Let's talk about some of the things you can do to keep building your confidence in business as you evolve and grow.
I know through conversations with clients and conversations with groups when I speak that confidence is always a big topic – but I want to flip it and say that when we learn to manage our thinking, confidence is a byproduct of that.
There are 6 things I want to share with you today.
When you understand how your mind works, how you can manage it and how you optimise it for your own success, that's when you become unstoppable.
Suzanne Chadwick
Hey, hey, lovelies, welcome back to the podcast amazing to have you here. So before we start, I have to tell you something. So I am recording myself doing the podcast so that I can get on YouTube. And we can create like, you know, shorts and tiktoks, and Instagrams and all of the things that and I just recorded it using like my professional camera. But when I've got my contact lenses in, I actually can't see far enough to see whether it's in full focus. So I just recorded this whole podcast, and video recorded it and the whole thing was out of focus, lucky, I've got the audio, it's all good. But you know, always failing forward, just doing it, making it work figuring that out. I just had to share that with you. Because I did share a post this week on socials. That just said, I have learned so much more from people who have shared their failures than people who have shared how they became successful. And so I am here for it. I am like community hashtag failing forward, testing and trying new things, getting out of our own way playing with what we want to create. And just getting on and doing it. Yeah. And then just figuring it out and working learning as we go. So I had to share that Funny Fail with you, whilst I'm literally in it right now. But anyway, so before we dive in, we talk we are talking all about how to keep evolving and building your confidence as a business owner, and I wanted to let you know where this topic came from. Because a lot of times people like Suze, where do you get your topics from? Like, how do you know what to keep talking about? I'm like, there is content. There are like topics everywhere. So yesterday, as I'm recording this, yesterday, I went to an event, it was run by one roof and community online community of women in business. And they held a small business summit that was just for half day. And it was so good. And there was a keynote, which maybe I'll talk about, at some point, which was so so great. But I actually ran a number of breakout sessions around building a powerful personal brand. And so there will was a question. So the format was like a 15 minute format where I introduced myself, I shared a couple of personal branding tips. And then people would ask me questions, and it would be a discussion, which is amazing. So good. I'm like totally up for that, which is the Gary Vee thing where people just ask you lots of questions. And that's like the content that you create. But when I got home, I wrote down all the questions. And a lot of the questions were focused around confidence, like how do you have the confidence to show up? What about, you know, people's opinions, trolls, etc. So there was a bit of negative thinking around the consequences of having a personal brand rather than the opportunity, which I always find really interesting as well. And yeah, the topic of confidence came up a few times, like, just who am I to do this, having a voice and I know that we talked about, you know, having the cabinet confidence to create the impact that you want when I did the lives last week or the week before now around personal branding. And so that's why I wanted to do today's episode, because it's not just about building a personal brand. It's actually about how you evolve and manage and build confidence as a business owner, as you continue to grow. Now, I've had my business for a long time. We are like an over seven figure business, which you know, I'm always really proud about but also can I say SR number doesn't actually mean mean anything in particular, it just means that you know how to sell what you've got, and maybe you've come to a place where your products and services work? Well, that's kind of the only thing that that means, really. But I'm always looking at building my confidence as a business owner, because there's always new things that I want to do. And it might be something that maybe I've done before, but it's now in a different iteration. Or maybe it's something new that I want to do. And I love you know, my book consultant coach. Linda said, you know, scared sided is a really great way to think about things where you're, like, scared about it, but it's also very exciting. And I kind of feel a bit like that when I'm in a new evolution of the business. And so, I'm going to share with you today six things that I think are really important to being very intentional, creating the business that You want, but really managing yourself your confidence and what it is you're trying to do in the process of that. So that's what we're talking about today, I just want to remind you to apply for amplify book a call with me, I am on a mission to support more women to build profitable and scalable personal brands where they become the leader in their industry, you stand out, you've got something to say, you know, you've got something to say. And you're really looking for somebody to support you to be able to bring that to life. And this week, I have had a couple of personal brand strategy sessions with new amplify clients. And can I say, I am so excited, like, I'm so excited to be working with them, we're building that vision out, they're super excited for it as well. It's so funny, I have these conversations, and I give them an example of how they might sell it. And one of my clients is like, oh my gosh, I just want to buy that now, like That sounds amazing. And so I really want to be the person that supports you to bring your personal brand to life in a much bigger way, in a scalable way. So that you can have the impact and the influence that you really want. So make sure you check out amplify, if you are that person with the fire in the belly, who knows that they are meant for more, and you want somebody to support you to be able to do that. But listen, let's dive into today's episode. This morning, I ran a planning session within my AMPLIFi mastermind, it is the mastermind that I run on how to build a profitable personal brand, and be able to scale with like a group program revenue stack a whole lot of things that I teach my clients on how to get out of the done for you and move into a more scalable model. And so some of the things that we spoke about this morning is what I want to share with you today. Because I think that it's really important for us to understand how we can continue to grow our confidence and how we continue to evolve in business, the first thing to understand is that we naturally have negative bias. So our brain automatically goes to the negative in order to keep us safe. If you've been around the traps in the personal development space for a long time, you will know that we have the lizard brain, our brain wants to the example that I gave in the Amplified call was, it can be like a helicopter parent, it's like constantly making sure that you're not going to hurt yourself, you're not going to do anything that's too daring, too risky.
It wants to wrap you in cotton walls so that it can really make sure you're not exerting your energy, you're not doing anything that will create negative emotions, emotions that make you feel uncomfortable. And so our brain is always trying to keep us in that place. Now, if you are a business owner who is wanting to evolve and try new things, and build and grow, that is like one of the worst places that you can be in business is having a brain that is constantly trying to keep you safe. And so we obviously understand what is risky and life threatening, and what is just us trying to move forward. And so the first thing if you're wanting to build confidence and evolve is to understand that about yourself, to understand that about your brain to understand that about your thinking, so that you can see it for what it is. Which leads us into the second point, which is that your brain is not you. So one of the things that I'm really aware of is that my brain will offer me thoughts to keep me safe. And I don't have to listen to those thoughts. Yeah, I am not my thoughts as Eckhart Tolle has taught us. And so when you start to see those thoughts coming in, like who do you think you are to do that? What are people going to say, Maybe we should not try that that seems a bit risky, you're probably not going to be very good at that. That is our brain offering us all of those thoughts to discourage us from actually evolving and achieving the bigger things that we want. And so understanding that and then realizing that you as separate, and you can see those thoughts as separate, and you can choose whether you accept them or not. So the first thing, as we talked about is that we have a negative negative bias, our brain will offer us negative thoughts to keep us safe, we can choose to see those thoughts as separate from us. And so we now do not have to listen to those thoughts if we do not want. So for example, when my brain says to me, well, Suze, I don't think that that's going to work. I then in turn, say well, actually, I disagree, I think it is going to work and I'm gonna give it a go. And we're gonna see what happens and then I'll know whether it works or not. And so whilst that might seem a little bit split personality, it works really well. So if you can understand and be aware that your brain has a negative bias and then also realize that your thoughts are separate to you. You can really start to control how you're thinking what you end up doing, and also be able to set intentional thoughts about what's going to fuel you to be able to achieve the things that you want, which is number three. So if you currently have thoughts that are not helpful and not helping you to get to where you want to go, then I've spoken about this before, but it is really sitting down and saying, what are the thoughts that I want to have now I've got mine up on my pinboard, I've written them out on a piece of paper, I have them so that I can see them on the regular. And it is deciding that these are the thoughts that I know are going to fuel me to be able to achieve the things that I want. These are the thoughts that I want to be cultivating on a regular basis. I may not believe them right now. But it's something that I want to work towards. And so the thoughts are, I can have the impact that I want, I can try this new thing in my business and see whether it works, there is no risk. Yeah. Like I know that I can be successful, I know that I can work with amazing clients, amazing clients are always coming to me amazing clients are always wanting to work with me, I can create the outcomes that I want, I can earn the money that I want. This might take some time, but I am going to be tenacious, I'm going to go after what I want, and I will make it happen and no negative thoughts. No negative thinking is going to stand in my way. And having that self awareness and having those intentional thoughts that you cultivate on a daily basis is going to change the game for you. If you are somebody who suffers from negative thoughts always coming in keeping you stuck holding you back, then these are key strategies and tools that you can start to use. And just know that you are not a victim to thoughts, you don't have to be a victim to your thoughts, you can choose to control that and to start to foster the kind of thinking that's going to really get you to where you want to go. Number four is something that I think a lot of people once again are not aware of enough. And it's that a lot of times we're looking for external validation. We're looking for the likes, we're looking for the shares, we're looking for the Oh, that's so amazing that you did that. And when it doesn't happen, we're wondering why we're like what's happening? Why am I not getting the engagement in the validation that I want and need and so it kind of puts us in a bit of a hole. And one thing to build as a business owner, I've just feel in life in general, is your own self validation, your recognition that you have the skills that you need, that you can achieve what you want, that you see the value in yourself, and that you are not at the mercy of other people's external opinions, and their validation. So whether you get external validation or not, you're still going to do the thing, you're still going to move forward, you're still going to go after what it is that you want. And so thinking about what is it that I need to do in order to build my own self validation. And it could be that you have got experience in something. So you've got proof that you've done it before, so that you can do it again. And even if you haven't done something before, the one thing I want to say is that you can still believe and validate yourself that you can do it. I've done new things before that I've never done. And it's worked out amazingly well. That could also be the evidence that you can do new things that you haven't done before, and make them a success. And the other thing that I think is one of the best thoughts that you can have. And one of the things that has fueled me for years, is I can work it out. If I don't know what I can work it out, if I don't know what I can learn it, if I don't know what I'll like, I'll make it happen. Yet, there will be a way for me to achieve this. And so I'm not waiting for somebody else to tell me that I can do something, I see what I want, I understand what I'm going after I know what I want to build. And then I work through all of these things, I
understand that my brain is going to be unhelpful, I understand that I need to create intentional thoughts, I understand that my thoughts are separate from myself, and so I can manage them. Yeah, I understand that I can build my own self validation so that I am not relying on other people to validate me in order for me to achieve the goals that I want. And so I just really want you to think about whether you have these foundations in your business to be able to evolve and continue to do the things that you want. Because if you don't have these tools, and these are tools that I work with my clients and amplify on a lot, because I think that once you know what your products and services are once you've kind of developed your business to a point where it's been successful, you're earning money, you've got clients, then your ability to scale and go bigger, requires different thinking as well. And so really thinking about how am I going to get to that next level? How am I going to evolve my business to be able to achieve the things that I want? And what kind of thinking do I need right now to be able to do that is going to be the thing that I think will have the biggest impact and help you shift in a bigger way. The fifth thing is around growth edges. So growth edges are really taking a look at where you are now, what are your skills? What's your thinking? What is it that you're practicing? How are you working, and then looking at where you want to be. So say the business 12 months from now. So what does that look like who's that person and, and really understanding what that gap is. And whatever that gap is between the identity of who you are now, and the way that you work and the skills that you have, and the identity of the person that you will be in 12 months time, the skills that you have the work that you're doing, the kind of business you want to be running, the gap between those two are what we call growth edges. And so really understanding what your growth edges are in a very practical way, can help you to practically evolve your business, but also start to build your confidence that, okay, I know I've got this, I need to learn that or I need to evolve that thinking or create that practice in order for me to get over here. And once you start doing that, then you can practically start to upskill yourself, your thinking and the things that you're doing maybe the people around you as well, so that you can get to that place that you want to be. So for example, for me, I know that I want to evolve my business, and potentially have an agency element to it. And so now I'm starting to plan that out. And I think about what what's the identity I've got now? And what is it that I want to be doing in the future? Now I've actually run a brand agency before. So this is not a big stretch, but it's a different element. It's a different focus, it's a different product. And so just starting to think, Okay, well, what do I need to do in order to be the person that has a successful studio or agency? And what do I need to do in order to create what it is that I want? What team do I need behind me? What thinking do I need? What's the messaging I want to create? And do I already have that now? Or is that something that I need to start building? And so what are my growth edges between the business owner that I am now and the business owner I want to evolve into in the next 12 months time. And as I always say to my clients, you've got to start building the business you want in 12 months time today. So I have to start thinking and stepping into that identity of I am a business owner who does x, I am somebody who can work all this out, build a strategy, attract the right clients, create the right offering have the right message. So stepping into that identity. And really understanding what my growth edges are between the two identities of who I am now and who I want to be, will also help me to be very clear on what my thinking needs to be. Yeah, so that I can manage my intentional thoughts to start creating the reality that's going to help me to get there as well. And the last thing that kind of brings all of this together, is having those professional practices. Now if you've listened to the podcast for a while, you'll know that I talk about this all the time. I'm a big believer in it, I have a lot of different professional practices, I've got a manifestation journaling professional practice in the morning, which is really sitting down and writing down, like what I want to manifest into my life when I will have manifested in the next six to 12 months, who I will be working with what they will be like how I feel in that moment. What are the intentional thoughts that I am creating, and that is something that fuels me in such a powerful way every single morning. It's something that I do. And it's something that I love to do. And it makes such a difference to the work that I am doing as well. And so what is that professional practice, the other one is CEO days. The other one is marketing times. The other thing is that from 830 to 930, every morning, I am creating content or building something that I'm putting out there that is a value Yeah. So that I'm building the value that is out there, around my thought leadership or around whatever it is that I'm wanting to create. And so I just really want you to think about what are the professional practices around your thinking around managing your mind around your self validation? Yeah, around all of the things that we've spoken about today, that's really going to help you to intentionally and with a fire in your belly and with a clear, clear goal of what you need to do to shift your identity. shift your thinking, what are the tools and practices that you're going to start to put in place that's going to help you to be able to do that? This is something that I think every business owner needs. I think that it does not take a lot of time. But I think it's about being massively self aware that you are able to do this, you are able to make this shift and this change, and that you can decide how you're going to show up and think in your business as you continue to evolve and grow. The more you can do this, the more confident you will become because you are not at the mercy of your thoughts which are unhelpful sometimes and you're not at the mercy of other people validating you. And you're also not at the mercy of Not knowing where you're going, what you're trying to achieve and how you're going to get there. So I hope that these six things have spoken to you let me know what your thoughts are on it. Let me know whether it's something you're going to be doing, which is creating those professional practices, because I would love to know, but otherwise have an amazing rest of your day. I look forward to seeing you back on the podcast very, very soon.
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