Today on the poddy, I'm sharing my thoughts and AHA moments from the Magnetic Mastery event that I held last week.
I just love being in the room, connecting with people I love physically and giving somebody a hug and having a conversation. As you've probably already realised in being part of my community, I love speaking, presenting, training, workshopping, and answering questions. It's just my jam. It's where I love to be. It's where I thrive. And I think it's really important for me just to recognise that for myself, like I always say to my clients, where do you thrive the most? Like how can you bring more opportunity to yourself by doing that?
Listen in to hear about my main takeaways from Magnetic Mastery 2022.
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello, God as one, how are you? Welcome back to the podcast. This is a bonus episode. I've actually sheduled all of the episodes into January. But this week, I did magnetic mastery, which is the live event, we had magnetic mastery in the day we had the bulk because it's funny at night, it was so fun. It was so amazing. But so many are has thoughts, things that I just had to share with us. So I wanted to get on the podcast it was two days ago. So it's super fresh. I even feel like there'll be so much more that comes out of it. But these were the immediate things that I really wanted to share with you. And so I didn't want to wait till the New Year, I almost sheduled it for January. And I thought no, that's so far away. Let me share it with you now whilst it's fresh in my mind. And I feel so energized about it. And so that's what we are doing today. Now, this is coming out, I think at the end of November. And I want to let you know a couple of things. Okay, so number one is that I will be recording BBA, which has been brandbuilders Academy. Now moving to bold Business Academy. I'm recording that in two weeks time. Now, if you jump into BBA, which you can go and do now, before the end of or before we go on Christmas holidays, etc. Before the 16th of December, everything's happening on the 16th of December, then you can get it at the current price and get the update, when I re launched it in 2023, it will go up from 2500 Australian dollars to 2997. So if you buy it now, then you can get the update at the current price. So I just want to let you know that so make sure that you go and check that out. The second thing that I want to let you know is that amplify also the 16th of December, I'm just doing everything on the 16th. If you jump in before the 16th of December, which is the AMPLIFi accelerator mastermind, if you are a coach, consultant service provider that wants to scale your personal brand, and have a group program, create digital programs, etc. Then if you jump in before the 16th of December, you can get an extra month bonus access to amplify. And that is very high level that is a mastermind every week we're having calls. So if you want to work with me in amplify and you have already got your foundations in place, which is what BBA helps you to do, then come and join me and amplify if you've got any questions send me a DM at Suzanne Chadwick on Instagram. But otherwise, listen, let's dive into this week's episode.
Unknown Speaker 3:24
Okay, let's dive in. I've got so much to share with you. And this has been such an interesting and amazing time for me as well. I got so much out of the event, personally, just learning from the other speakers. And as I always tell you and we talked about at magnetic mastery, once again, your message can only be honed when it's witnessed. And so as I presented my session as well, there were things that came up that really landed where I was like, it could have been an offhanded comment from me, but when I saw somebody's response to it, I'm now like, I need to talk about that more. So it was just awesome. I'm just going to refer to it as Mm, yeah, magnetic mastery when I talk about it, so that if I talk about Mm, that's what I'm talking about. So I decided I think it was about mid year, maybe July or August that I was going to put this event on now. Coming from an events background. I knew that it was going to be hard work. It always is. And I knew that I wanted to do it. I just love being in the room. I love connecting with people I love physically. Being able to give somebody a hug and have a conversation. And I love speaking and presenting and training and workshopping, answering questions. It's just my jam. It's where I love to be. It's where I thrive. And I think it's really important for me to just to recognize that for myself, like I always say to my clients, where do you thrive the most? Like how can you bring more opportunity to yourself by doing that?
Unknown Speaker 5:00
And so I just need to admit that that's definitely something that I want to do more of, even to the point where I have decided that I will be running magnetic mastery in 2023. I haven't picked a date yet. But I have already started thinking about it, I already, you know, know exactly what we're going to be doing, etc. And so it's just coming to terms with the fact that that is what I do want to do, even if it's one big conference, like a two day event, every year, then that's what I want to be doing. And it was really interesting, because one of the sessions that we did, so I did the first session, which was all about bringing your magnetism to life, and really honing in on that big bold vision and understanding what it's going to take to bring that to life and what you may need to shift and change in order to achieve it. And we talked about a whole lot of other things. And then Haley talked about your momentous message, which was amazing, and got so many great, you know, ideas and thoughts from that and had great feedback on it. And then Amy Bell, who's an NLP coach, also took us through an exercise which was, which I want to have. And so that was really interesting, because when Amy did that, I was partnering up with Hayley Maxwell, it was one of my other speakers. And I was just saying, I really wish that I could do more events, I really want them. But it's really hard work. And it's really hard to sell events, sometimes as well, like, this was an incredible event, but it was actually quite hard to sell, and just gotta be totally honest with you. And so that's something that makes me hesitate, because I'm like, Oh, my gosh, it's gonna be so much work. But it was so interesting. And I just think things come to you, at the right moment. I think that things come to you exactly when you need them. And so I was listening to Rick rolls podcast he's on, you can find him on Instagram, you can find him on YouTube, I'll have the links in the show notes. But he was speaking to a Doctor Susan David. And this was just happened to be the, you know, the episode that I was listening to this morning. And she said, discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. And when she said that, I tell you what it was like it hit me like a ton of bricks. And my whole wishing I could have more events, wanting desperately to do them. But just knowing how hard it is.
Unknown Speaker 7:43
I just was able to understand and land on the fact that when we stop expecting, and I'm going to make this really personal, when I stop expecting it to be easy, then I can get on with doing the work that matters. So when I stop expecting, making events, creating events to be easy, because they're not, they may never be, then I can just get on with the work that matters. And I can just focus on what I can do
Unknown Speaker 8:16
to negate a lot of the displeasure of it. And so when we were talking about wanting something at magnetic mastery, it's kind of like if you decide that you really want something, but it's hard or you know, it's uncomfortable, or whatever it is. But you know what, 100% in your gut like deep down that, yes, this is what you want, then you can start to find the resources and find the things that are going to help to make it easier for you to create that for you to do that. And so sometimes I think that when things are really hard to do, we can say, well, it's a bit too hard, I'll probably do something else. And so now I'm like, Okay, well, let's find a cheaper venue, if costs are really high. Let's plan ahead, let's, you know, we've got all of our suppliers. Now let's just try and lock that in, etc. And so thinking about how can we make it easier, it's never gonna be easy, because that's just how it is. Because discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. Yeah. And so the question is that I want to pose to you, what is it that you deep down in your gut, so want to do, but because it feels hard, you're holding yourself back? And I'm right here learning along with you. You know, this is not me standing on a pedestal somewhere going, shaking my finger saying you need to learn how to do this. This me talking to myself as well as to you saying Suze? It's hard but you can do hard things. Oh my gosh, once again, aha moment. Set it to my door.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
What are the other day?
Unknown Speaker 10:02
Yeah, she's like, I'm scared to go to high school because I think it's going to be hard. And I'm like, it will be a bit hard because it's new. But you know something, you can do hard things. And so I want to say that to you, and I want to say it to me, we can do hard things, we can create incredible exceptional experiences for ourselves, for our clients in our lives. By just accepting that discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life. I've been thinking I really want to do YouTube, because I feel like creating content for social media is such a blip like it's just not a smart way of creating content. Whereas obviously with the podcast, I love it, but also then putting things on YouTube and then repurposing it for the podcast for socials. But what has my thing been? Well, that feels a bit hard?
Unknown Speaker 10:56
Like, that's, that's a lot of work to have to do that, yes, is it is a lot of work. But actually, that would help you reach a wider audience reach a new audience be found through SEO have evergreen content that leaves on even when you're not working data. So what is it that you know, that you want to be doing or that you've had the idea to do, but that the whole fact of it potentially being hard or not even potentially, but actually being hard. You're like, Man, I don't know if I want to do that or not, it could be a podcast, it could be YouTube, it could be events, it could be doing something new in your business, whatever that might be. And I almost want to say that when it is hard, good things take time, good things, take effort, good things that are valued, take the hard work, because obviously things that are a value. If it was easy, then everybody would do it. And then maybe it wouldn't be as valuable. But because we decide that we want to do the hard thing,
Unknown Speaker 12:04
then we reap the benefits of doing the hard thing. And so I have to say that the whole process of mmm, organizing it, selling it, just running it
Unknown Speaker 12:20
on the day
Unknown Speaker 12:22
was exactly where I wanted to be. The room was exactly what I wanted it to be the energy and the Pete, the women in the room were exactly what I wanted. And I hear this at all of my events, which makes me so proud is that when people come to my events, they're just like, I just know that I'm gonna meet other really awesome people, like good people, people that want to have deep conversations, people that want to share their thoughts, people that are willing to be vulnerable, and share what's going on for them and have honest conversations. And that is the community that I want to build. I'm not interested in the numbers, and I'm not interested in the look of it. What I want is deep conversations that matter. And so that can take some hard work as well is to name and claim that audience you know, I talk to my clients about this a lot is that if you're a doer, if you are somebody who's willing to do the hard things, if you're willing to get out of your comfort zone, if you're willing to stretch yourself, then you know, I'm the business coach for you. I'm the I am the person that you can come and be in our community because you know, something I am always learning, I am always growing. And I want you to come on this journey with me. And so I know that when I create a room, that room is full of women who are doers, willing to do hard things willing to get vulnerable, willing to have deep conversations. They're friendly. Yeah, they're inclusive. And so that is something that's really important to me. And so I'm willing to do the work to build a community like that. And it may not go at the speed that I want. Yeah, I want it to be bigger. Yeah, I want it to work faster for me, but that's okay. That's okay to be where I am. And to learn and grow as I go as well. And so that was a really big aha moment for me through
Unknown Speaker 14:27
the wish want to have a session that Amy ran as well. And then some of the other things I wanted to share with you our borrowed thoughts and conversations that were had mmm as well.
Unknown Speaker 14:42
And it's just I just always find it so interesting. We had this conversation where I was saying, You know
Unknown Speaker 14:49
what, when somebody else has a thought that is really useful, and really amazing. Then borrow it. Listen to it and think that thought
Unknown Speaker 15:00
could really serve me what an amazing thought that they've just had. Because when we manage our thoughts, then we can manage our emotions, which manages our actions, which manages our results. Yeah. So what are the thoughts that I can borrow? So a couple of thoughts that were shared on the day, like I said, I'm sure more will come out. But one of them was, I can still go after what I want, even when it's not convenient. So one of my beautiful attendees, has two sets of twins. And she was just saying that, you know,
Unknown Speaker 15:37
it wasn't convenient for her to start a business. It wasn't convenient for her to go after that. But it's what she wanted. And so it's okay to go after what you want, even when it's not convenient. It's literally like the thought that I just shared with you as well is that you can do those hard things. Yeah, like you can go after what you want. And even when it's hard, it's okay. And so when she shared that thought, there were other people in the room that were like, Oh, my gosh, I am taking that with me, I can still go after what I want, and build what I want and do what I want, even when it's not convenient. Because when it's not convenient, we can come up with all the excuses as to why we're not going to do it. Well, I've got young kids, and I've, you know, got to do this, and I'm still working in a job or I just don't have time or,
Unknown Speaker 16:31
you know, a million reasons. But the question is, even when it's not convenient, are you going after what you want.
Unknown Speaker 16:40
So that was the first thought. The second thought was, somebody was saying in at, during one of our sessions, I have to speak to two different audiences. And so the thought that I gave her was, I'm speaking to the same audience, they're just at different stages. And so depending on your business, obviously, there might be people out there that do actually speak to completely different audiences, like entrepreneurs and corporates or something like that. But if you are serving an audience where you have a bigger message, then potentially the people that you're speaking to,
Unknown Speaker 17:18
they actually are the same people, but they're just at different stages of their journey. And so it's more about speaking to their journey, and where they are. And one of the things to do is to speak to your platinum clients. Because when you speak at a higher level,
Unknown Speaker 17:34
when you speak about how so for example, if I'm speaking about amplify how you can scale your business with group programs, how you get out of one on one, how to have a bigger impact, how to build a personal brand, where you can speak to more people, etc. then the more I talk about that, even though somebody may not be at that stage yet, I'm like BBA is stage one, if you can get your foundations in place, you can start paying yourself more, you can get your message sorted, you can manage your money, etc. Then once you've done that, in VBA, then come and join us in amplify, which is now amplifying everything that you've done. So they're the same audience, but they're just at different stages of their journey. So I just want you to think about, do you overthink or confuse yourself when it comes to who you're speaking to? Does that trip you up? Is it something that you feel like oh, like, I don't know exactly what to say, because I might be speaking to different people. But if you speak to your audience at the higher level of what is possible for them, then people who are not there yet still aspire to that. So they're totally in on your messaging as well. So just think about that was one thing that I think I spoke to more than one person about that, which is, it's okay for you just to talk about what it is that you do. And then when people come to you, depending on what services you've got, then they can choose which one is right for them. And obviously, you can guide them towards that as well.
Unknown Speaker 19:07
Another conversation that I had, which was a really interesting one, is somebody said to me, I'm not sure I can get any new learnings when I come to events. So you know, for somebody who may have been in business for a while where they've been doing the same thing for a while. The thought was I'm not really sure I can get anything new. And I just really want to offer something is that
Unknown Speaker 19:37
every year, I listen to Big Magic. So it's my it's one of my new year's rituals is that I go on walks and I listened to Big Magic. So I listened to the exact same book every single year. And every single year I get something new out of it.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
And I do that because I know I'm at a different stage in my business.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
I know that I've got different priorities, and I've got different ways of thinking, but because the messages in it are so awesome, I know that it'll land with me in a different way every year, because I'm at a different stage. But it still speaks to me. And so I just really want to offer the thought that if you are somebody who's like, Yeah, I kind of, I've heard it all before I know all of this, I really want to get you to think differently. And think something like, because I know I make great choices. Every time I step into a room, I know I'm gonna learn something amazing and have an aha moment. If you go into a room, and you expect to get something new out of it, even from a message that you've heard before, then you will get something new out of it.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Don't ever think? Well, I've heard it all before, I've got nothing to learn. I've got there's no, there's no, nothing new here for me. And I really want to challenge you to have the deliberate thought that you know, something, even if I go into a room with people who have not been in business, as long as me, they will have different thoughts to me. And I'm sure that there are thoughts that they have, that could be of use to me, I could learn something new from them that I haven't done before. I haven't heard before I haven't learned before.
Unknown Speaker 21:26
And so always go into every room, every situation with the thought, today, a wonder what gems I'm getting here. I wonder what I'm going to discover about myself. That is an opportunity for me to grow, for me to develop for me to think differently. And I think that if you can go into every situation like that, you will just get so much more out of life, you'll get so much more out of the things that you decide to invest time and money and effort into. Like really think about that. What kind of mindset Are you going into things with? Is it kind of like, Yeah, I've heard it before? Or are you going into it with? I wonder how this message even if I've heard it before, we'll land today. And that's what I go into when I listen to Big Magic again. I wonder what new stuff I'll get out of it today. It's like you go into a candy store. Yeah, you go into the candy store, you get some candy. And then you leave the candy store you like Well, I'm never gonna go to that candy store again, because I already ate some of the candy. No, you go in, you're like, I wonder what's new. I wonder what what else I could try? Yeah. And so really think about how you're going into situations?
Unknown Speaker 22:40
Where are you going in with a negative thought or with a thought that you already know it all.
Unknown Speaker 22:47
And really catch yourself in that moment as well. Because I think it's exciting to always go into a room thinking, I know, I'm gonna get something new out of this. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
The last thought was just because it's what you've always done, doesn't mean that's what you have to keep doing.
Unknown Speaker 23:08
What if your business and life looked totally different. So in my session, where I was talking about what it takes to be magnetic, and how to build that big bold vision that other people want to come on the journey with and that you feel so super aligned to that you can't help but radiate your magnetism. And one thing that landed with quite a few women in the room was
Unknown Speaker 23:39
they've been doing something for a really long time.
Unknown Speaker 23:44
They have built a business over like 1520 years of their expertise. And sometimes when we've been in something for a long time, we can feel really stuck. We can feel really stale. Like this is what we've done. And so this is what we've just got to keep doing.
Unknown Speaker 24:02
And I really want to ask you, what if it looked different?
Unknown Speaker 24:08
What if you could just clear your mind for a minute and take I'm not saying don't take all the skills like to take all the skills that you've got, but what would you love your life to look like? And maybe it's just a bit of a rejig. Maybe it's something completely different, which I think is such a scary thing for a lot of people. What if you just didn't do what you were doing now and you did something totally different if what you're doing doesn't light you up and I find it so interesting. I literally got a message this morning on my Instagram.
Unknown Speaker 24:40
From somebody that was saying, I feel a bit lost. Like you know, I've been stalking your page for a while before acting on signing up for one of your offerings, but just grateful to find and connect with you. And she was just saying that she used to have a b&b She still has got
Unknown Speaker 25:00
The website and everything, but she's just like not feeling excited by it. But she feels like well, it's there. And should I still do it? And shoulds? Well, should, should be something we talked about. Mm as well in Amy's session, like, do you feel like you should do it? And so I just said to her, and I'll say it to you. You know, if you were to start with a clean slate, what would you do?
Unknown Speaker 25:26
And what I mean by that is, if you could do anything, what would you do if you could take the skills that you have now and, and either expand on what you do or do something completely different? What would you do? And I think sometimes we don't allow ourselves to think that.
Unknown Speaker 25:43
And just give yourself the space to consider it.
Unknown Speaker 25:48
And be okay with whatever the answer is. And so there were a couple of amazing women there that came to me out, it wasn't just like, oh, my gosh, that blew my mind. Because I'm in it, because I do it. I just hadn't thought about what if I just did something different? What if I did something completely different? That actually lights you up that actually makes you want to go to work, build a business, connect with others be magnetic? Yeah, what would you do?
Unknown Speaker 26:18
And you know, something, even from my own session, when I asked those questions, when I asked the questions, and I say, what's your big bold vision? Once again, for me, I'm living into it. What do I want to create? What do I want to do in the next 12 months time? Which is why I love VBA as well, because I always say you just go back to it never, never assume you know everything. Because when you go back to the questions of what is it that I want to do in the next 12 months, me being me now in 2019 20, and it says, in 2020.
Unknown Speaker 26:53
And 2022, you know, is very different to who I've been in the previous years. And so my vision is bigger, my skills are different. My business looks different. The support in my business looks different. And so what is my big bold vision for myself? Who do I need to be to step into that big bold vision? What do I need to do? How do I need to think what do I need to say?
Unknown Speaker 27:19
And what what am I conscious that is holding me back? If there is what thoughts do I need to borrow from other people? My job is to be visible. My job is to be a community leader for bold women who are changing lives who are creating movements, yeah, who are doing big things, I want to be the leader for them. And if they're doing big, bold things, and how do I need to show up to be that leader for them?
Unknown Speaker 27:48
You know, even when I think about magnetic mastery for next year, I just think you know, something like, I want to have a few other speakers. But it's okay for me to step up as the leader in that event and run the whole event. Like it's okay, I don't always have to have lots of other people who were there as well. Like, I can lead that I can believe and back myself. And believe in myself fully to be the person that can run an event like that. And for anybody that has listened to me for a while and knows like I love Brooke Castilla in the US. She recently ran a three day thing was called Life Coach live. And I just look at that. And I'm like that I want that, like I want.
Unknown Speaker 28:39
I don't know, 500 women in a room, I want to like coach and speak to and mastermind for like two or three days. I want to create an environment that's exciting and powerful and life changing. And so I'm like, I want to be like the Brooker cielo of Australia. And so why can't I be that like, can I believe in myself enough to do that? And so my question to you is, what is that big, bold vision that you've got? And what does it look like for you to truly step into it? What's the message? What is that momentous message that you've got that you desperately want to share with your audience that you just can't help? Like, it's bursting out of you. You can't help but share it.
Unknown Speaker 29:25
And for me, I know that it's to support women to become bold and powerful voices in their industry. Yeah, to create movements to create communities to say what it is that they want to say, to make great money and to pay themselves well. Like I know that that's what I'm here to do and how I'm here to support you.
Unknown Speaker 29:48
Because I want you to fully believe that you can be a leader in your industry, and that you have something unique to say do not be afraid of what you have to say don't
Unknown Speaker 30:00
worry about what other people will think what other people will say, because it's the people who will say something and the people who will think the negative thoughts, who are too scared to do it. And so together, you and me, yeah, you and me, we are going to do this. If you want to become a bold and powerful voice in your industry, then take my hand, let's do this, let's build momentum, let's build movements, let's build communities of powerful people doing powerful things. And together, we can build our belief ladders that it is possible for us to be able to achieve this. Others have done it before we can do it.
Unknown Speaker 30:44
Others have paved the way we can do it.
Unknown Speaker 30:47
And together, we can support one another to do that. So whatever it is that you're wanting to do, I really want you to step into full belief that you already have everything that you need inside you, you are already magnetic, you are already magnetic, you just have to believe in yourself in order to activate it. I just want you didn't know that. There is something inside of you right now that is so powerful and so incredible. And it is just waiting for you to activate it.
Unknown Speaker 31:24
And I just want you to think about that, I want you to sit in the belief of that right now. Imagine if you 100% believed that that was true
Unknown Speaker 31:37
that you could be the leader in your industry,
Unknown Speaker 31:41
that you could be truly powerfully magnetic.
Unknown Speaker 31:47
And then know that it is 100% true. If you choose to believe it, you will activate that within you.
Unknown Speaker 31:57
And that's what I wanted to share with you today. So
Unknown Speaker 32:03
make sure that you sign up to my email list which is just Suzanne forward slash subscribe. And you will obviously find out about magnetic mastery, which is for next year. If you're one of my amplify clients, you will get a free ticket to those those two days that day or two days. I'm saying two days at the moment. And obviously if you join AMPLIFi before the 16th of December then you get the extra month plus you get the free ticket plus we will be doing some in person stuff as well. Which I'm excited for and so come and join me come and work with me for 12 months build your belief build your community build a brand that just is everything that you want it to be and a powerful message. If you've got any questions just DM me at CES Chadwick I'm just like I had so much I wanted to share with you today and I just couldn't wait to share it. So I hope that that was helpful. And I can't wait to speak to you again soon. Big Love
Transcribed by