
Today I want to talk mindset, milestones and mastermind buddies.

I think you get to a point in your business where you actually realise that mindset is like 80% of the game.
When you believe you’re the best or working towards being the best in your industry
When you believe that success is inevitable for you
When you understand that what other people are doing doesn’t matter
When you realise that having the right people to do the stuff that you can’t makes a huge difference.
When you know that what you’re charging is incredible value for what you’re actually delivering
When you realise that your flavour of bold will attract the people you really want.
When you’re mindset shifts into a completely different gear and the conversations you’re having need to be unlevelled.
When you’re focused on your client’s problems and their success in such a huge way that it’s what you’re obsessing over.

When you get to that, then you know that you’re business is in a different space, that you’re in a different space.

I just paid my BAS for Q1 yesterday and even though I check my Xero accounting reports regularly, looking at the sales revenue figure for Q1 of 2020 was more than I made in first 2 years of my business.

When mindset, motive and impact align – the money will follow.

When you’re up levelling your mindset consistently, when you’re focused on the impact that you’re making and when you’re motivated by being better, being the best, creating unique, high quality and incredible offerings – the money follows.

1) You know what’s best for you

I’ve listened for years to other people and I’ve learnt a lot but as I’ve shared before in many episodes but especially in episode #84 – BREAKING ALL THE RULES TO FIND SUCCESS
to move forward in your business you have to start listening and trusting yourself the most. Learn what you learn from others and then find your own path and thought leadership. Take what’s works and leave what doesn’t work.

When it comes to the tech stuff, I’ll outsource or I’ll follow a strategy for sure, but when it comes to how we do it, the way we sell or talk about things in the business I’m really finding my own way. Some of the ways I’ve worked out what works for me and my clients is by being hyper observant to my audience and listening to what they need and want and connecting in a deeper way.

I have so many conversations with my clients and I had one this week where they say – you’re in my head. What you talk about is exactly what I was thinking yesterday and feeling. And if you’re constantly listening to others then you don’t have to hear your own voice.

2) Believe you’re the best

It doesn’t matter who else does what you do. It doesn’t matter who they are, where they’ve been, what they know – you have to believe in your skills, your ability to learn and grow and connect and respond to your customers. I was listening to Mariah Coz a on a podcast she was talk about the fact that she’s the best at what she does and having that kind of confidence means that she sells with that mind frame and Brooke Castillo from the Life Coaching School talks about look at her course or membership like she’s selling a Mercedes for $10. All it means is that she knows that it’s so good that she thinks it crazy when people don’t buy it because they are getting so much!

And I feel exactly the same way about Brand Builder’s Academy. I’ve seen the results my clients have had where they have doubled and tripled their profits in their business, they’ve charged higher prices and attracted more clients, I know that it’s exceptional because I show up there for my clients when I need to and when I don’t need to and I believe that one day I’ll have 10,000 or more business owners in BBA because it’s that good. So do you believe that what you’re putting out there is the best when it comes to what you do?

3) Aim higher

I recently bought Masterclass which is an online library or basically people who are the best in their field. So think Malcolm Gladwell teaches writing, Sara Blakely, Anna Wintour, Gordon Ramsey – it’s so good. Anyway Sara Blakely was sharing a story about a challenge that she did for a TV show where they had to jump out into someone’s arms who was hanging over a gorge. If they missed then they would fall into the gorge with a bungee rope attached to them. Out of the large group she was like the only person or 1 of 2 people who made the jump successfully. When they asked her how she did it, she said – I aimed higher than I needed to. Everyone was aiming for the person’s eyes but she aimed for way above their head and landing where she was supposed to. I love that so much. So often we aim for just mediocure. We aim for what we think we can hit and when you start aiming bigger and higher you’ll be amazed at what you will achieve. It’s not actually always about hitting the exact goal if it’s massive but you’re more likely to reach new heights of success if you aim higher than you normally would!

4) Think bigger

Don’t focus on individuals, think of your wider audience. This is something that I’ve dealt with and am dealing with. You have a community that you know really well and so sometime you can focus too much on them and what they are doing and make decisions based on a select group of people, but this is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot. Community is important and knowing them but broadening your reach, brand and community is so important as well. I think, thinking local has kept me local. This year was actually about global and it’s something that I’m still doing. I’m also looking at a mastermind in the US so that I can broaden my connection, exposure and opportunities.

If you want to build your business and broaden what you’re doing then you have to be around people who are playing much bigger than you are. People who can push you to a new level and I think if you’re comfortable – which I think I am right now you have to seek out people where you feel a little intimidated or uncomfortable being in the same room – in a good way, because they will be the people who challenge you.

Are you having comfortable conversation?
Are you in the company of people where you’re the smartest person in the room?
Are you doing things that are pushing you in different ways?

5) Mute the Trigger

If people trigger you then mute them from your ear shot. I have people that I like in different spaces but you know something, I don’t always agree with them, which is fine – it doesn’t mean that I’ll unfollow them. But if someone is on a rant or in a headspace for a period of time that is hectic or judgement or unhelpful then I’ll mute them or snooze them for 30 days without a 2nd thought. You don’t have to unfollow someone you like just because you disagree with one thing they say but just be aware of protecting your own headspace. I talk about this in my book Play Big, Brand bold – protecting your headspace is your responsibility. You have to be aware of what’s going on around you otherwise you’ll be seeing things that are bringing you down or holding you back and if you don’t act on it to remove that then you may be unknowingly let it affect you.

6) Money is just money

I always say, new level – new devil and I’ve been working on my money mindset for years and I actually don’t think it’s something that will ever stop. I was listening to a podcast recently with Brooke Castillo from the Life coach on Claire Pelletrau’s podcast, The Get Paid podcast (link will be in the show notes) and she said, “if someone will pay 200 they will pay 400, if someone will pay 1000 they will pay 2000”. If you know that your product is the best in your mind and you over deliver then you’ll always find an audience for what you have.

I’m currently looking at building the Brand Leader’s Lounge mastermind and membership. It’ll be a $10-15k plus offering over the year and it’s for people who want to take their personal brand to market in a massive way and so I’m looking to invest that kind of money if not more with a multiple 6 or 7 figure dollar coach who can help me get to that level because I want to think like someone who has a business that is at that level.

When you think about money are you looking at how little you can charge or how much it’s worth and what you can charge? This topic is so big and juicy and I love it, so I’m always looking at how I feel about money. I recently won a $50k branding project and I was excited and it was great and then I just moved on because it’s actually not the dollar figure that I’m focused on, it’s the impact I can make when I’m awarded a job like that. So when you think about money and charging – you can have financial goals but the question is, what does that money afford you when it comes to the impact that you can make?

7) I’m not responsible for other people’s limiting beliefs

This is a big one. As a coach this is something that I have had to deal with and work on. When I work with clients you can teach, guide, support and show them the way but at the end of the day they have to make the changes, they have to own their mindset and action – I can’t do it for them. I can’t make them show up and do the work. I can’t make them implement that brand or business strategy.

The other thing that I’m really conscious of is going back to uplevel and who you have around you – I won’t be responsible for other people’s limiting beliefs but what I am able to control is my proximity to those limiting beliefs or how I hear, listen to or take on those limiting beliefs.

I can’t remember if I shared this, but I had one of my business buddies ask me about pricing one of her products and when she told me the price I slightly flinched and I said to her – I don’t think you should ask me because I think I have a limiting belief around that I don’t want that to impact what you do.

So there is sound advice and then there are times we may project our own limiting beliefs about what is possible. So I’m now really aware of my own limiting beliefs and so I’m conscious of how I talk about certain thing. The other thing is and I would say this to my hubby – he has limiting beliefs around what my business is capable of and I’ve surprised him again and again and I will continue to surprise him but I won’t be responsible for his limiting beliefs of me or what I do – as long he supports me that is all that matters and I think that’s another important thing. People who love you – don’t have to understand or believe in you. They are in a different world to business owners, they may not have seen what is possible so you may be asking them to understand something that they don’t or can’t.

8) I’m capable of anything and have control of my success

If I wanted to learn a language and I commit myself then I’ll learn it, if I want to create a product I’ll work it out, if I need to learn a software I can.

What happens so often is the we start with a thought – this is going to be hard, this won’t work, this is going to fail and so before we’ve even started we’re already creating negativity around what we want to do and what we’re about to embark on.

So I want you to really look at what you are saying to yourself when you’re starting something out and what you’re saying in the process as well. I love that Brook Castillo talks about the self-coaching model and I know Erika talked about it at Confidence Rising as well.

Your circumstances create your thoughts. Your thoughts create feelings.

Those feeling lead to your actions and your actions determine your results.

So I’m starting to do a lot more work around specific areas of my life where I want more success – which is health, wealth, relationships etc and I’m being really honest with myself that the success I have in all these areas is a result of my thoughts and feelings.

Understanding what they are then looking at how I change those with a clear intention.

I’m a big mantra person so when it comes how I’m creating success these are some that I’ve been using.

  • Success is inevitable
  • I am capable of anything that I set my mind and thoughts to
  • I can make this a success
  • Anything is possible if you’ve got enough nerve – JK Rowling

So today I want to finish the podcast the way we started it and just remind you:

  • Mindset is like 80% of the game.
  • When you believe you’re the best or working towards being the best in your industry
  • When you believe that success is inevitable for you
  • When you understand that what other people are doing doesn’t matter
  • When you realise that having the right people to do the stuff that you can’t makes a huge difference.
  • When you know that what you’re charging is incredible value for what you’re actually delivering
  • When you realise that your flavour of bold will attract the people you really want.
  • When you’re mindset shifts into a completely different gear and the conversations you’re having need to be unlevelled.
  • When you’re focused on your client’s problems and their success in such a huge way that it’s what you’re obsessing over.

When you get to that, then you know that you’re business is in a different space, that you’re in a different space.



In this video masterclass, I'll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

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PODCAST EPISODE #106 – 8 mindset shifts that have changed my business


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