with Suz Chadwick

Learn how to build a bold brand, market with confidence, run a profitable business and PAY YOURSELF more!  It's time to stand out & become the only person your ideal client wants to work with.

Ready to stop hiding, quit doubting yourself, step away from doing every damn thing in your business and become the ONLY person your ideal clients wants to work with? 

You’ve got this big dream, this bold goal, this brilliant vision of where you want to be…
And while isn’t going okkkkkaaaay, you know you can do SO much more.
You want to scale. You want to work less. And you want to do more with your time and

You’re ready, right?

Get tangible results in your business.

You want to be one of the people you look up to in your industry —

The ones who are crystal clear on their message, attract perfect-fit clients, make GOOD money, and have a team (or heck, even just a VA) to delegate to. 

But you’re stuck.  Through no fault of your own!

You’re putting energy IN. You have skill. It’s just that no-one has been able to show you how to package it up, where to hone your focus, and what to DO to get to that next level. 

So you spend time on the wrong things…

Your ideas never get executed…

And you get so frustrated. With all of it. 

Ready to stop going through the motions of busyness, ready to stop playing small, stop spinning your wheels, and stop waiting for tomorrow.

You know it's your time to step up.

You just need someone to show you how, plus support you in a loving but tough love way to make sure you follow-through.

Nodding? Read on.

This whole business thing was supposed to be so much easier right?

and I'd love to be that person.

When I started my business as a side hustle back in 2015, I was working 4 days a week in a senior corporate job in the city (yes I was still commuting).

I had 2 kids under the age of 5. They were 15 months apart.  I was renovating our house. Like the whole house, not just the bathroom.

And I was coming home, cooking dinner, spending time with the kids and then once they went to sleep I would work at the dining room table building my business. 

So if you ever feel like you don't have time - I get I really do get it. 

But what I did do, is that over the next 2 years I built a multi-six figure business in 2-3 days a week and worked out the key things that I need to focus on to do that. 

So I decided I didn’t want any other woman in business to have to lean on Google as their number one source of information, test things out through trial and error, and make 21,002 wrong moves before finding the right one…  

Which is exactly why I’ve spent the last 8 years coaching women to build bigger, better, more sustainable businesses (and over 15 years mentoring women to own their worth and ask for what they want!).

And you know what?

I see the same issues coming up again and again which is why I built BBA.

Hey I'm Suz Chadwick


Not only because it’s hard to find legit information and support out there, but because our histories and stories impact the way we see ourselves, our place in the world and how we show up…

And they have a knack for keeping us standing still.

The thing is, it's only once you start taking the steps towards creating the business you want that you can own your direction. 

And working out which steps to take is infinitely easier with guidance, strategy, and support.

You feel me?

So many women have killer skills, knowledge and experience to share… but feel totally stuck in the rut of not knowing how to scale. 

Play bigger in your business, be more confident, and get clearer on what it is you want to be known for

Run your business like an actual business — with structure, strategies and systems that will allow you to scale and grow

Stop (endlessly) tinkering, second guessing yourself and faffing about... and nail your business foundations so you can build something solid instead

Put a stop to the “what if…?” feeling “I’ll do it when…”

Get your pricing and packaging sorted, once and for all

Create a brand that attracts the right clients for you

Feel empowered to own the direction your business is going in

Be surrounded by an amazing group of supportive women who are in the same boat as you (and understand exactly what you’re going through)

This is for you
if you are ready to... 


Have a clear understanding of anything that has been holding you back and how you can actively overcome those barriers

Be building your business confidence in a big way and showing up more

Have a clear core message, understand where you're positioning yourself in the market and a neon sign that attracts the clients you want.

A defined business, brand, marketing and content strategy

A clear brand and customer experience path

Be clear on what you want to be known for (and no, it's not just what you do!)

Have the right products, services and pricing to create a profitable business that delivers great value to your clients

Have a website and message that makes it easy for your customers to understand who you are, what you do and if you're for them. 

Step up as the CEO in your business with confidence, understand how to set strong boundaries, manage your finances and you'll have a strong vision for where your business is going.

By the end of BBA you'll...

rave reviews

This year we decided to invest in and join bba, which HAS BEEN INCREDIBLE!

Within weeks of joining BBA we tripled our profits! And we have been booked out for months in advance ever since. What we will achieve in the future is truly exciting. We feel this is the best course we've ever done, along with the best community we've been part of and we feel incredible grateful that we came across Suz Chadwick!

The Who photography & design

I had been in business for 5 years and had been looking for a coach.

When I saw Suz speak an event, I pretty much got online the next day and joined BBA. I loved everything she had to say and I'm so glad that I signed up! Spending the time and energy to work on scaling your business is so important and having someone like Suz to show you how is invaluable.

Within months of joining BBA I have changed my business structure, taken a lot of my content online and made $13,000 in my first launch and sold out my 2nd launch too. I can't believe how much money I had coming into my business in one go. BBA is the best investment I've made in my business and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Chrissie Davies - Child Behaviour Expert,
Chaos to Calm Consultancy

Since joining BBA I increased my pricing, instead of pricing in line with my competition, to the value that I believe I’m worth

And guess what, it’s attracted more of the clients I want. I also restructured my packages instead of charging hourly including a VIP option which is exciting and my most preferred way of working. I’ve also engaged someone to help with my brand style to get some more consistency across the socials and for when I want to expand. So thank you Suzanne and BBA, I wouldn’t have had the knowledge and motivation without you 🤗

Alisha Malarski - PERSONAL TRAINER

Click to read more testimonials

Kind words from creative freelancers


Kind words from SOCIAL MEDIA & Digital marketing MAVENS

I created the Brand Builders Academy to support you to be bolder and braver in business.
To help you to uncover what's REALLY holding you back. To equip you with the mindset, tools and resources to make you your most powerful, compelling and creative asset in and for your business.

forget average

it's time to go BIG!

What you'll find in the course








So you can create your next level business & get out of your own way!




If you’re going to grow your business, you need to be able to build a brand that positions exactly where you need to be in the market.

Most people totally miss this step when they're starting their business and then wonder why it's not quite hitting the mark.

The great news is that it doesn't have to be hard — and when you know how to start to build your brand in the right way, it can even be fun and exciting! We’re going to dive into your core message, brand voice, personality, and look and feel to see what’s under the hood and how you're being seen in the market.

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ Have a detailed Brand Strategy Document that will help clearly articulate your vision, mission, values, brand personality, voice, position, competitive advantage and more. 

+ You'll understand what makes you different and how you can use that to start to stand out in your industry and market place. 

+ You'll learn what having a bold brand means and how you can use that to your advantage to be the person that your ideal clients want to work with. 

Module 1 is where we start to understand that you can control and have a huge impact on your brand and how your customers engage with it and you!

module ONE


A journey is always easier when you know how to get where you’re going. Create a solid strategy that’ll map out exactly how you’re going to achieve your goals.

Whether you’re coasting along or desperately trying to keep up, this module will have you planning for real success and knowing exactly what you’ll be doing to create that business you’ve been working towards.

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ To create a business strategy that shows you what products and services you should be focusing on

+ How much money you're aiming to make and where that money will come from in your business

+ How to manage your money so that you can create a profitable business

+ How to start building momentum in your business to reach your goals 

Module 2 is one of the biggest game-changers in the whole of BBA. What we teach in this module can change the direction, profitability and impact of your business in a way that so many students had not anticipated – and it's so exciting to see!

module TWO


Packaging up what you offer makes it easier for people to buy from you — and easier for you to sell it!

Not sure what to include in your signature package? Not sure how to price? No idea where to start? I’ll help you navigate the buyer’s filter and understand their mindset.

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ How to step up and own your worth without second-guessing your pricing

+ How to get out of the bargain basement bin and create the no-brainer package designed specifically for the person you love working with.

+ How to package in a way that earns you more without costing you more time, effort and stress.

+ How to speak confidently about your pricing and packaging to sell more of what you have and do!

Module 3 is one of the cores to building a profitable business without the burnout

module THREE


Getting confident with your sales and marketing strategy and process is one of the big ticks you need to check off in your business. That’s why we’ll dive into confident pitching and proposal writing and walk through how to structure your sales conversations in a way that makes it super simple for your customers to buy from you.

Sales CAN be fun, when you focus on connecting with your audience and bringing them along for the ride!

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ How to market yourself with confidence

+ How to create your marketing schedule for the next 3-6 & 12 months including your marketing budget

+ How to create a marketing strategy that works and aligned with your business and brand strategy

+ How to stop being reactive and using the ‘fingers crossed' method of marketing and have a solid strategy that you can measure and use again and again!

Module 4 is about taking back control and not ‘wishing' for the best, and start planning for success. 

module FOUR


Having the right systems in place can be the difference between winning that client or losing them forever. Creating the right processes and designing a fan-worthy client experience will make you look professional and leave your clients feeling cared for.

And it’ll also make it easier to build, grow and run your business!

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ How to step up systems that help you do more in less time

+ To create an exceptional customer experience that is automated in your business.

+ How to understand what systems you need in your business so you're not wasting money on the things you don't need

+ How to speak confidently about your pricing and packaging to sell more of what you have and do!

Module 5 is about scaling what you have so you can having the processes and systems doing the work for you!

module SIX


Tired of ‘playing business' and ready to run your business with serious intention and even better results?

By the end of this module you'll be able to:

+ How to run your business like a business (we're getting serious!)

+ How to create great money management practises

+ How to step up as the CEO in your business and start to scale and grow

+ How have the mindset you need to stop worrying about everyone else and start to take your business to the next level in a serious way. 

If you're wondering what to do next or just day to day, I'll share a framework to help you focus, grow and build a brand and business that runs well.

We're finishing strong with one of the most powerful modules that will challenge you to take yourself seriously and start showing up in a big way!

module SIX


BBA has been the best thing I have done for my business. I knew I needed to do something but I just didn’t know what it was. I stalked you for so long Suz, I knew you were my girl. I felt confident that you would help me and guide me to take my business to the next level. WOW, I should have signed up to BBA a long time ago, it’s been so amazing, the content, the delivery, the support and the connection has been everything I needed and wanted. Im so glad I invested in me and my business, it been well worth it, in fact I think it’s actually too cheap for what you actually get! If you’re thinking of signing up!


Bloody go for it!!

You won’t regret it!

I asked some of my current BBA students what some of their reservations where and this is what they said:

I've done a lot of courses why is this different?

Once they had been through the course, I asked them what the answer to those questions is and I loved their answers!

“It's so much more than I could have imagined. There is so much detail and it's the things that I've been trying to work out on my own about what makes a successful business. The things you teach in BBA are not things that other courses cover. It's totally changed the way I run my business, I see myself in my business and how I share what I have with more confidence.”

All of the content is accessible via your member portal — from video modules with key actions and tasks for you to implement to worksheets so that you can track and work through what you need to.  

Throughout the course we’ll be connecting in the HeartBeat community, working through the content together, talking about what you’re going through and seeing how we can help. 

Together we’ll help you stay accountable so that you get the most out of the course and don’t lose your momentum.

After purchasing, you’ll immediately be able to join our HeartBeat community, so that you can start getting to know your BBA buddies straight away!

Then once the course begins, you’ll get access to Module 1. From then on, you’ll get an email every week with access to a new module (released Monday mornings at 9am).

Although I’ve designed BBA for maximum impact, what you get out of it is totally up to you.

The women I’ve worked with who have done the work, dug deep to get really honest about what’s holding them back and then stepped into their worth, have experienced the results of that.

So it’s your call – if you’re willing to do the work then we’re here to help you get the results that are right for you. How quickly you start moving your business and yourself forward is also different for everyone. Some people will see results quickly, whereas it may be a slow burn for others.

Of course you can!

I know sometimes cashflow gets in the way, so we have a number of payment plans available at different times. 

Whether you’re starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, this course can help you to uplevel at each stage. Infact, previous BBA students often find themselves revisiting the course each time they want to move forward in their business.

You may be starting out, you may have a successful business, or you may be somewhere in between…

But the question is: are you giving it your all or are you holding back – even a bit? We all go through ups and downs and this course is here to support you to continue to play a big game (whatever that means for where you are in your business).

So the answer is yes, no matter where you are in business, this is for you.

No it doesn’t, as this is delivered online through the member’s site on HeartBeat you can access it from anywhere there’s a WiFi signal.  

Yes all live round coaching calls and monthly coaching calls are with Suz (unless an unforsee circumstance occurs).  You add your questions to the coaching questions doc and Suz works through each question individually in each coaching call so that you get the specific help you need. 

If you need additional coaching (mindset or brainstorming) then that's what will happen on the call as well. 

Frequently asked questions

Burning questions other BBA students
had before diving in

From one of our BBA students who thought the same before she joined: 

It's so much more than I could have imagined. There is so much detail and it's the things that I've been trying to work out on my own about what makes a successful business. The things you teach in BBA are not things that other courses cover. It's totally changed the way I run my business, I see myself in my business and how I share what I have with more confidence.”

i've done a lot of courses, why is this different?

how does an online course work?

i've done a lot of courses, why is this different?

All of the content is accessible via your member portal — from video modules with key actions and tasks for you to implement to worksheets so that you can track and work through what you need to.

Throughout the course we’ll be connecting in the Facebook group, working through the content together, talking about what you’re going through and seeing how we can help.

Together we’ll help you stay accountable so that you get the most out of the course and don’t lose your momentum.

what happens after i sign up?

After purchasing, you’ll immediately be able to request to join the Facebook group, so that you can start getting to know your BBA buddies straight away!

Then once the course begins, you’ll get access to Module 1. From then on, you’ll get an email every week with access to a new module (released Monday mornings at 9am).

what can i expect to get out of bBA?

Although I’ve designed BBA for maximum impact, what you get out of it is totally up to you.

The women I’ve worked with who have done the work, dug deep to get really honest about what’s holding them back and then stepped into their worth, have experienced the results of that.

So it’s your call – if you’re willing to do the work then we’re here to help you get the results that are right for you. How quickly you start moving your business and yourself forward is also different for everyone. Some people will see results quickly, whereas it may be a slow burn for others.

can i pay in installments?

Of course you can!
I know sometimes cashflow gets in the way, so there is a 6 month payment plan available.


Whether you’re starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, this course can help you to uplevel at each stage. Infact, previous BBA students often find themselves revisiting the course each time they want to move forward in their business.

You may be starting out, you may have a successful business, or you may be somewhere in between…

But the question is: are you giving it your all or are you holding back – even a bit? We all go through ups and downs and this course is here to support you to continue to play a big game (whatever that means for where you are in your business).

So the answer is yes, no matter where you are in business, this is for you.

i'm not in australia, does it matter?

No it doesn’t; as this is delivered online through the member’s site and Facebook you can access it from anywhere there’s a WiFi signal.  

got another question? use our messenger app in the bottom right corner and we'll be sure to get back to you!

are all coaching calls with suz?

When we run a live round coaching calls are with Suz (unless an unforsee circumstance occurs). You add your questions to the coaching questions doc and Suz works through each question individually in each coaching call so that you get the specific help you need.

All of the content is accessible via your member portal — from video modules with key actions and tasks for you to implement to worksheets so that you can track and work through what you need to.  

Throughout the course we’ll be connecting in the Facebook group, working through the content together, talking about what you’re going through and seeing how we can help. 

Together we’ll help you stay accountable so that you get the most out of the course and don’t lose your momentum.

After purchasing, you’ll immediately be able to request to join the Facebook group, so that you can start getting to know your BBA buddies straight away!

Then once the course begins, you’ll get access to Module 1. From then on, you’ll get an email every week with access to a new module (released Monday mornings at 9am).

Although I’ve designed BBA for maximum impact, what you get out of it is totally up to you.

The women I’ve worked with who have done the work, dug deep to get really honest about what’s holding them back and then stepped into their worth, have experienced the results of that.

So it’s your call – if you’re willing to do the work then we’re here to help you get the results that are right for you. How quickly you start moving your business and yourself forward is also different for everyone. Some people will see results quickly, whereas it may be a slow burn for others.

Of course you can! I know sometimes cashflow gets in the way, so there is a 6 month payment plan available.

Whether you’re starting out or you’ve been in business for a while, this course can help you to uplevel at each stage. Infact, previous BBA students often find themselves revisiting the course each time they want to move forward in their business.

You may be starting out, you may have a successful business, or you may be somewhere in between…

But the question is: are you giving it your all or are you holding back – even a bit? We all go through ups and downs and this course is here to support you to continue to play a big game (whatever that means for where you are in your business).

So the answer is yes, no matter where you are in business, this is for you.

No it doesn’t; as this is delivered online through the member’s site and Facebook you can access it from anywhere there’s a WiFi signal.  

BRAND BUILDERS ACADEMY — $10,000 + value

Guest Expert Masterclasses on SEO, Instagram, Money management, visual branding and content. (Valued at $1,500)

Get the support you need during (and after!) the course, and connect with a community of like-minded women. (Priceless!)

An exclusive BBA mini-training & Email nurture and sales sequence swipe file for you to start using to engage with your email & opt-in subscribers straight away (Valued at $299)

Show me the bonuses!

You get all this!

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Anna Smale - Celebrant

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Jessica Roberts - The Who Photography & Design

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Lauren Begley - Propel Digital 

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Dr Marion Piper - Copywriter & Creativity Coach

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Kylie Pearce - Tallowwood Lane 

Hear from more of our amazing clients

Jodi Deutrom - Coach

Ready to stop hiding, quit doubting yourself, step away from doing every damn thing in your business and become the ONLY person your ideal clients wants to work with? 




  • Brand Builders Academy Business training (game changer!)
  • Life of the program access to the content
  • COACHING CALLS: 6 months access to BBA Live fortnightly coaching
  • CLUB DONE: 6 months access to our Club Done monthly coworking, planning days and resources.
  • A community where you can ask questions every day and get support
  • Feedback in the group on whatever you're working on
  • 🔥PAY IN FULL BONUS - 60 MIN 1:1 (Valued at $500)
  • 🔥Brand review - Loom video with actionable feedback on current online state

All prices are in $USD
NOTE: Payment plans are not a subscription and cannot be cancelled. By purchasing you understand & agree to these terms.



  • Brand Builders Academy Business training (game changer!)
  • Life of the program access to the content
  • COACHING CALLS: 12 months access to BBA Live fortnightly coaching
  • CLUB DONE: 12 months access to our Club Done monthly coworking, planning days and resources. (Valued $1000)
  • A community where you can ask questions every day and get support
  • Feedback in the group on whatever you're working on
  • 🔥PAY IN FULL BONUS - 60 MIN 1:1 (Valued at $500)
  • 🔥Brand review - Loom video with actionable feedback on current online state

With my coaching clients experiencing success, playing a bigger game in their business and getting the results they want, I know that the strategies you’ll learn in this program work. You have the power to transform your business and mindset for success as well.

I wholeheartedly want you to feel confident and excited to make this investment in yourself — that’s why I offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

If within the first 14 days in the course, you decide that it’s not for you, just submit your completed mindset worksheets, completed brand strategy & completed business financials spreadsheet and strategy. I’ll refund your complete enrolment payment minus any fees (paid to third parties like PayPal or Stripe) – no questions asked and absolutely no hard feelings. I’m here to support you. 


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU You have been the B E S T investment I have made into myself & business in a very long time beauty. So blessed by you and your BBA crew XO

The course content was brilliant and easily actionable. And the support from Suz was amazing. I loved and really appreciated the fact that she took the time to answer even the smallest of questions 💛🙏

The women that I came to know in the BBA community where so positively uplifting and likeminded and the weekly calls quickly became my happy space :)

The greatest takeaway from BBA was MINDSET MINDSET MINDSET. That all the things start with a great mindset.

I also really loved the advice to simplify to scale and that you cannot be all things to all people, so be YOUR thing for YOUR people. I really needed to hear that advice and appreciate beyond measure the permission to be have one focus … for now ;)



lisa cosbie - coach

Five stars!

I'm going to be honest with you. Where BBA started and where it is now, has been such a journey. I've updated it soooo many times. Every time I think of something new, I just can't wait to share it with my BBA students.  I love this coaching program more than I can tell you and my coaches and I care so much about your success and knowing that if you do the work in this course it will truly transform your business, your confidence and the joy that you have in your business for the long term. 

BBA is something that I think all business owners should go through. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in business for years, the things we cover in BBA are foundational as well as stretching you to grow, develop and seriously go to the next level. 

I'm am SO there for all of that and can't wait to support you live round on live round to uplevel and go your business for the long term. 

I can't wait to see you on the inside of BBA and watch the incredible things you're about to do!

I personally can't wait to support you to go bigger, be bolder and create a profitable business without the burnout!

Big Love, Suz

One more thing before you go:

I am SO excited to help you build a brand you love, learn to market yourself with confidence and take your business to a whole new level!

And Brand Builders Academy comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee because I know that it can help you step up your business game.

The only thing standing between you and the next level is the decision to put yourself first.

You got this.

Hanging around at the end of the page... 

Hey you!






Is BBA really only eight weeks? I feel like in a very short space of time I've cleared away so much baggage and confusion and have so much clarity! I never would have come this far and so quickly trying to do it solo.

In BBA Suz makes you feel like you're her priority. She is invested, supportive and makes space for you to apply the learnings to your business and what you need. BBA combines the motivation and community of group coaching with the impact and accountability of 1:1.

I felt stuck in my business of 6 years, I just couldn’t pin down where to go next. Working through the modules, along with Suz’s laser sharp input, I gained a fresh perspective. I haven’t felt this clear and excited about my direction for a while. Whether you’re starting out, or you’re well on your way in your business journey, you will find so much value in BBA. 

bec hughes

I haven't felt this clear & excited for a while

brand creator


I can’t recommend Brand Builder's Academy highly enough to any woman in business that wants to play a bigger game! I got so much more than I expected to ever gain from a business course. This has challenged me, helped me ask the hard questions I have been avoiding, and in the end I have come out with such clarity on where I want to take my business. Jumping on the coaching calls each week was absolutely invaluable in helping ask more detailed questions on areas I was struggling with and Suzanne was always so generous with her time to provide help to myself and the other ladies with specifics that applied directly to our own businesses that we could action. I will definitely be revisiting the modules again in the future as my business grows and I’m wanting to up my game again and again. Thanks Suz!


Absolutely invaluable



Thanks again to @suzchadwick for always encouraging me to push myself and continue to grow in my business Taking this course was a real turning point for me in my business .. Suz has an energy that is so infectious and motivates you to play big !!!!


Motivates you to play big!



My time before BBA seems like a distant memory, because of the huge changes that have happened since then. I think back and I remember being foggy, confused, without direction or confidence.

I was drawn to Suz through her infectious personality, insightful answers and zest for all things business and supporting women. BBA has helped me clarify by business vision, values and offering. I have a clear picture of who I serve and how I can help them.

I am now attracting my ideal clients and building my business with a solid foundation. On top of that, I have a wonderful and passionate cheerleader in Suz.

I look forward to continuing with BBA in further rounds, as the information is always evolving and Suz's insights will be valuable, no matter what stage of business I am at.


I am now attracting my ideal clients

Branding, Design & Websites


I decided to join Brand Builder's Academy, because I really wanted to do something for myself in my business. When I saw the branding and I saw Suzanne with the pompoms, it really resonated with me, because I felt like it was time for me to actually put my business first, and I really didn't know where to start. I felt like I needed a guidance. The biggest breakthrough I had during the course was nailing my core message. Once I got that, (it took me a while) but once I got that, everything else started to make sense. How I thought about my marketing, my pricing, and exactly how I knew it made my target audience clearer.

My favourite thing about the course in terms of working with Suzanne and the rest of the group is just the supportive atmosphere. I mean, being in a small business and working in a very solitary space, it doesn't really give you a lot of creative ground to bounce ideas off people, and it also is wonderful to know that other women are going through exactly the same thing, and even hear Suzanne say that she has these mental blocks, or money blocks, or whatever it is, actually makes you feel more reassured that you are on the right track, you're not lost, and you just have to work through it.

I think this course is for women who want to play a bigger game in their business and who are ready to recognise that in order for them to grow in their business, that they actually have to put themselves first, that they need to invest the time to actually work out how your business is going to be structured, how you want to grow, where do you see yourself going, rather than just chasing your tail, which is what I was doing. The course, for me, was supportive, friendly, and allowed me to be creative.

Julia Ferracane

I am now attracting my ideal clients

PR Professional, RIGHTEOUS PR


I am so happy I chose to invest in Suzanne's Brand Builders Academy for so many reasons.

Being a one-person show and having no business experience I was jumping from tutorial to tutorial, podcast to podcast trying to learn what I needed to make my side hustle a full-on business.

But the way I was going it wasn't getting me anywhere and I felt lost, confused and alone.

I really wanted to be part of a community of like-minded women who would help build my confidence and knowledge in business.

I listened to Suz's podcast for a while and I absolutely loved her personality, her confidence, knowledge and just the way she delivered her information, really resonated with me. I wanted to learn her confidence and courage so I could adopt that in my own life and business.

The course was AMAZING, it was full of gold, lots of practical lessons that I could use in my business straight away. It was clear and delivered at a pace that I could understand and keep up with.

We had 2 live calls with Suzanne each week which was something I found to be very beneficial and crucial when learning something new and online. It gave me the chance to pick her brain about any of the content we were learning or get help with anything business-related. I really felt like I was in good hands with her and was very much supported through the whole process. She is very passionate about her business and helping her students get the most out of the course and is always adding additional learning opportunities. 


Suzanne's community is another amazing part of her business and I have met so many inspirational women who have helped me along the way. 


I HIGHLY recommend her community and the BBA course, it changed my business is so many positive ways.


I felt like I was in good hands

DESIGNER - Styla Prints & Design


I was at a cross roads in my business, needing new eyes to look at how to progress & the course covered all the areas I needed help. It has helped me with clarity & a new lease of life for the biz, with so many great ideas & things to think about. I would recommend to any new business owner because it's such valuable information. Joining the course will save you time & money and reduce mistakes & I feel you will have a greater direction. You also receive great support through out the process.

Sue Harries

A new lease of life for the biz



I'd been eyeballing BBA for about a year when I decided to jump in. I'd always wanted to, but now the timing was right because I'd just finished my university degree and had the space (in head and heart!) to commit to my next learning curve. I'd been running Heard Write for the better part of 2 years by then and was ready to take the next step. I wanted to get my head around how I could improve the operational side of my business, dive into my systems and processes, and I knew I needed to get better at managing my business finances. I also wanted more clarity around how to create a better experience for my clients. BBA delivered on all this in spades. The course was fun. Seriously enjoyable! Suz is such a fountain of knowledge and you can't help but get soaking wet as you splash around with her! I got so much value from recorded content and the weekly calls, and the way in which Suz has structured everything really helps you to lean into your learning. I devoured the things I came to learn, and then picked up so much more. And on top of all that, you don't have to stress about finishing ‘in time' because you know you can come back and revisit EVERYTHING whenever you want or need.

When life is throwing you all sorts of curveballs, it's such a relief to know you'll never miss out on anything. I strongly recommend BBA for any woman who knows she wants to level up her business but isn't quite sure how to go about it. If you want a super-knowledgeable, incredibly supportive wing-woman who knows her shiz, then Suz is 100% the woman for you!

But BBA isn't just Suz – she also brings with her a (very large) pocketful of experts who can help you out in specific areas of your business, as well as a powerful army of like-minded women who are all on the same path as you, who will help you bounce ideas around until one sticks, and who will be your biggest cheerleaders as you blaze forward into your bold future.


A new lease of life for the biz



In a world where the noise is loud for biz coaches and online learning and it's so hard to really sift through and find the true gems that will help propel your biz forward in a big way. After searching for a while I have found that in Suz Chadwick and the Brand Builders Academy. 

This course is so AMAZING I can't even list all the things I want to say about it. Importantly, it's chock FULL of valuable, adaptable, easy to understand content, content that WILL have your business changing for the better and you as a business owner stepping into CEO mode. Suz herself just keeps on giving, I do not know of any course I have purchased that keeps offering such massive value after they have your money.

Suz delivers value, time, wisdom and coaching along the way (and lots of laughs with her engaging and beautiful personality), its an online course with a personal hand holder there to answer your questions, demystify road blocks for you in the journey to become the best bold business owner you can be. This course is so professionally presented, easy to access, and OH SO relevant to everyone's business journey whether you are stepping in for the first time or levelling up. 

I am super time poor and the bite size videos were great to watch on the run, then listen to Suz podcast to prop up your learning again. This course has been one of the single most impactful positive things for my business in my 7 year journey as a small business owner, I cannot urge you to purchase this enough!


This course is so amazing!



I joined BBA to gain confidence in making smart, intentional decisions for my brand which is still within its first two years. I wasn’t sure how to level up and price my work and felt I needed help in Marketing too.

The content, support, and community is warm, informative and encouraging. I found the tools helpful in creating structure within my business where there hadn’t been any, and it created opportunities for me to think about things in a new way.
My biggest takeaway from BBA is that I expanded my services into licensed artwork which has increased my revenue by roughly double alongside the existing product offerings. I felt confident to approach new customers knowing that I had re-aligned the vision and mission behind my business and had renewed confidence in pursuing the kind of work that I wanted.

I would encourage others to join if they’re feeling stuck or needing some encouragement and instilled confidence to dream bigger and move forward in their career path.
I love that there is ongoing support and access to the content with the lifetime membership. I’ll be reusing the content over and over again as I scale and grow. I now feel anything is possible and am excited to further implement skills and tools I’ve learnt through BBA.


I roughly doubled my revenue

melbourne artist


This year, Crystal and I decided to invest in BBA. And boy, did we make a good decision. When we have done previous things, when I have personally done things before this business and courses, a lot of the time you don’t have access to the course afterwards or it’s kind of rushed through and you gotta have time to do everything. You could have learned a lot but not everything you wanted to achieve from that course. 

So how is Suz different? When you sign up to BBA you get to become a part of a community. And the community is very interactive and it’s full of amazing business people with all sorts of expertise. So it’s really inspiring as well. And Suz checks in, a couple of times a week with us. There’s lots of cool conversations that are going on. They’re really focused and often very fun. Each week there’s a module and things you need to do. All these things are amazing and they are very different from other courses we’ve done. 

We know that Suz runs this twice a year, and we also know that we will be doing it twice a year. We feel that this is the best course that we have ever done. It’s the best community that we’ve ever been a part of. And we feel incredibly grateful that we came across Suz and her course and we’ve become a part of this community. 


We feel that this is the best
course that we have ever done.



I met Suz in early 2019, when she was a speaker at a wedding industry education night. After the session I thought to myself, this woman is so inspirational and so knowledgeable that I have to join BBA immediately. The course was absolutely amazing, it completely blew me away, how much information that she can provide you, and how relatable it was to me and my business and where it was currently at.

The other bonus was that the other people in the course were friendly, lovely and were completely honest, and they shared their successes and they also shared their failures.

 I walked away from the course completely inspired, and I had so many ideas in my head of what to do and what I wanted to achieve in my business, to the point where I started my own celebrant network, and my own celebrant mentoring programme, which is something that I probably wouldn’t have been as confident to do without Suz and the BBA. 

Anna smale

I walked away from the course completely inspired!




 Suz has helped me delve into every hidden corner of my business and structure, prune and shape it for growth. I can’t wait to see where it takes me next! 

I joined BBA because I love having my own business, but it is hard to keep showing up, make all the decisions alone, and stay accountable like so many of us. I needed support, guidance and someone to lead me through it and tell me I was on the right track or wasn’t missing something obvious. I’ve never worked with a business coach and wasn’t sure how to find the right fit, so group coaching was ideal for me.

First up, the course content and structure is top-level, leading you through every stage clearly and concisely, with plenty of worksheets and templates to work on your business each week. 

The community is priceless, a group of fellow go-getters juggling life but striving for success without cutting corners. They are an awe-inspiring bunch, and the coaching calls were pure gold. 

My biggest takeaways were mindset shift and nailing my business and brand strategy with some expert bespoke advice. I’m already planning my scale-up for BBA in February 2022 and beyond.  It’s a beautiful place, and I feel lucky to have found it and privileged to be part of this community. 


Coaching calls are pure gold!

marketing and copy consultant


I wanted to thank you for the last few months in BBA. I had waited a year to be able to participate in this program and, boy, was it worth it!

I've spent 10 years working in the background making my clients look good in the eyes of the world and have loved every minute but the events of ‘the year that shall not be named' brought the necessity of change to my world and I knew it was time to get myself organised.

I was mentally shutting down and I needed an effective ‘boot' in the behind to kick start me out of a limiting mindset. I mean it most respectfully when I say, you (and BBA) was that ‘boot'. 😀

I have so appreciated your methodical, clear approach to not only branding but business. It was what I needed. Your strong but approachable style brought personality and joy to the work and your community of passionate business women reminded me how valuable connection is when you're a freelancer.

As I continue to work through the program, developing clarity on my new business model, confidence builds, giving me new hope after a very difficult year.

Sherryl-Lee Secomb

Community of passionate business women



I left corporate life a few months ago to go out on my own under my own brand name. A friend had told me that Suz was THE expert when it came to branding yourself and so I signed up for her course on the spot.

Suz’s BBA program was brilliant – it was super clear what the content was to learn each week, what steps we had to take each week to get clear about our branding and the BBA community was so supportive
in helping each other – led the entire way by Suz.

 Suz is one of the most passionate, knowledgeable and generous people I’ve come across in my career. It’s been a privilege to work with her!

Tina Paterson

The community is so supportive

Consultant, Tina Paterson Consulting


I totally loved Brand Builder's Academy and wish it had been around when I set up my business 5 years ago. This is a fantastic course for small business owners who want to get their branding, messaging and systems in place. I have completed BBA twice now and look forward to completing it a 3rd time.

Since I started BBA I have re-branded and have become much clearer on what I want to achieve in my business. I have put systems in place to automate my processes which has been a lifesaver. I still have a way to go but now I know where I am heading! Oh yeah, it was great fun too! Thanks Suz for your motivation, inspiration and great business advice!


A fantastic course for small business

Career & Interview Coach, RELAUNCH ME


I had a good thing going in my business, I knew I could do what I do well but wanted to fine tune all the presentation and processes and up the game a little so to Brand Builder's Academy I went.

The course was well laid out, with functional and understandable content and resources.
This made the concepts easy to understand and implement. Suz put a tremendous amount of effort into making this a rockstar experience and she nailed it. From the worksheets to the videos, the conversation to the knowledge bombs, each part was rad. Suz was also willing to help brainstorm ideas if anyone hit a roadblock and to be honest, that level of commitment was pleasantly surprising!

I learnt how to up my game, make my business run smoother and how to delight my clients even more. Would highly recommend this course to anyone that wants to ensure their business not only plods along but soars.


I learnt how to up my game



I have been a huge fan of Suz Chadwick for years and always knew I wanted to work with her, but it was just never the right time. When I saw Suz advertising the latest round of Brand Builders Academy, it dawned on me that the “right time” was now or never. And honestly, I haven’t looked back.

Brand Builders Academy gave me the confidence and know-how to thoroughly evaluate my business and as a result, I shut down my most profitable service offering – I hated it but I kept doing it because I felt I had no other choice.

I’ve changed the way I work and I’m far more productive with the hours I have, I’ve implemented systems that have increased efficiency and improved customer experience and I’ve started putting together a group coaching program, so that I can scale my business with intention. Most importantly, I gained clarity around my brand positioning and client intake strategies and all this work is paying off! This month will be my highest revenue month since starting my business.

If you’re on the fence about Brand Builders Academy, stop hesitating. Suz is a knowledgeable and supportive teacher and coach, and if you’re willing to do the work, she can help you take your business and brand to the next level, just as she has done with me.

Rebecca McFarlane

I gained clarity around my brand

Career Coach, Pop Your Career


I joined Brand Builder's Academy e-course because I was trying to get my business up and running and felt like I was running in circles, doing lots of things but getting nothing done. Once I started working with Suzanne and going through the course content I realised fear was holding me back and stopping me from achieving my dream of running my own successful business. Connecting with the other ladies in the group and hearing their struggles and challenges made me realise I wasn't alone which helped me break through my fears. Having the support of the group helped build my confidence and getting their feedback on what I was doing was invaluable. Being in a safe and supportive environment allows you to step outside your comfort zone and to realise what you are really capable of achieving.

Working with Suzanne was amazing, she is kind, knowledgeable, approachable, enthusiastic and energetic. She fills you with confidence, inspires you to be the best you can be and encourages you to follow your passion. I now know I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I am so glad I invested in myself and did this course, put my fears aside and gave myself permission to go after my dreams. Thank you to Suzanne for your support and encouragement and to the Brand Builder's Academy course for getting me on track with my business, and to the other ladies in the group for helping me uncover my belief in myself. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants more out of their business.


I am so glad I invested in myself

Coach, 5 Percent


I decided to join Brand Builder's Academy because I wanted to have some structure in my business. I love the work that Suzanne does and really resonated with her brand, her business, and really saw that it would be beneficial for me in knowing what those structures are and understanding the branding of it, which is really want I wanted to find out a lot more about.

The biggest shifts that I've had through my business is creating a lot greater clarity for me in what my vision is, what my mission is, and what the core message is for me.

I think this course is for women in business that really want clarity and systems and structure around their business, really want to nail what their core message is and their branding. Absolutely go for it! If there are women that are thinking about doing that and want to achieve those things, you absolutely need to do Brand Builder's Academy.

Colleen Lansdell

Clarity, systems and structure



Thank you so much for your amazing training. In spite of the fact that I am running successfully my business RST Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers for the last 14 years, it is always good to update the new knowledge, technology and new management skills. You are such an amazing and positive person. Your training is practical and I can apply it in my business straight away. I will recommend your training to any business owners.


Practical training, easy to apply

DIRECTOR - RST Consulting


I first enrolled in BBA to help me launch my coaching business. Suz spoke with such confidence that it was an easy decision to join.

The course is overflowing with valuable and logical information taught in a fun and engaging way. I love that Suz starts with Mindset, it sets you up for success.

Although the course is fast paced, the lifetime access means you can refer back anytime. I found that I continue to implement Suz's teachings beyond the end of the course, it's a resource that I now have forever. The ongoing support Suz gives it amazing, no question is too small or stupid.

BBA was the reason I could pivot my business so easily when Covid hit, I had so much more knowledge and confidence.That then lead me to a whole new audience and opportunity to expand.

I am very grateful that I came across Suz, she's an awesome teacher.

Elle Marsden

Taught in a fun and engaging way

Coach + Speaker


 I started my little biz last year, but lost momentum- funnily enough covid was the reason I started my biz but also the reason I lost motivation. But I’m so passionate about coaching leaders and knew that I’d never forgiven myself if I didn’t really give my business a go. 

So I set myself a timeline - but had no idea where to start - and then came the BBA course with Suz Chadwick. And this didn’t just help me to start - you get the start, the middle and the end. I was completely blown away by the amount of information, resources, ah-ha moments, Suz’s time/advice and the amazing community Suz has created. 

Knowing what I know now, I never would’ve hesitated to sign up for this course.

I was so upset when it finished, but know that I get lifetime access and I will be utilising that! 

Every session with Suz and the community filled me with so many ideas and so much motivation. And to top it off, this course has already paid for itself. Due to the course, I got the confidence to put myself out there and responded to a Facebook post asking for leadership coaching. Not only did I get the gig, Suz helped me cost my packages to make sure I was valuing my time and charging well for my services which was sign significantly higher than what I was originally going to charge.
I honestly think I never would’ve won this client if it was for BBA. 

I can’t wait until the next round starts again. Thank you so much Suz!!

natalie white

levelup leadership coaching


I was completely blown away!

I joined the BBA not long after starting my small business and I’m really glad that I did because it’s given me a strong foundation to build a successful brand.

The course helped me through every step of building a strong brand with templates and resources that helped me put in the right systems to effectively start my business.

One of the biggest things I’ve taken from the BBA is that Suz was able to help me shift my money mindset and free myself to charge exactly what my work is worth. After completing the BBA I was able to re-evaluate my pricing strategy and create a pricing package that was more reflective of the value I offer my clients. And guess what? My clients didn’t even question the price increase.

Suz has created a wonderfully supportive community of successful women and I’m really glad to be apart of it. The ongoing support through this group is priceless. I know I’ll look back on this and see that joining the BBA so early on in my business was the catalyst for all the successes that come after.

Thank you Suz!!


Wonderfully supportive community



I joined BBA with Suz Chadwick because I knew that my brand needed a big boost but I just did not know how or where to start to do this by myself.
I wanted to be able to share my coaching with more women and really hone in on my ideal client but again I just did not feel that the work I had done previously on this was hitting the mark. If I am honest it wasn't hitting the mark at all and I really need help!
I found that help and more with Suz and the BBA community. The course content was brilliant and easily actionable. And the support from Suz was amazing. I loved and really appreciated the fact that she took the time to answer even the smallest of questions 💛🙏
The women that I came to know in the BBA community were so positively uplifting and likeminded and the weekly calls quickly became my happy space :)
The greatest takeaway from BBA was MINDSET MINDSET MINDSET. That all the things start with a great mindset.
I also really loved the advice to simplify to scale and that you cannot be all things to all people, so be YOUR thing for YOUR people. I really needed to hear that advice and appreciate beyond measure the permission to have one focus … for now ;)
I thoroughly enjoyed my BBA experience, the coaching, the connection and the community and looking forward to learning even more as my brand evolves. I would highly recommend Suz Chadwick and BBA to anyone looking to elevate and bold out their brand and business.


Brilliant and actionable content



I joined BBA at a time in my business where I was a little lost with how to move forward as I had not long ago, gone into my business full time in a bold move to walk away from jobs that provided 2/3 of my income.

They say you are never ready to go full time in your business and I certainly wasn’t, but without making that bold decision, I wouldn’t have done what I have done now. I needed to get super clear on my messaging and offering and gain more confidence in my ability as a business coach and that’s exactly what BBA helped me to do.

I had big mindset shifts, started booking clients but most of all, clarity around what I’d been doing that was no longer working for me and where I needed to go in my future.  


I had big mindset shifts!

business coach for dietitians



I joined BBA because I knew I needed to get my brand out there and put systems and processes in place to scale. Suz is amazing and I was ready to learn from her {I may have been the first to sign up for this round}.

I found the course really easy to work through each week and loved bouncing ideas around with others in the membership group. I now have clarity with what I offer and who I offer it too and am confident to deliver this.


I found the course really easy

Social Media Consultant, Sugarpop Social


One of the biggest realisations for me during the course is probably the fact that you just have to get out there and do it and not wait for everything to be perfect because it's never going to be perfect. I think that I'm such a perfectionist and such a people pleaser that I always want to make sure that I do the right thing. At the end of the day, if you just get something up there it's probably pretty good and you can still tweet that, it's not the end of the world, it's not set in stone. I think that was probably the biggest shift for me, just to have the confidence to actually just have a go and having someone holding my hand and the other people in the group as well supporting me throughout that.

My favourite thing about the course and working with Suzanne and the rest of the participants was really about knowing that there was that online platform that I could get on at any time during the day or night and just say where I was at at that particular moment with everything. I was actually travelling for half of the course so I was finding that I felt like I was really behind everybody else in the course. I think Suz had put up a video at one point where I was really feeling very stuck and she said, “You're exactly where you need to be.” I think that just made me feel very relieved in knowing that I was where I needed to be and even if I was a module behind or hadn't quite worked out the answer to one of the questions that I was still where I needed to be in the journey.

I think that this course is really for anyone in business that wants to really get out there and have a bigger brand online and to play a bigger game. They might be … I mean, I guess ideally it would be at the start of the business, when you're starting off your business because then you're really going to have everything nailed from the get go. Even if you are two years, five years, 10 years down the business track you're still going to learn something and you're still going to be able to make some huge improvements to your business and to your brand. I really think that it could probably be for anyone at any level in their business but certainly it would be very beneficial for someone that was starting out.

Sam Mcfarlane

Inspired to play a bigger game

Social Media & Content Manager, SamSays


I recently completed Brand Builder's Academy and I don't really know where to begin when it come to describing how much it's helped myself and my business.  From small things like thinking about the goals you want to achieve in relation to your business, understanding the financials, working backwards from there and getting a really strong sense of what you need to do to achieve those goals. 

There were also more emotional things like what might be blocking you from achieving those goals from a mindset perspective and how to move through those block very quickly and with ease.  Doing that has resulted in implementing a lot of streamline systems into our business that resulting in an amazing return.  In our first month out of BBA we achieved our highest monthly revenue ever in our business and the next few months are looking just as positive.

Definiately don't hesitate joining BBA, I couldn't recommend it highly enough.

Lauren Begley

After bba we had our biggest financial month in the business ever

founder & digital marketing strategist, propel digital