Let's talk about

Are you a vision boarder?  Well I've got a little tweak that I think could be worth thinking about.

I'm going to share with you one key thing, just one, not loads, just one, that I think makes a huge difference, to how your business goes this year.

What is this one thing I hear you say? Well, it's vision boarding. Now, before you hop up and go, “Oh, Suzanne, I already know all about vision boarding.” I want to share with you how I vision board, which is a little bit different. Now, as a tech girl, I do love to do a bit of a vision board on Pinterest, because I find that, obviously, everything that I could possibly want or need, or want to visualise about, is there and I can find it. But, the thing that I do is that, not only do I have my emotional vision board of things that I can see, as to the life I want, the holidays I want, what I want for my family, my wellness, et cetera. But, on the other side of that, I balance that with what I actually want to achieve, numbers-wise in my business.

For example, I'll write down that I want to secure 15 coaching clients this year, and 15 corporate clients, and “X” number of people that are going to go through my e-course, and whatever else, I want to achieve, so that, not only am I seeing everything I desire for my life, but I'm also seeing how I'm going to achieve that. For those of you who are very numbers focused, or for those who are pictures and image based vision boards, I would really encourage you to try and see what it's like to balance the two together, so that when you look at the numbers, and what you need to do to achieve those numbers, to create the financial wealth in your business to achieve the vision board life that you've been cutting, and pasting, and pinning, and sticking, then you are able to balance of the two.

I think, sometimes, in business, we look at what we would like our business to be and what we would love to achieve, and we write a high level number, but with no real way of understanding, or knowing, how we're going to get there. So, by having those two things, next to each other, you can tap into both the emotional, as well as the more structured numbers side of what you're trying to create. I think it can create a really amazing balance and focus, when it comes to your business, and you driving more sales, generating more money, working with the type of clients you want to work with, knowing exactly what you want to put out there, and how you're going to do that, in order to achieve this other visual side of what it is you are wanting.

So, if you haven't downloaded, Your Best Year Yet, free Review & Planner make sure grab it below, because we do go through some of that, as well. I just wanted to share this really quick tip with you today, just this one thing, that I think can make a really big difference in your business. So, not only look at the visual side of things, but also look at the numbers, bring them together, so that you've got both those sides working together to achieve what it is you want to achieve.

If you got any comments or thoughts on this, if you've done it and it's worked, let me okay know, or let me know what works for you, I'd love to hear. 

Vision Boarding with a difference




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