Let's talk about



Today we're going to talk about the four ways that you can position yourself in the right way to connect with the right customers at the right price for you. The first one is branding. Now what is branding? There's many different elements to it and I'm not going to go into it in this video but when we talk about brand it is the perception of what it's like to work with you that is key for people. That could be they go to your website, it looks amazing, it looks like you're high-end, it looks like you got some great images, etc.


It's your visual branding as well as the experience that they're going to have and the reputation that helps them make their decision when when they want to work with you. Branding is really important. It is somebody's first perception of what you're all about and the quality of what you do. Making sure that this is done right is critical to the success and ongoing growth of your business. Now, done right doesn't always have to mean expensive. With the likes of WordPress and SquareSpace, you can get a really professional looking website up and running quickly and easily and fairly inexpensively when you're first starting out.


The second thing is pricing. If you price your product too low, the perception is that it's rubbish. Making sure that you price yourself in the right way is going to ensure that you get clients who want to pay for what you do, they value what you do and you're not going to have to barter or bargain in the end. Make sure that your pricing is at the right level. I know that pricing can be a really difficult one for some people, but you do need to just take a look at what you think is going to work for you, what is the right price for your time and don't undervalue your worth.


Make sure that you're also taking into account the third thing that is going to position you, which is your packaging, so packaging yourself in a way that provides the client with amazing value and some really great bonuses at a price that is a premium for your service and your offering. When I take a look at a website and they have got loads of things included in their package, then for me, even if the price is quite high, sometimes it can be a complete no brainer because of the value that I'm going to get.

A lot of people struggle with that as far as do you take for granted what it is that you do, because you already know how to do it. That is what somebody else is paying you for, so have a think about how you are packaging to position yourself as a leader in your field, giving them great value but pricing your products and services at the right price point so that they think, and it's true, that you're giving a really high level of service.


The fourth thing, which is last but by no means least, in fact it's the most important thing, is the quality of your service. No matter what you charge, if you give somebody a bad quality of service, one, you're never going to get them back as a repeat customer. Two, the amount of people that they're probably going to tell about the bad experience that they just had with you is going to demolish any good branding or positioning that you've tried to create for yourself. Customer experience, which is what I talk about all the time when it comes to branding, is key.

If you can give people more value for money, give them an awesome experience with a lot of love thrown in there, then that's what they're going to be talking about and that's going to position you above all your competition as well. Make sure that you've got your branding right, that you've got your pricing at the right point so that people don't think that you're cheap and nasty, that you're packaging in a way that adds huge amounts of value and that it's a no-brainer for them and fourthly, it's obviously about providing a high quality product or service so that they want to go and tell everybody about the amazing experience that they've had working with you.

When it comes to positioning your brand and your business, these four things are key. Make sure you feel really confident in the way that you've done that in your business and you'll be positioned in the right way for success.

Positioning your Business in the Market




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!