Let's talk about

“You become like the 5 people you spend the most time with” – have you heard that quote before?

Do you know that feeling with you spend time with someone and walk away and feel like someone just sucked all the life out of you?

When you're looking to do big things in your career or your business, the people that you surround yourself with can be the difference between you being successful.  Imagine if you wanted to change career or go for a promotion or even start a business and you had an awesome group of friends and family around you who encourage you to do what you need to do.  They say positive, but measured things to you – we are living in the real world so going after your dreams in a sustainable way is always a good path to take.  They also provide advice where you need it.  When you have this type of support, life feels good.  It feels like you can do anything and you're able to make the right decisions in a positive environment.

So when it comes to surrounding yourself with positive people what are key things to keep in mind?

1// Take a look at the people you're currently spending time with

Look at the people that you're spending time with, the conversation that you're having and if it's helping you to create the life/business/career you want.  This is not always an easy thing to do because we're creators of habit and we're comfortable in relationships that are familiar to us.   Are they helping you make the decisions you want to make, learn the things you want to learn, because if they aren't then you may need to consider how much time you spend with them. You don't need to cut them out completely but you may need to assess the time you have and the value you're getting from that relationship.

One true test is to think about how you feel after you've spent time with them.  Do you feel energise, excited about your decisions and on the right track or do you feel drained and down and life you need to go and sleep?!

2// How you Grow your network

I talk about networking a lot (you can check out more on networking HERE), and that's because I think that keeping your mind open to meeting new people is where you constantly find ongoing growth opportunities.  By constantly building your networking and looking at how you can attract people into your life that will support you and be positive energy for you is never going to be time wasted!

3//How you spend time with yourself

Ensuring that when you're by yourself, the things you think, read, watch and listen too are positive, relaxing, reaffirming will also help you ensure that your head is in the right space for ongoing growth, development and success.  Many people don't think about this and watch hours and hours of mindless TV then hit the sack and start the day on autopilot again when the alarm goes off.  Making time for you and the things that will create a mindset of resourcefulness and action is going to get you to where you want to go faster than procrastinating.

Check out this weeks power play and I'd love to know if you've had to make changes to create the right environment for yourself or any times you've got on creating a positive environment.

Are you Surrounding yourself with Positive People?




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!