Clarity – It's time to get clear
So often we don't feel confident because we're not clear on what we want or what we're going after.
Commit – to your success and outcome!
Certainty – Once you're clear on what you want then decide. Decide on what you're going to do right now in this moment, in this month, in this quarter.
Conviction – fully believing in what you're about to do. Communicating with conviction that you know that what you do can help your clients. That you know that what you have is great.
Do a check-in.
When you link on your website is there is conviction around what you talk about – that clarity and certainty is there staring at me?
Connecting in a deeper way – Is there that certainty in the way you connect with your audience through your content? in your conversations? with your community?
Courageous action – Take courageous action. No one ever knows what the outcome is going to be but what you can know or control is the action that you take.
Right now you know a whole bunch of things that could help you grow your business – but you're not taking that action and you've got to work on that. You've got to sit and take the time to work out why you're not taking that action.
One of the many things I loved that Tony Robbins talked about was the difference between desire and motivation. You might want something but if the motivation isn't strong enough, if the pain isn't strong enough then you won't take that action.
So if you don't take massive courageous action then you'll have to go and get a job or you won't be able to pay your bills, then what would you be willing to do?
Confidence – Confidence it's the guarantee of a successful outcome, it's the willingness to try.
If you're ready to build unwavering confidence in your business then come and join us in the Bold Business Academy
Suz Chadwick [00:00:00]:
Welcome to the Brand Builders Lab Podcast. I'm your host, Sue Chadwick, certified business and mindset coach, author, and speaker. Each week, we'll be talking about simple but powerful business and mindset strategies that will help you build a lean, clean, and profitable business so you can learn to get out of your own way and pay yourself more. Forget average. It's time to level up. I'm not gonna lie guys. I was on fire on Instagram live this morning. I'm so glad that I recorded this for you.
Suz Chadwick [00:00:34]:
We are talking all about how to build unwavering, unshakable confidence in your business. And the number of c's that I came up with, I'm so impressed with myself. I really outdid myself this time. But I hope that you enjoy this. You can listen to this as many times as you want because this is your pep talk. This is me saying to you, I know that you can do this. We are done with not believing in ourselves. We are done with not knowing what to do next.
Suz Chadwick [00:01:05]:
Yeah? This is for you If you are ready to, like, like, get it done, let's dive in. So today, we are talking about How to build unwavering confidence in your business. Is that something that you want? Is that something that you have? And I've got a A whole lot of seas for you because, you know, I love a bit of an alliteration. So I am gonna take you through some of the things that I teach my clients, some of the things that I work on Personally, myself, when it comes to building unwavering confidence in your business, I will also be posting this on the Brand Builders cast as well so you can go and listen to it again on a walk later. So one of the things that I find Chips a lot of my community or clients up is they feel like they don't have confidence. They feel like that don't have confidence in their business. They're always second guessing themselves. They're like, I don't know what to do.
Suz Chadwick [00:02:05]:
I don't know if it's working. I'm not sure what's next. All of the questions that we ask ourselves. And so these are some key things to nail, think about, work on If you wanna build unwavering confidence in your business. So the first one is I just really want you to know that A lot of times, we feel like we don't know what to do because we haven't got any clarity around it. So right now in your Business. If you're like, well, I could do this or I could do that. I'm not sure exactly what to do.
Suz Chadwick [00:02:37]:
That's really going to stop you from moving forward because you're constantly going to be 2nd guessing because you've not made a decision about what it is that you actually want. So I want you to kind of take a step back and say, In the next 30 days, we're gonna, like, break it down into a 30 day mark here. But in the next 30 days, you know, I did, like, the 90 day sprint yesterday, k. So that's on the podcast too, if you wanna do it for a quarter. But in the next 30 days, what exactly do I want? Like, I want you to be exact. I want you to give me a number. I want you to give me a figure. I want you to give me an exact thing, a product, service that you are gonna work on in the next 30 days.
Suz Chadwick [00:03:17]:
And I want it to be clear as day. I don't want you to say, I'd really love to grow my business more in the next 30 days. That is not that's not clarity. Yeah. It needs to be something that is specific that you're like, okay. I will know at the end of 30 days whether I have achieved this or not. That's how clear I want you to get. And I think that when you have that clarity, Then that will really start to build.
Suz Chadwick [00:03:43]:
These are all like building blocks for becoming really confident. The first thing is Clarity. Like, exactly. You know exactly what you're going after. So even for the next 30, 60 days, I'm like, we're launching BBA. This is how many clients I want. These are all the activities that I'm gonna be doing. We're then, like, launching Amplify, and I'm, like, doing an evergreen Bold Speakers collective.
Suz Chadwick [00:04:05]:
This is how much I'm spending. This is the outcomes that we want. These are the dates that we're working. Like, really give yourself very specific parameters around what it is that you are doing in your business right now and write it down. I loved it. Tony, I'm gonna quote Tony every now and again, But I loved, when we were at Tony Robbins, he said, when you write it, you ignite it. And I was just like, that's so good. And it's so true because when we write things down, then it, like, activates us.
Suz Chadwick [00:04:37]:
It's like, okay. I'm gonna put it in my Asana. I'm gonna put it in my planning. I'm gonna put it somewhere where I can see it. Write it on a piece of paper and stick it to your wall, whatever that might be. When you get really clear on what your goals are and what is that you're going after. When you write it, you ignite it. Yeah? So let's start getting clear and then committing to those Outcomes as well.
Suz Chadwick [00:05:01]:
So the first thing if you wanna build unshakable confidence in your business is create the clarity and then commit. Because when we commit, then we create certainty. It's not like I'm sitting and going, oh, I just don't know. I just don't know what I'm gonna do. You're like, I know exactly what I'm gonna do. I know why I'm doing it. I know how I'm gonna do it. I know that, you know, that's what I'm going after.
Suz Chadwick [00:05:26]:
This is what I need to do in order to get the result. So really committing and having that certainty and deciding, making the decision. Do you ever feel like you lack confidence in your business because you're not making the decision, because you're sitting in uncertainty, because you're not clear on exactly what you're going after or what success would look like in the next 30 days. I'm not talking about, like, For the whole of your business, we can start small. Yeah? So really think about, am I clear, specific, and clear? Have I committed to, doing the thing? And do I have which then gives me certainty. So certainty is I know that I'm gonna do this. I have marked it out in my diary. I have time blocked it.
Suz Chadwick [00:06:14]:
I have revved myself up, and I know that I'm gonna commit to this. So even doing these lives, I'm like, I wanna do more lives. Like, let's get on. Let's do a live. So this morning, I just sat. I wrote a couple of bullet points which are sitting next to me, and I'm like, let's go. Don't expect so much from yourself in regards to, like, having everything planned out, having Everything that you need in order to move forward. I was actually having a conversation with my daughter the other day.
Suz Chadwick [00:06:42]:
It just related so much to so many of my clients. My daughter's an incredible artist, and I said to her, can you send me some of your art? Because we could maybe put it on a product and you could see, like, on Etsy or something like that, because she's wanting to earn some pocket money. But she was like, it's not perfect yet. I need to get better. Her art is amazing. She's like, I need to get better. And it just made me think of so many of my clients where we're like, well, if I'm not perfect at it, if I haven't got it all sorted out, that I'm not gonna move forward. And I just really wanna encourage you right now to take imperfect action.
Suz Chadwick [00:07:16]:
Like, whatever it is that you've been thinking about doing, but you're not doing that you know is actually stopping you from reaching your goals, from becoming more confident in what it is that you're doing, I want you to take imperfect action. Like, are you willing to do that? Are you willing to try something new? Are you willing to get on a live? Are you willing to send the email? Are you willing to Do the podcast. Whatever it is that you're wanting to do, what are you willing to shift and change in yourself In order to be like, I will become confident in my business. I will do things that I may have thought were hard before. Yeah. And when you make the decision to take the action with conviction, which is like our next See? Then it will make all the difference. Like, if I got on this side and I was like, so guys, like, if you wanna become confident, then, Like, there's a couple of things you maybe could do. Do I have conviction? Yes.
Suz Chadwick [00:08:15]:
I have conviction. Remember, The energy that you bring is the energy that's received. The energy that you bring is the energy that's received. And if you are not, Like, if you have no conviction, if you are not passionate about what it is that you talk about, why would somebody choose to work with you? Yes. You can have Amazing testimonials and amazing work. And as long as you're showing that, fantastic. But depending on what it is that you do, I just want you to know that the more that you share what it is that you have with certainty and with conviction, the more you will captivate, magnetize, connect with more of the people that you want. So I think we've just gotta make that decision.
Suz Chadwick [00:08:59]:
So when you wanna build unwavering confidence, we're gonna get really clear on what it is that we want. We're gonna get the numbers. We're Gonna get the outcomes. We we know exactly what we're gonna be doing over the next 30 days. We are gonna commit to the outcomes. We're not gonna be wishy washy about it. We're gonna be like, I am in. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Suz Chadwick [00:09:17]:
Let's go. Let's do this, which creates certainty. So you have now decided. Yes. I'm gonna make my website live. Yes. I'm gonna go live. Yes.
Suz Chadwick [00:09:27]:
I'm gonna hire the coach. Yes. I'm gonna join the program, and I'm gonna do the work. And then you're going to have the conviction. Do you believe in what it is that you're doing? Do you believe in your business? Do you believe in your products and services? Do you think that what you have created is, like, the best in the business, one of the best in the business? Because if you're showing up with that kind of conviction, I can tell you now that you're gonna attract the types of clients who are like, let's go. I love it. Christine is like, let's go. And And I just think that, you know, some of my clients and some of them are on here right now, Christina is a let's go.
Suz Chadwick [00:10:06]:
So I want you to think about, do you have that conviction? Do you speak about what you do with that conviction as well? And really doing a bit of a check-in and taking a look at, like, all the different places that you talk about your business. When I land on your website, am I hit with conviction? Am I hit with, like, Clarity, certainty, conviction, where the message is like, bang. This is who I am. This is what I can do for you. Yeah. I think that sometimes we miss some of the basic things that actually help people to get to know us, That helps us to build trust. That helps us to communicate with that conviction as well. That clarity, like, really getting Clear on what your message is, who you're here to help, what you're here to do, and communicating that with conviction across your platforms will make such a huge difference.
Suz Chadwick [00:11:02]:
Because then it's like, well, I found you on socials, and I love what you talk about here. Then I go to your website and bang, you're hitting me with, like, more amazingness of, Yes. I need this. Yes. I want this. Yes. That's me who you're speaking to. And then you're able to convert that into Conversations and connections.
Suz Chadwick [00:11:22]:
So, you know, when somebody follows you I say this to my clients. When somebody follows you, do you go and say hello? I think we've just become so, I don't know, immune or numb to just being human that we miss the opportunity. Like, if somebody follows you, go and say hello to them. Yeah. It's like they've walked into your room, and you just kind of ignored them. And it doesn't have to be sales y. You don't have to, like, have a sales pitch or anything like that. It's just like being human.
Suz Chadwick [00:11:53]:
And I think that If we can think about how we're making connections, how we're having conversations, how we're sharing what we have with conviction, I think that that really translates in a big way. And I'll tell you why it will help you build a bold brand. I'll tell you why It will help you to stand out because not a lot of people are doing it. Not a lot of people are being, like, connectors. Not a lot of people are having the conversation. Not a lot of people are showing up with conviction. And so if you decide to do that, Then you're gonna stand out. Yeah.
Suz Chadwick [00:12:29]:
You're gonna be one of the people who others are like, have you checked that person out? Have you seen that person? Because they're awesome, and you should definitely check them out. So I really want you to think about how you're showing up and communicating with conviction, Connecting with conviction. Building your community with conviction. There are so many c's coming out of this right now that I'm just like You know I love my alliterations. So I really want you to think about how you're doing that as well. And can I tell you that when you have the clarity and you commit to the outcome, and you decide which gives you certainty, and you show up with conviction, and you communicate, You connect with your community, with your audience, and then you take courageous action? You will build Unbeatable confidence in your business. And I just wanna remind you, we're gonna talk about courageous action a bit more, but I love what Mel Robbins says about I don't know if she was the one that said this or whether she was quoting somebody else, but confidence isn't the guarantee of a successful outcome. It's just the willingness to try.
Suz Chadwick [00:13:37]:
And I think sometimes we think that if we want to have confidence that we have got it all sorted, that the end result is guaranteed, that success is guaranteed that nothing will go wrong. But it's really just the willingness to try, which I feel goes so well with courageous action. Yeah? It's because it's like, I don't know what the outcome's gonna be, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm gonna show up on the live. I'm gonna have this conversation with you. We're gonna talk about how you can build unwavering confidence in your business, and we'll see what what comes out of it. I'll share it on the podcast. And, You know, it might just speak to that 1 person who needs that right now because business is tough.
Suz Chadwick [00:14:18]:
Yeah. Business is tough, and we have to be tougher. It feels so cliche, but I actually think that a lot of the things that we think might be cliche are true. Because if you're willing to be tough in business, then you're going to take courageous action. You're going to make sure that you are showing up, And you are going to make sure that you connect with other people who are going to also push you to be more courageous, to do more of the things that you want, to have more conviction in your business, to communicate better with your community. And so I really wanna encourage you to decide that you're gonna be confident. And do all of the things that I share with with you that you can decide that you're just gonna be somebody who is willing to take courageous action And get up and do the things that you said you were gonna do. And I think that's the other thing.
Suz Chadwick [00:15:13]:
We build confidence in ourselves when we Do the things that we promised ourselves we were gonna do. I think sometimes we, like, set goals, and then we're like, well, it doesn't really matter If I don't hit the goal or if I don't do the thing because, like, I'm the only one who's gonna know, which is why I also think, like, Public declarations are something that is good to do. Yeah? Because then you've got accountability. And if you don't wanna do a public declaration, Get a bestie and be like, I'm gonna do this thing, and then they will, like, be your accountability buddy. So surround yourself with people who are challenging you, who are saying, you can totally do this. Like, take courageous action. I will be here to support you. You want to make the commitment to yourself.
Suz Chadwick [00:16:04]:
You wanna do all the things. And can I just say I'm just gonna say it Even though I know you may not like it, but I'm just gonna say it, is that right now, you actually know what you need to do to win? You actually know right now what you need to do to get more clients. You actually know right now? Like, if you sat down if if I sat you down and I said to you, give it half an hour, give it an hour, I want you to write down Everything that you know could help you get clients right now. Write down everything right now that you know could make a big Difference in your business. I can guarantee you that you know. But what we do is that we're always like, oh, but I just I just have to learn that one more thing. I just have to do that one more thing, or I just have to think about it for a bit. And I am gonna say, you can still think about stuff, but you have to take courageous action while you're still thinking about stuff.
Suz Chadwick [00:17:01]:
You can't stop moving forward in order to think. Yeah. I just want you to imagine if you were on a walk and you stopped every time you had a thought. You stopped Every time you wanted to think about something, how far on that walk would you get? Yeah. So You've gotta walk. You've gotta take courageous action, and you gotta think at the same time. Stop waiting to figure everything out before you take action. Stop waiting to figure out, like, what to do before you feel confident.
Suz Chadwick [00:17:37]:
Like, just decide. I am gonna be a really confident person. I actually know what I'm doing. Like, the reason that I started this business is because I actually have the skills to do what it is that I built this business to do. So I know how to do this, and I can figure out other stuff along the way. I can get the support I need. I can surround myself with people. So think about what it is that is gonna help you to move the dial right now.
Suz Chadwick [00:18:02]:
And I love Something else that Tony said that I really love, Tony Robbins listen to me. You know Tony? Tony. Me and Tony like this. The other thing that he said that I really like is that there's a difference between desire and motivation. It's that we can desire something, But we have to think about what's motivating us. If we don't have the motive, then we're not gonna take the action, because the desire is not enough a lot of times for us to take action. So what does that mean? He's like you know, he was giving an example of somebody who had smoked all their life, and then they got The diagnosis of, like, lung cancer, and they were only given a short amount of time to leave, and so they quit smoking straight away. The motivation was there.
Suz Chadwick [00:18:46]:
Yeah. So you've gotta think about I feel like some of these examples can be quite extreme, but I just want you to think about, if you don't go and get the Clients, if you don't get out of your own way, if you don't move forward and create like, take courageous action, then what are the consequences of that. You may have to go get a job. You may not have the flexibility that you have right now. You may not be able to determine what products and services that you share Because you're now working for somebody else, you may not be able to pay the bills depending on what your situation is. And so I want you to think about what's the difference between my desire are in my motivation. Because if my motivation isn't there, if the motive isn't, Like, hard enough, if the motive isn't painful enough, then I'm not gonna take the action. So when I think about the fact that I don't get to sit in my office, I don't get to take days off.
Suz Chadwick [00:19:37]:
I don't get to have flexibility in my business. Can I tell you? I'm gonna take courageous action. I'm gonna go after the clients. I'm gonna follow-up on the leads. I'm going to do the live. I'm gonna do the webinar. I'm gonna Pay for ads. I'm gonna do whatever's required for me to make sure that my business is successful.
Suz Chadwick [00:19:57]:
Yes? Yes. Yes. Isn't that what you would be willing to do? And so I think we've just gotta remember that, is that if you don't take courageous action, What is the consequence of that? And I think sometimes we just don't think about it because we just think it'll be fine. Like, it'll it'll be fine. But I want you really to think about The fact that if you want to feel confident in your business, if you want to have more confidence, if you want to take more courageous action, Then these are the things that I want you to really think about and do. Do you want me to go through them again? You can listen to the podcast on it, but let's talk about it. We're gonna get really clear. We're gonna get Specific and clear over the next 30 days.
Suz Chadwick [00:20:38]:
Give me a number. Give me a figure. Give me precise actions of what you're gonna do so that it's measurable. Secondly, you are gonna commit. You are gonna say, I am going to do this. Get an accountability buddy. Send me a DM. I will be your accountability person.
Suz Chadwick [00:20:53]:
Join Bold Business Academy. I will be your accountability person and your coach. You are going to create the certainty because you're going to decide. I am deciding that I am done with all of my b s. I am deciding that I am done with my wish my inaction, my get over yourself, I am done with that, and I am Deciding that I am now going to have certainty around the commitment that I'm making to myself and my business. I'm gonna show up with conviction. I am going to tell the client why this is a great opportunity for them. I'm going to listen to them, and then I'm going to respond.
Suz Chadwick [00:21:33]:
I am going to communicate with conviction in whatever areas I am communicating. On my website, are you hitting me with conviction? When I connect with you, are you hitting me with conviction? Yep. Really think about how you're communicating that conviction with your audience, with your community, how you are connecting in a real way, be human as well. Once you've done that, you're gonna take courageous action. You're gonna write down all the things that you already know that that are gonna help you make money. You are gonna write down all the things that you already know that are gonna help you to get the outcomes that you want. You're gonna show up more and take courageous action. As I say to my clients all the time, don't ask yourself if you're confident.
Suz Chadwick [00:22:16]:
Ask yourself if you're courageous. Don't wait to be confident. All this builds confidence, but don't wait to be confident. Ask yourself, am I willing to be courageous today? Are you willing to be courageous and get on alive? Are Are you willing to be courageous and make the call to the person? Are you willing to be courageous and send the email? What are you willing to do right now? And I say all of this with love because I wanna see you be a bold and powerful voice in your industry. I wanna see you claim your space with courage and confidence. I know that you're great at what you do. You wouldn't have started a business doing what you do if you weren't great at what you do. You wouldn't have started a business doing what you do if you weren't passionate about what it is that you do.
Suz Chadwick [00:22:59]:
So the conviction is there. It's just whether you're communicating it or not. So I really want you to think about what you are doing to take courageous action right now and do the things that you already know are gonna help you. And then what is confidence? Confidence is just it's not the guarantee of a successful outcome. It's just the willingness to try. Are you willing to try? Because and I want you to think about, you know, when you've got a friend, when you've got your kids, when you've got somebody else who's like, I just don't know if I can do it. What do you say to them? What do you say to them every time? Somebody that you love, somebody that you know is amazing. What do you say to them? Tell me in the comments.
Suz Chadwick [00:23:38]:
When somebody who you love says, I don't know if I'm good enough. I don't know if I can do this. I'm not sure that I'm gonna be able to Reach my goals, achieve this thing. What do you say to them? I can tell you right now what you say to them. You say to them, you can do this. I believe in you. I know that you can do this. If you work hard, if you do what's required, I know that you can do this.
Suz Chadwick [00:24:04]:
So now we've just gotta say that to ourselves. We've just gotta be that person in our own lives. Because if you're like me and you sit in your office a lot of the time by yourself, which is you know? Like, I love I have All of my client coaching calls here in my office, and I love them. But a lot but a lot of time, I'm sitting here on my own. And so when I need to take courageous action, do you know who's sitting next to me? Nobody. It's just me. So I have to be the person that's like, let's go, Suze. Let's do this.
Suz Chadwick [00:24:34]:
Yes. You can write the 20 emails. Yes. You can run those ads. Yes. You can show up on a live. Yes. You can coach all of these different clients who've got completely different businesses Because you can understand what their magnetic magic is, and you can help them to, like, share that with conviction and communicate it so well.
Suz Chadwick [00:24:55]:
So this is what we are talking about today, how to build unwavering confidence in your business. These are the things to do. It is just simple as that. It's not easy. I always say business isn't easy, but it can be simple. When you can get Clear on what you want, and then you show up to do it, and you, like, rev yourself up. You know, Tony talks about getting yourself into a state. So when you, like, wanna do something big, when you are excited, when you are determined, how does that feel in your body? And how do you create that on a regular basis? When you wanna do something that's courageous, when you wanna take courageous courageous Action.
Suz Chadwick [00:25:38]:
I want you to think about what kind of state you need to put yourself in. Yeah? And kind of, like, build yourself up and be like, let's go. Let's do this. And then take courageous action. You can bring that to yourself. Yeah? So that is it for today. Today, we are building unwavering confidence. We are taking courageous action.
Suz Chadwick [00:26:01]:
Yes? Amazing. We are also kicking off the Bold Business Academy On 16th, which is in 2 weeks of October, if you want more help to be courageous, if you want more help to get out of your own way, If you want more help to build the system strategies and structures that are gonna help you to scale, then come and join us in BBA Starting on 16th. Yeah? All the links are in my bio. Make sure that you put notifications on because I just randomly go live. I rarely give you any notice. So if you enjoyed this live today you're so welcome, Megan. Lovely to see you, Christina. Thank you, Grace.
Suz Chadwick [00:26:40]:
I love that I've got so many clients, Meaghan. I will see you this afternoon. I love that I've got so many clients on here as well. Laura, nice to see you. Have an amazing day. I believe in you. We can do this. Yes? We are badass.
Suz Chadwick [00:26:57]:
I got you. Alright. Have an amazing day, and I will speak with you soon.