Let's talk about

You know those people that just get things done?  The ones that seem to know so much or how to do things that seem random to you?  If you're looking at how to excel in what you do, then here are a few tips.

I mentioned the Self Made Learner (SML) in my last post, 9 Ways to Find new Inspiration Everyday – they are the ones that get out there ~ you know ‘there’, the place where stuff happens!   

I truly believe that in order to excel in today's world of work, whether that be in your own business or in your corporate life, that you have to be a SML!  Why does it matter?  Because you can either choose to pay for EVERYTHING that you want to create and develop or you can teach  yourself.  You can either allow your corporate companies limitations hold you back or you can work out a way to make things happen outside of the systems and red tape.

Now before I continue, I do want to say that there are always going to be somethings that are better to outsource if you are time poor or you know that you are not naturally skewed to a specific task.  I would never be a proofreader or editor for example!

There are many ways to create a career that you love and being a an Self Made Learner is one that I would place very high on the list.

This may mean that you work out exactly what you need to know and then either find someone who can do it for you, YouTube it and learn it yourself, or you could ask someone you know who can teach you.  If you want to stand out from the crowd and build things that others are unwilling to create then having a strategy for learning as well as a serious appetite to do the hard yards is critical.

Here are a few tips on being a Self Made Learner:

1) Figure out what you want to learn

Simple huh?  Knowing what you want to learn is obviously going to make life a lot easier.  Do you want to learn something for fun or do you want to learn a new skill for work?  If it's for fun then just follow your nose and see where you end up.  Who knows you might find something you hadn't thought of before and now you're the newest roller skating coffee delivery guy (I didn't say it was going to be a good example!).

If it's for work then I would recommend a more systematic approach.  What are the areas in your job that:

A) you would like to do more of or) you need to solve a problem?

For me, I needed to learn the back end of how websites are built as well as how to shoot videos and photos.  There were several ways I learnt these skills,  (and just a note that the learning never ends);

  1. I learnt how to shoot higher quality videos through watching videos on YouTube.   James Wedmore is my favorite and covers everything you would need to know. (FREE learning)
  2. I then used Creativelive.com for photography tips and tricks and then there is no better way to learn than get out there and see what your camera can do.  I looked at photos that I liked and then I worked out how to replicate them so that I could get the lighting, pose, style and overlook down pat. (FREE learning)
  3. The first photo shoot for a client, I did free of charge as it was opportunity to really show what I could do to myself as well as them.  I took about 100 more shots than I needed to ensure I delivered what was required.
  4. I wanted to learn online marketing and business strategy so I did BSchool by Marie Forleo (Investment required) – I did this for both my corporate and personal business.

Know what you want to learn and seek out what's available and what works for you.

2) What resources do you have available to you?

There are millions of resources available so just know that you can learn whatever you want to create what you need.  Here are some resources that I love to use.

Graphics: There are hundreds of graphics platforms such as Canva.com and PicMonkey.  They are infographic sites such as piktochart.com

Video:  Sites like YouTube and Vimeo to upload your creations to.  

Website & Blogs:  Wordpress templates can create gorgeous looking websites and or blogs in a day with hundreds of tutorials just waiting for you on YouTube to check out and follow along.    

Health & Wellbeing:  There are so many “guru's” out there, so you could google and just check out what works around for you.  I love Kris Carr and there are a million other health and wellness sites.

Life Coaching & Advice: Obviously you're already in a great place – The Connection Exchange, but there are many others like Marie Forleo,  Danielle La Porte, Jonathan Fields.


3) Be willing to put in the time and effort

Nothing ever comes easy, well anything worth doing.  It may come easier to some than others, but the bottom line is, you have to do the work.   Doing the work and committing to learning and developing can be a job in itself.  Not everyone is willing to do the work which is why some people excel and others don't.  That's just the simple truth.

As you grow your business or develop your skills at work, take note when you get stuck.  Is there something you need to do but you don't have the skill and you're not sure where to start.

This is the moment of separation between those who do and those who don't.

Most people at this stage, when faced with a challenge will walk away.  It's the people that at this crossroad decide to take that extra step to find a solution.

Is it a skill issue, is it a knowledge issue, is it systems and or company based limitations?

Working this out and then sourcing a solution to the problem will help you not only stand out from the crowd but position you to be able to move ahead of your competition.   You may choose to use Google, or a mentor, your work colleagues or your social networks to figure out the best way to go about solving your problem.  There are so many options and so many free resources today that there is very little that won't be available online for you to view or read.

Tapping into those around you may help you find the resources you need soon rather than later.

Just taking the time and making the effort will make all the difference.

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How to Excel & stand out in the crowd ~ The Self Made Learner




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!