‘build the room' where women come for business success and personal transformation. I'm excited to create space where friendships are made and support is given and where BIG things happen.
I'm excited for BBA to shift from just business to both business and personal development later this year.
What do you really want for yourself right now?
Have you asked yourself lately?
Questions for you to work through:
Personal Questions
As a little bonus and a bit of fun, my hubby and I both wrote our bucket lists. There were some really awesome and exciting things that both of us want to do – and some were similar. It helped us focus on LIVING and enjoying rather than just being.
If you've got any questions just DM me @suzchadwick
Resources shared in this episode:
If you're ready to work together to rest and grow from where you are now then make sure you come over and join us in Brand Builders Academy
Suzanne Chadwick 0:00
Hey, Hey, friend, welcome back to the podcast, we've got a little bit of a new field going on new intro new music, I'm like, ready to just totally go to the next level, reinvent myself, do something new, bring in fresh energy. That's what we're talking about. Today, we are talking about how to reassess what you really want, and then start to put things in place to get what you want as well. But I'm super excited to talk about this because it's something I've been going through. It's something that I've talked a little bit about, I talked about it a bit on the podcast last week, was kind of being in the fog and being in a place where I'm like, what is happening? What do I want? How am I going to do this? And so today, I wanted to give you some really practical questions that you can ask yourself to reassess what it is that you want, and almost do a bit of a reset. Yeah, because we have been in auto mode for the last couple of years. We are different people to who we were before the pandemic, we may want different things, or we may want to show up in a different way. And so just spending the time to actually see it and work out what you want. Because when was the last time you sat down and asked yourself, what do I want? What do you want? What do you want. So that's what we're talking about today. But listen, before we dive in, I do want to let you know that I am going to be running a couple of live master classes. I've got one coming up this week, which is the week this episode goes live, which is the week of the 25th of April 2022. And then I've got another masterclass next week as well. So all you have to do is go to, forward slash thrive. And it is how to go from burnt out creative to thriving group program creator. So if that's something you've been wanting to do, which is change your business model, go in depth with your clients create a community and a group that you spend your time with, then that's what I'm going to be talking about, I'm gonna be talking about the five things that you need to shift in order to do that. And this is brand new content. I've not shared it before. I've not shared it on the podcast, I've not shared it anywhere. So definitely make sure that you head over to, forward slash thrive. And come and check it out. Yeah, because we're going to have a conversation, we're going to be talking about some of the good stuff because at the end of the day, my group programs I love them. They're amazing. I love my clients. If you're a client, I love you. It's so good. And I just want to grow it and do so much more. So I am here to help and support you and teach you how you can do that too. So make sure you come and join us. But listen, let's dive into this week's episode. And by the way, did you have a bit of a boogie to the new music at the start? I kind of love it. I kind of love it. Anyway, I digress. Let's go. So this is actually a recording from a live that I did on Instagram and I cut out all the fluff. But it is definitely a message that I wanted to share with you. Obviously I did it on IG, I wanted to share it here on the podcast. Also, side note repurposing is very important as well. And to have your message in multiple places, I think is also a powerful thing to do so.
Suzanne Chadwick 4:07
So let's talk about resetting and reassessing what we really want. And I feel like there have been so many conversations that I've had recently with clients in my community, where they just feel a little bit like displaced is probably a really good word is something's not quite right, something's a little bit of a mess, and they can't quite figure out what it is. It just doesn't feel good. So I feel like I had a bit of a realisation a little while ago, like a couple of weeks ago, that I really wasn't actually working to the capacity that I wanted to be working to. And I had this conversation, this long conversation with my coach in my mastermind that I'm in which is in the US. And there was this overarching feeling that we have come out of a really stressful time in our life over the last few years. And we haven't really allowed ourselves time to recalibrate and conscious recalibration of where we are now and where we want to go and where we want to be. So that's kind of what I wanted to talk about today. So, because I feel like I've kind of gone through it, and I'm kind of coming into where I want to be. And I wanted to talk more about that. So first of all, really just recognising, acknowledging that the last few years have been pretty tough. We're in April now still, aren't we? Yeah, I think we're in April. And, and just allowing ourselves time to reflect on who we are now. Because as we were talking about in my mastermind, we're different people than who we were a year ago, two years ago, three years ago. Yeah, we're different from who we used to be based on everything that we've now gone through. And I also think, reassessing not only who we want to be now in 2022, but how we want to operate as well. And so your life might have changed to be like, you know, not being as busy as you were prior to lock downs and stuff. And now we're sort of coming back out of that, and life's getting busy again. But one of the things that you can choose is to not be busy, just really want to offer you that option. And that thought, yeah, you can choose not to be busy. So we've said to our kids, you can have like a two things. Yeah, two things that you're doing. And then we carve out quite a lot of free and family time. Because I just refuse to be the woman. That's like hectic all the time. And so that has definitely been something that we were sort of talking about as a family the other day, how do we want to live? How do we want to be there being really intentional with it, instead of allowing life to happen to us were like dictating how we want to be and live. So I think that that's something that we're definitely looking at. But then when I was looking at myself, and what I feel has changed for me, I feel like there has been a shift where I've been doing a lot of personal coaching with clients in BBA in Amplify. It's not just business. And so for me, I am looking at kind of transformation coaching and life coaching as a combination with business. So I love business, I'm not going anywhere with the business stuff, but really looking at how do I evolve myself? How do I grow myself in order to now meet me where I am and meet my clients where they are as well? And so how do you kind of feel you're looking at shifting, like yourself? Are you still wanting the same things that you've wanted in the last 2,3,4 years? Or do you want something different? And I think just asking ourselves those questions of how do I feel? What do I want? I don't think we ask ourselves enough. What do I want? I think we just kind of let life happen to us. And we're not really sitting down and consciously deciding, I want to have a business that does this, I want to have, you know, a life that does this, that I want a partner who's like this. So even and I'm going to be really honest, like Gareth and I went through, you know, a little bit of a bumpy patch at the beginning of the year. And it was because of a lack of communication on my part on both of our parts. And so I think just also saying what kind of relationships do I want to have. Also, I was listening to a podcast by the life coaches go on the weekend about having really great friendships. And when you meet somebody, and you're like, I want to be friends with that person, like just making the effort to do it saying to somebody, I want to be, hey, I'd love to be friends with you. And sometimes it can work. And sometimes it cannot work because it may work for them. And it may not work for them. But just deciding how do I want my life to be? How do I want my relationships to be? What kind of business do I want to have? What kind of friendships do I want to have as well? And I love I was out with the girls the other night and Jess Roberts was just saying, you know, you're like, these are the people you are the people I want to spend my time with. And so once again, just being really deliberate in all of your relationships, both in business and life, I think can really help you to, I guess, assess how you want to move forward. And so I know that I want to move forward with women that are like driven and focused but that are fun and where we can have really great non work conversations as well. And making time for that and making that time a priority. Do you as well? Yeah. So really think about? Do you feel nourished? Do you feel nourished in life? Or do you feel like depleted. And so last night, and I talked about this in Brand Builders Academy, and in Amplify as well, is around self coaching. So last night, I sat down and I created space for myself. And what that means is I went into my bedroom, I sat on my bed, I got a notebook, I lit a candle that was gorgeous and yummy, and smelled great. I had my bottle of water next to me. And I sat down and I wrote down these things, how do I feel? How do I want to feel?
Suzanne Chadwick 10:44
What do I want? And where am I now with that? If my relationship with my husband was to be incredible, like, what else would we have? What else would we do? Well, how would I show up? If I wanted richer, deeper, more amazing friendships? What would I need to do? How would I need to be? What sort of things would I need to prioritise? If I want to be a better mom? What other things can I be doing? And I just kind of a little bit, you know, kind of looked at my life in different areas, and just asked myself what that looks like. So that was the first stage of myself coaching, where am I now? And what do I want? And how can I intentionally make the decision of where I want to be? Yeah, so I was writing all of this down. And I also know that I'm not just going to sort it all out and solve the problem in one sitting, I know that, like this is now percolating in my, in my mind, my brain will now start searching for these things. And so and then the next question, when it came to my business was, what do you really want? Like, if you think about where you want your business to be in 12 months time, two years time, what is it that you want, and I have the vision of what I want, and I'm gonna say it not scared, never be scared to talk about things that are not yet reality for you. But I want to create a room where you can't help but want to be in it. Because when you are, these are the things you feel you feel lit up, you feel empowered, and you feel nourished, you feel like success is inevitable. Yeah, you feel like you are on a track. That is exactly the track that you want to be on. And I now I've just like, it's all about the room. How do I create the room. And I feel like I have an incredible, amazing community of powerful and talented and just, you know, out of this world, women who are absolutely doing the work to be able to build the businesses that they want. Yeah, so I know I'm already on the path to the room. But for me, the room means big retreats. The room means masterminds in like there's a place here in Melbourne called the prince. And I love that room. That room for me physically is a beautiful room to be in. And I'm like, I want to fill that room like multiple times over in a year with like mastermind type events, where women walk away. And just like that blew my mind. Yeah, so I'm always starting with the brand experience, what do I want to create? And so I really want you to ask, in order for you to shift gears, what do you want to create? And don't you know, something? Don't limit yourself to, but like, I couldn't do that because of this, or I or that wouldn't work because of that? Yeah, don't just dream. Just dream without any restrictions. I want you to write down you can let me know in the comments as well. Like, if you were to have the business that you really wanted, in the next 12 to 24 months, what would be happening? Who would you be in that moment? Who would you be within that business? Yeah.
Suzanne Chadwick 14:19
And what would you need to do in order to create like, something that's incredible and amazing. And can I just say, I think that this is totally normal. I feel like I was feeling this for a while. And it's only when I spoke about it in my mastermind and my coach and can I say my coach is like, I don't know, seven or $10 million. She was just like, I have felt lost for months because we came out of everything. And then we just kind of kept going with what we were doing. And we didn't sort of look back and say, am I still the same person? And we're not we're not the same person. So I just think it's so important. For us to check in with ourselves to make sure that we're on the track that we want to be that we're doing the things that we want to be that we're being the way that we want to be as well. So I think that those are just some really key questions that if you are feeling zapped, I know that was a word that came up, if you're feeling a little deflated, you've lost your mojo, you kind of feel like, what am I doing? Like, what's my direction, or you're just working and you're not feeling the joy of what it is that you're wanting to do? Then I think checking in on these things is so important. And from a self coaching perspective, for me, what I'm basically doing is asking myself a lot of questions within a question. So how do you want to be? Well, I want to be, I want to feel like at the end of the day, I did work that mattered I and what does that look like? Well, work that matters means that I'm coaching clients where they're having, you know, huge transformations, they are, like being successful in what it is they see as success. What else? They, so if I was coaching a client, this is what I would be asking them. And so you can really self coach yourself by asking a lot of questions when you've answered a question. So let's say you ask one big question. And then you keep asking yourself, what else? And then what? And how else could that look? And how would you feel in that? And what would they experience when they work with you doing that? Yeah. And the more that you can ask yourself those questions, similar to the five why's Yeah, absolutely. I like the five why's but I also like to kind of kind of go off a little like, why and how and when? And then why. And what else? Yes, I feel like I feel like it's the five why's but I kind of like to fruit salad it and mix it up a bit. Because then it just gets me thinking and a lot of different ways. And I think as women and this is another thing for me that I really want to start to talk more about with my clients in in both Amplify and BBA. Is that wholesale? Yeah, is the fact that you're you know, you don't just have your business here. And then like you've got your life over here, your business is just one slice of the pie. Yeah, so your family is a slice of the pie, your business is a slice of the pie, your well being and mindset and self care is a slice of the pie. You know, being a mom being a wife being like a creative being, whatever it is, yeah, there's like the slice of the pie. So I want you to see your life, as like this pie, whatever flavour pie you like, I have bought into like apple.
Suzanne Chadwick 17:45
So you're, you've got this circle, and you've got these slices of the pie? And how do they come together to work really well, instead of being in conflict with each other, which I think this is my personal experience. Sometimes it's like, oh, like, I want to do this thing in the business. But I have to do that thing with the kids or I have to do that other thing that's really boring, like housework or something like that. And so it's really taking a look at how can I bring this into a really harmonious way, where I just feel good, when I'm spending time in the business, and it's working really well for me. And then I'm spending time in other places. And I'm reading a book, which if you've followed me on stories for a while now I've talked about a couple of times, which is called the unicorn space. I have asked her to come on the podcast because I love it. And it is just really about carving out space that has nothing to do with your role as a mother or wife or anything else. It's got nothing to do with your business. It's got nothing to do with self care. Yeah, it's got nothing to do with exercise. It's just got to do with your joy and creative pursuits. And I can just flag but so fun. So for me fishing at the moment is something I love doing. I get to listen to a podcast, I get to fish. Roller Skating is something I want to buy some roller skates and I want to go like at a basketball court and like skate around and stuff. Yeah. What are things that you do that's just for you, that bring you joy? That is not exercise. It's not self care. It's not whatever else it is. It's called unicorn space. Yeah. And it's just so good. So I'm reading through it and I'm loving it and she's kind of interviewed all of these people about what their creative space and their unicorn space is. And the question is, what do you do that brings you joy that makes you really happy. So dancing is another one for me. I went out with the girls and we randomly ended up in revolver which is a really dodgy club in Melbourne. And we danced and it was like quarter to nine
Suzanne Chadwick 20:01
As I was dancing, I just thought, unicorn space. This is the best. I love it. I'm having so much fun. This brings me joy. This nourishes my soul. It makes me happy. It makes me me. And so just really think about how are you bringing that whole self together. But if you're not feeling it, if you're feeling like not into what you're doing at the moment, then I would really encourage you to spend the time to ask yourself all the questions that we've talked about this morning, and see where it takes you. It doesn't have to be conclusive. Like you don't have to have a final destination, a final answer. But I just think it really gets us out of sometimes the rut that we're in. And it allows us to dream about things that maybe we've not dreamed about for a while, or do things that we've not done for a while, and bringing and like creating joy in our own lives. Yeah. And I'll just always remember, I remember, like, this is back before I got married. I remember somebody saying, like, when you make yourself the happiest, that's when everybody around you, like thrives. Like when we're trying to constantly make everybody else happy, then we don't thrive and they don't thrive. Yeah, but when we make ourselves happy, and we do things that bring us real joy, and we thrive in in the true sense of the word, then we help others around us thrive as well, because we're bringing our best selves to them. And so I think that that's something that I'm really working on at the moment as well, how do I get fit and healthy? I've got my health coach, how do I bring more joy to my life? I want to laugh, like, I want to laugh more. Yeah, I want to be inspired more, I want to create more. And just by doing those things for myself in a very selfish way, it means that my family, my friends, my clients will thrive, for us just to revisit that and re and realise that as well. I kind of you know, I think that sometimes we hear things we're like, Yeah, I know that. But we don't do it, we don't do it. So I just really want to encourage you to find your unicorn space, to do things that bring you joy, to ask yourself really great questions about what it is that you want, like what would good look like to you right now? What would amazing look like? And how do you want to create that and bring that to life? Yeah, and do it without restriction. Just do it without any, like, you don't need to have anything in order for that to happen just to stream without restriction as well. Because I feel like we have to draw a bit of a line in the sand. And we've got to make the decision about what that gear looks like now as well. So I'm super excited after myself coaching session last night after our chat. I am ready. I'm ready to start, like focusing on that room that I talked about. It's about the room that I'm going to create and all the things and also can I just tell you, it scares me. Like that vision that I really deeply desire. And I want massively. It's super scary. Yeah. Because then you've got to kind of coach yourself through what if it doesn't work? And what if nobody comes? And whatever, whatever, whatever it is, yeah. But the thing is, you've got to ask yourself, if I, if I don't do it, how am I going to feel like if I don't go after that dream, even if it was to fail, even if it wasn't to work the way that I wanted, how would I feel if I didn't do that. And so just you know, time goes, time goes. And I just think we've got to, we've got to go after the biggest stuff that we're thinking about. And so, if fear is something that you're what you've got, or if you're like, you know, just all the negative thoughts that come up, I just want you to know that it's normal. I go through that, I get that. But it's just about how you how you push through it, and how you work through it and how you self coach, that if I don't do this, I'm gonna really regret it. Because I and you know, something, I know I can make it work. That's the other thing you've got to say to yourself, you can do that, like you can make this work. You if you don't give up if you keep going if you do what you need to do to make that a reality, it will work. And I think you've just got to keep that in your mind as well. You can totally do that. Yeah, so good. So good.
Suzanne Chadwick 24:39
And just to finish off a little fun thing that I did with my hubby is that I said to him, I want you to write your bucket list. Yeah, you could be 20 and writing your bucket list. You can be 30, 40, 50 Whatever. But write your bucket list. What are the things that you really, really want to do like before you die in the next five years even? What are the things you want to do and so that was super fun for us to sit and write out all the things we want to do some of the stuff was similar. Otherwise, he'd say he'd wanted to, he wants to do something. And I'd be like, that would be amazing. So there were a lot of things that that both of us really loved. And once again, it just brings more energy to our relationship, it brings more energy to the fun that we want to have creating space to have the life that we want to have as well. And I think that so often, we're just in life, where does it live with our partners, with our family with whatever's happening with work, like make the time to, like, blow your own mind and get excited about stuff. Yeah. And so that was another really fun thing that I wanted to share with you today too. But you could do with your partner or maybe with a friend with a bestie. So my lovelies, I just wanted to jump on and share that with you this morning. I'm excited. I'm feeling energised, I'm ready to create the room. And I'm already planning. I'm already planning for the room. So watch this space. If you've got any questions, send me a DM. Very excited for some changes that are coming to Brand Builders Academy. There will be a name change as well. But we're going to be moving into not just business coaching, but basically personal development and life transformation coaching as well within BBA mindset mastery, all the rest of it. So we are going to be bringing with me, me, I am going to be bringing a holistic approach to business because at the end of the day, you can't achieve the things you want in business, unless you show up fully yourself in how you want to be and how you go after what you want as well. So building that courage, building that confidence, and we're going to be doing so much more on that side as well as the business stuff. So watch this space. That will be happening closer to the end of the year, but I'm super excited as well.