You're doing 100 things at once. There are so many ideas swirling around your head and staying focused in your business is so far away you can't even see it in the distance.
FEAR NOT! I've got the answer for you on how to stay focused in your business….trust me, I totally have the answer.
Now this answer hasn't come easily. It's come from years of having so many ideas swirling around and wasting time that I've learnt a little secret along the way that has changed all of that.
Are you ready……
It's big….
Wow right? Okay so maybe not wow but if you start to do this, you will feel wow, you'll create wow and your output will be twice as fast, twice as focused and I would even go as far as to say twice as successful.
Do you want to know why?
Because when we try and focus on a range of different things a couple of things happen.
When you're floating from one task to the other you lose time readjusting to each task. You think about what you were doing, you've lost your train of thought, you have to get back into the flow of things and then by the time you're back into it, you've wasted 15 or 20 minutes. It comes back to the age old question of ‘what have I done with my day'. When you're reading emails, on all your social channels and then doing bits and pieces of work in between; the amount of time you lose is enormous.
So switch everything off and just focus on the one task you have to do today. This is a habit that has to be formed. We're so used to doing everything thing at once that we're used to being fairly unproductive. For one week I would challenge you to just focus on getting something that has been sitting there, just waiting for you to get stuck in, completed. Do you have any idea how great it will feel? If you need more tips on time management then head over here.
When you focus on one task, just do that, work until it's completed then you're able to get into the flow, keep the momentum up and really give it your all. It means that you get things done much quicker and usually with much better results. Now if your task is huge then obviously you can't get it all done in one sitting but try and break the tasks down so that you can get a section completed. Whether it's in your business or career, getting into the habit of getting things done in an efficient time frame, create high quality work and really delivering something that you're proud of is key to most of us but you don't practise focusing then you could be flailing about for a long time, wasting time, moment and energy.
You've been working on a few different things, nothing seems to be coming together. You just can't seem to make it happen and now your disheartened. When our amazing ideas that we were so excited about a few months ago, don't ever get off the ground or come to fruition then we feel like we're failing. It's as if nothing is on our side and we're just wasting time. The quicker we can get things done when we've got the energy and excitement behind us, the better the result will be.
So next week I would encourage you to :
In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!
Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!