Creating your KYOSO Goals
What’s your big audacious goal this year?
So often we stick with conservative, safe goals that help us feel more comfortable.
But what if you didn’t stay comfortable. What if you had a goal that was uncomfortable. So uncomfortable it made your butt clench a little.
You know the type of goal I’m talking about.
Maybe it’s the number of clients you want to work with.
What’s the safe goal, then what’s the KYOSO – Knock Your Own Socks Off goal?
Who would you need to be to reach the safe goal and who would you need to be to reach the KYOSO goal?
What would the difference be?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret.
You know the people that you look at and think – WOW that’s amazing.
They only focus on the KYOSO goal.
So what would yours be?
It’s fun to stretch your brain, your beliefs, your self-concept and really think about it.
Mine is written on my whiteboard in my office so I see it every morning when I walk through my door.
So if you haven’t already, then I’d love to challenge you to write it down.
You could even write it down right now if you like. And if you want to be really brave you could email me and let me know what it is!! 😱
On a piece of paper I want you to draw three columns:
Safe Goals | Next level Goals | KYOSO Goals | |
Financial | $ | $ | $ |
Self-reflection & Self belief | Who do you need to be and what do you need to do at this level? | ||
Surrounding yourself | Who do you need around you and what needs to change with your circle? | ||
Investing | What areas do you need to invest in |
If you’re ready to take your goals to the next level then make sure you come and join us in BBA! Doors open on the 31st January 2021 and we kick off this live coaching round on Monday 14th Feb.
So my question to you is, what is your big, audacious goal?
I hear you saying, Suze, what are KYOSO goals, which is K-Y-O-S-O.
Do you have kind of like really big stretch goals, because this is what we're talking about today?
So often, we stick with conservative goals that help us feel really comfortable, we're like, oh, let me just, you know, stick with where I am right now. Like, maybe I'll have the same goals I had this year, maybe I'll just, you know, increase them just a little bit, because that kind of feels achievable, and that feels comfortable. And you can totally do that.
But I would really love to encourage you to not stay comfortable DCR, I would love you to set a little bit of an uncomfortable goal. One that you might have a bit of a butt clenching moment about.
So when I'm in a launch, I have my baseline goal, I have my next level goal. And then I have my key Oh, so goal. It's your key, I say goal is your knock your own socks off goal. It's that massive stretch goal that you would just be beyond excited about if you were able to hit it.
But what we do, I think a lot of the time is that we kind of stick with our baseline goals. When somebody says, What's your goal? You're like, this is my goal. And you're like, that feels challenging.
But my question is, what would the next level of that be? And then what would the KYOSO, knock my own socks off, can't believe I just did that kind of goal. So if you go to the show notes, then you will be able to see just a little it's a little diagram that we've created. And you can grab a piece of paper and you can sit and do this exercise, which is an exercise that I actually do. And yes, it is on my whiteboard as well.
So number one, I want you to write down finances, then personal, then business. Those are your three columns. And then on the side of that, I want you to write baseline. Next Level key Oh, so yeah, so if you can picture it in your mind, what I want you to do is say when it comes to my finances, my baseline goal is $100,000. My next level goal would be 170,000. And if I hit 250K, that would be my, like, knock my own socks off goal.
So that's how I want you to think about it. Then in the next column, what I want you to do is that in order for you, so you've got your personal - in order for you to hit your baseline goal, how would you need to show up personally, like what would need to be different from where you are now?
So you might have to change one thing, there might just be one little tweak that you can make, that's going to help you to have a baseline goal. That's a little bit bigger than where you are now.
The next thing is, and also this could be, you might need to learn something new, you might need to hire somebody new, you might need to get more support, you might need to buy a new technology.
So that might be something that you're thinking about. The next thing is the next level goal personally, what do I need to do to get to that goal? And then you've also got to ask yourself, what do I need to do to hit my knock your own socks off goal?
So personally, how would I need to be? And I think that a lot of times, we continue to do the things that we've been doing, we stretch ourselves a little bit. But we're not really focusing in on how do I need to change in the way that I operate, what behaviors need to change for me, what attitudes, beliefs, etc. We talked about it in an earlier episode around belief ladders, as well. So what needs to change in order for me to hit my baseline, my next level, and then my Kyocera, and you should have like a pretty substantial description, and list of things that would need to change in order for you to hit your Kyoto goal. Because at the end of the day, you would need to up level in a massive way you would need to completely change something you're doing maybe you need to show up more. Maybe you need to love sales more, maybe you need to believe that this is possible and available to you. Maybe you need to work a little bit harder. Maybe you need to get more support.
There has to be a big personal shift in order for you to go from where you are now to jump those three stages. And then from a business perspective, what else do you need? And so for me, one of the big things has been Who I'm surrounding myself with and what I'm learning? Like, what do I know now? And what do I need to know? What do I need to get better at? What what do I need to go deeper into. And so I'm now looking at, you know, the room that I'm in. So the people that I'm surrounding myself with, and the people I surrounded myself with in the last 12 months got me to where I am now. But where I want to go, which is like really two to three leaps beyond where I am, I have to be in a different room. And so I think a lot of times when we're in this process, as well, we overthink things a lot. And the overthinking comes from the disbelief in what is possible for us. So I actually made a decision yesterday to quit, like have a big investment in something. And I had a little bit of drama around it, you know, talk about that as well. And I just sat and just made the decision. Do I believe that this can help me to do that the three leap, you know, like, get to three times where I am now? Yes, I do. Am I willing to back myself that I that when I make this investment? I will make this a reality? Yes, I am. And so is this a scary and stretch goal for me? It sure is, but I believe that I am going to get the return on investment through my own actions.
And so I then just made that decision. So sometimes we will see in overthinking and over deliberation for so long, that it takes away a lot of mental energy. And it creates a lot of stress. And Indecision is one of the worst things when it comes to you achieving momentum and achieving your goals and really getting to where you want to be.
I think that's one of the biggest things that people tell me, they struggle with is I Suze, I overthink everything, like it takes me so long to make a decision. And I also have a lot of drama around it. And I know that these things can take a little bit of time, I'm not saying you're just going to make, you know, quick snap decisions that you haven't thought through.
But I also think that I've talked about this before, is really having that criteria. And really asking yourself, when you're overthinking it being really honest, and saying, why am I overthinking this? Is it because I believe the person's not like able to deliver what they're saying? Do I believe that I'm not willing to do the work or able to have the outcome that I want? What is it that's actually stopping me from making this decision? Why am I overthinking it? Do I not trust myself?
So when you're going after these big, audacious, curioso goals, you've really got to start to become super self-aware, you know, is self-aware of why you're making the decision how you're making the decision, what needs to change in the way you make your decisions as well. And so I think that's a really important thing to think about, and work through.
It's also stretching yourself to say what is good look like now in the current state of your business? What would good look like? And really understanding that so that you can take the action that you need in order to work towards good, great, amazing. So I think you've just really got to be thinking about how you change the way that you operate as the CEO in your business, and even claiming that space as the CEO is so important.
Are you doing that?
Are you making CEO decisions?
Are you aware of your financials?
Do you know what actions you need to take in order to move the business forward?
And really figuring out who can support you to do that?
And thinking about do I need to outsource something? Do I need somebody who can really support me in specific tech things?
So I've recently hired somebody who's specializes in Active Campaign to completely overhaul the way that we use it. Because I'm like, Well, if I want to grow my list to be three times four times five times what it is, we want to have it set up better than what it is now. And so what do I need to prepare in order for me to hit that massive goal?
What do I need to sort out now that is kind of earned like maybe not working as well as they needed to or wanted to? So that when we get to that, and once again, it's believing that I'm absolutely going to get to that that when I get to it, we've got everything in place that we need to. And so are you doing things that are preparing your business for that next level KYOSO goal? Or are you just continuing to operate where you are now. And the reason that I'm doing that is because I don't want to be working all the time.
You know, part of that goal that you're really going after is also reflecting on the life that you want. So I want to end this much money in the business, I want to have this kind of impact with my client. But I also want to only be working like four hours, five hours a day, from nine until one or two, and then I'm done and I really I enjoy work. So I don't want to not work. But I'm also really focused on not over-committing, spinning my wheels, procrastinating faffing, I really want to make sure that the business is set up in a way where I can get the most out of it just by working like four hours a day. I think the next thing that's really important is having products and services that you love.
You know, I've made the decision that brand builders Academy and amplify my two programs. I'm obsessed with them. Like I love them, I am always looking at how do I make them better harder, like I help my clients more? How do we make it more exciting? How do we make it like richer in the content? How am I sharing more of the learnings that I have? And so, you know, I talk about bringing your best work to life and constantly improving on what you've got. And so my question to you is, how are you improving on the products and services that you have so that you love them even more? Because you won't hate your KYOSO goal, if you don't love what you're selling, I mean, for me, I absolutely love the clients that I'm working with, I am obsessed with getting them the results, challenging their thinking, working out what they can do in their business.
So what does that next step look like for you as well? When it comes to your products and services? Like do you absolutely love what it is that you've got? Because if you don't love what you've got, then you're not going to sell it as well. And I can't you know, I was on a live and somebody said to me, do you think that we have to love what we're selling. And my response to her was, I think that men are a little bit different. And this could be such a big generalization, but I think men are different. I think it was in last week's episode, or the episode before.
But I think as women, and if you're different, that's fine. But as women we want to love, we want to be passionate about what we're doing. We want to really be connected to the products we're selling the services we're offering, and I think that's so important.
So once again, if you really want to grow your business, then you have to love what you have. And I don't just mean like, yeah, like it's good. I mean, you can sell it in your sleep.
I was saying this to my Amplify Mastermind clients so that they can you sell what you have in your sleep is are you like so passionate about it, and one of my clients, she had been looking to sell a mastermind last year, and didn't quite get that off the ground. And she's now joined, Amplify, and when we were talking what she had created, I thought like there wasn't a lot of energy when she talked about it. But she had this other idea. And when she shared that other idea, she just kind of was like a totally different person, different energy lit up really passionate about this idea. But that wasn't what she was focusing on and growing and building.
So when we had the conversation about what she's going to focus on this year, and we and we talked about those two different products, I just said, you know, why are you not doing this other thing that you mentioned, but you've not built out? Like, that's who you are. That's your background. That's where your story comes from. You're really passionate about supporting these particular types of clients. Like why would you not build that out? And she was just like, You're so right. Like, that is what I want to do. And so, really looking at do I love what I am selling, am I can I sell it in my sleep?
Do I want to grow these like 10 times over? Yeah. And so really deciding that that's the kind of business that you want to have. Those are the kind of products and services that you want to have is so important to how you show up like the amount you invest in yourself to grow your skills to grow that service or product. And I think sometimes we don't make that connection. It's like if you're not motivated to go out on If you're not motivated to have big goals, if you're not motivated to grow your business, now, I'm just going to put a little caveat in here, you may be in a different season of your life, where you only have a day a week to grow your business.
You can only do what you can do in in that time that you have. But if you are in your business, mostly full time, or a fair amount, and you're like, I like I'm not fired up to grow this business, you've got to take a look at all these things. It's like, do I love the products and services that I have? Do I want to make this my empire? Am I really stretching myself and going out of my comfort zone to make this a reality. And if you're not, then you've got to really assess what you're doing as well. And whether this is what you want to be doing.
Really have a think about that, and whether you feel like you're heading in the direction that you want to be heading in. And then another thing to look at is the investing. investing in the people who can support you to achieve what you want.
So as I said, I've hired somebody to help me with Active Campaign, I shared on Instagram the other day, I have a transformation coach. So like a life coach as well, that I call on when I need to who really gets into my head and helps me, I've also got a business coach. And then I've also got somebody who I am learning sales from as well. And so I am not an island, I know what I need, in order to really continue to learn and grow. I've always been a big learner, there's always things that I want to learn that I want to grow in. And so I really make sure that I am investing in myself, because when I invest in my brain, then obviously that then has a knock-on effect to my business. And so I have made a massive investment, I want to grow, I want to learn. And I love that when I learn. And when I grow, then my clients get the benefit of that. So when I invest like 60 grand in myself, my clients get the benefit of me investing in my brain. Yeah, because it takes my thoughts to a new level, it takes my growth junior level, it takes my capacity to a new level. And so when you invest in yourself, I think sometimes we're like, you know, I can't afford it. And I don't want to invest in myself. And it's, and you've got to be in a place where you're like, maybe I need to take some money out of like a holiday or take some money out of my savings or take some money out of another part of the business so that I can invest in growing my brain.
The thing is that when I invest in myself, I expect to get like three, five, ten times a return on that.
I'm okay with investing $50,000 in my brain, because I want to get to $1-$2-$3 million. So that is nothing compared to where I want to go. So really thinking about how you are fostering your own knowledge how you're developing that, knowing that you can absolutely achieve your knock your own socks off goals, just by doing a few of these different things.
By being really self-aware by looking at your beliefs, by looking at what you're investing in how you're growing your brain and your knowledge by looking at your team, who do I need to have on my team? Or who do I need to hire in order to get things moving in the right direction?
I also just want to say your environment matters. Like as I sit here at my desk, and I'm thinking about my knock your own socks have goals, which are written on my whiteboard. I look at them every morning, when I walk in the door. And I'm aware of them and I'm feeling into them and I'm like that is going to happen like that is done those big audacious goals are well on their way I am taking the action I am doing the thing that he's going to help me to get there but when I look around me you know I'm looking at I've got a big white canvas with that's on my wall where my daughter and my art is stuck and it's also got like quotes and things like that on it.
So as I sit here at my desk, there's a big thing that says million dollar mindset. And then I've got a quote anything is possible if you've got enough nerve by JK Rowling. And from Troy McKenna. I've got Every successful brand needs a feel as custodian. And I've also got What he's meant for me will come to me I am open to him welcome in all the abundance available to me and receive it with gratitude every day.
And I've got other thoughts, really big thoughts that I know will help me to get to where I'm going. So, as you see in your environment, what is that like for you? Is it inspiring for you? Is it challenging for you is it like helping you to realize that that big goal that you want is totally possible, and that you can go after, and it's safe for you to achieve those goals, like what is around you that helping you to get to where you want to go. And the people around you, you know, it's so important to communicate with them what you need, in order to have the success that you want, this is a really big one, too. And I have to be honest with you, in some of my relationships, I have not been great at communicating what I want. And this year, I made the decision that when I want to say something, I will say it, if I feel like there are people that are not supporting me in the way that I want them to, I'm going to tell them in a really loving way I'm not, you know, I'm not going to be accountable. But that's something that I've had to do. And I've had to have the hard conversation, where I'm like, you know, something, this is not okay for me, I need you to be this, I need you to step up and do that. In order for me to really live the life that I want to live, I have the you know, achieve the goals that I want to have. So I think so many times we've got people around us where they might speak to us in a certain way. They might say things to us. And we're just like, we don't say anything. But what happens and my transformation coach and I were talking about this the other day is what happens is that we then replay those, what they say to us in our mind, and it impacts us, it affects us, it stops us from doing things. And so it's up to us, it's our responsibility to say what we want to ask for what we want to say what we need in order for us to achieve what we want. And so I would really encourage you that if you have people around you that are not giving you the support that you need to find the courage because I know that it takes courage, but to find the courage to have the conversation, to find the courage to say, you know, something, I'm going after these really big goals, I'm going to take some risks, I'm going to be doing things that are really uncomfortable. And I really need your support, I really need your support. And I need positive things from you. Not negative things. You obviously say it in whatever way you want. But I would just really encourage you to have those conversations so that you are surrounding yourself. Yeah, you've got that self-awareness, that self-belief, you've written down your goals, you've got the people around you, you've got the team around you, you've got created the environment for success as well. And so, you can go after those things. But I just want you to know that other people's beliefs and thoughts are not yours to own. So, you can let them go. And you can choose to believe that everything that you want, and desire is totally possible for you. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it takes patience.
But do you know what else it takes? It takes tenacity, it takes determination, resilience, but it's totally possible and I am here 100% for it are you here for it? Because I want you to be here for it. And so that is what to so goals are not your own socks off.
Have your standard baseline Have your next level? Have you KYOSO goals and send me a DM on Instagram @SuzChadwick reply to one of my emails, if you're a subscriber, and if you're not, why not? And tell me what yours is. What is it? It could be a financial, it could be a personal it could be a business goal. Tell me what it is. You could send me all three. I would love to hear what your knock your own socks off goal is for yourself. And like you should feel uncomfortable when you set it. That's when you know that it's a really good goal.
Let's just say because he's super-uncomfortable when you said it. Awesome.
Well listen, I hope that you got a lot out of this episode. I hope that it made you think a little bit bigger a little bit differently as well. I don't know whether it was as good as the first one I recorded because I have to say I was on a roll but I tried to get everything in that I said in the first one as well. And so I hope that you enjoyed it and just Remember, if you want to go after those big goals, if you want to grow your business, if you want to be around others that are thinking bigger, then I would love you to come and join us in Brand Builders Academy. Yes, go to, and come and join us. Challenge yourself, challenge your thinking. Surround yourself with people who are going after big things and I would love to have you in our gorgeous, amazing, inspiring community