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suzanne chadwick speaker


It should be given that you're looking to use public speaking and presenting to build your Personal Brand & Business.  Speaking and presenting is one of the best ways for you to take charge of your personal brand, reach and opportunities and supercharge your presence and visibility. As an international conference speaker, MC and trainer, I've loved speaking to audiences both large and small for over 20 years now and believe that if you've got the chops for it then it can be a great strategy for business growth and development.

As with everything in business, some things we do well naturally, other times we have to work at it and then there are things that are best left to others.  So firstly decide if speaking and presenting is for you.  This may sound like a weird tip but you have to decide if it's going to position you in the best way for your audience and target clients or the people you're looking to inspire and connect with.  You also have to decide if speaking is something that you want to do and something you are or could be good at.

Now I do believe that public speaking can be taught but even though you may have the information to share, delivering it in a way that creates impact and positions you well can be a completely different story.   I always remember Lisa Messenger, a speaker at one of my events sharing in her book that the first time she was booked to speak at an event she ended up reading the whole time and in the end the rest of her speaking tour was cancelled by the event organisers. After a long stint away from the stage, she finally gave it another go and is now one of the most in-demand speakers on the Australian business circuit sharing her experience, knowledge and story in a way that works for her.  She is happy to be interviewed or she just freestyles it.  Lisa found what worked for her and went with it.   So it is possible to find your groove and Own the Stage!

Secondly, if you want to be seen as a speaker and it's part of your wider business or personal brand strategy then own it.  Put up a page on your website that clearly outlines that you're open to speaking invitations, lists the types of things you talk about as well as testimonials, bio and relevant content. You can check out mine as an example here.  Make it prominent in your menu or have it under “work with me”.  At least when someone is looking at your site they can see that speaking is something you do as part of your business offering.  You can also direct anyone to your site for more information if you're having a conversation at a networking event or in any other situation where the topic comes up.

When it comes to your key topics, be clear on what you'll speak about.  It means that it's easier for potential event hosts to see if you're content is relevant for their audience and if they would like to engage you for their event.  Also outlining your bio so that they can see why you are well versed in those topics also builds confidence that you'll deliver great content.

Practising is key for any public speaker.  Those who are seasoned presenters can wing it (even though we don't!), but if you're a newbie then it's key that you know your material inside out.  Once you've honed which topics you want to talk about, make sure you build out the content and be clear on what you will say.  When I'm speaking at a conference I have a rule that my presentation needs to be done at least 3-4 days before the event.  I then practise at least once a day so that I know what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say.  I also time myself down to the minute and second.  There is nothing worse than a speaker that goes over time and takes another speaker time slot, it's just poor conference etiquette.  I can say that because I'm often an MC of these events and with a long list of speakers, lunch plus morning and afternoon tea, a conference is usually timed down to the minute.   So as part of being a speaker, know your material, practise and make sure you're BANG on time – leave them wanting more I say!!

A good book for those serious about presenting is Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte where she shares what makes a great presentation.  Storytelling is always key to great presentations as it captures the audience and connects them to what you're saying.

Presenting can be an amazing personal branding tool, it can help you get your message out there on mass and it can help you grow and build your business.  So if you're thinking about public speaking as a key business focus then I would always say go for it!! And if you need any help then I'd love to share my tricks of the trade with you.

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Public Speaking and Presenting to build your Personal Brand & Business




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!