
This week we're talking all about getting strategic with your content and delivering great content that supports your business in the way you need it to!

So let's start with the What – What is a strategic content plan

It's having a really clear understanding of which platforms are right for you, where you're audience is and what content you need or want to share with them on those platforms. So you've thought about it and you have a plan, you're not just randomly trying to work things out as you go. Now saying that, when you start out out in business then that's where most of us start but you don't have to – hopefully there is enough information out there now a days that you can actually nail this a lot sooner than most of us who started a few years ago.

Tip 1 – Be clear on what you want to communicate and who you're communicating too.

So knowing your audience, knowing which platforms to use and then building content with an end goal in mind.
You may be developing content to build your brand – so you're just giving, giving, giving, your sharing, teaching and providing great value.

Maybe some of your content is about selling a specific product or service
Some of your content is about connection and sharing things about you

As they say you're either educating, entertaining, informing or engaging so think about what you want to do and when you want to do it.

Tip 2 – Plan ahead so that you can create some consistency.

This could be batching blog posts or videos so that you have something weekly that goes out to your subscribers or on your socials. This podcast is my content that I do as close to weekly as possible. Consistency is what builds trust. It's when you do what you say your going to do and you actually show up.

Tip 3 – When it comes to creating a strategic content plan really take a look at where your audience is.

There's no point in being on platforms if that's not where your audience is going to be so for example if you're really wanting to hit up a lot of corporate organisation then obviously LinkedIn it's a place for you so just make sure that you really understand where you want to be and where your audience are and where they really want to engage with you. My audience from my insights on FB and Insta are 28-45, and I know that most of them are on either FB or Insta so that's where I am. You don't want to be creating content consistently to an empty room.

Tip 4 – If you really enjoy a platform then think about the different ways you can use it.

I wanted to use instagram as an example because I've been getting a lot of questions on the new IGTV. Now I'm not a social media expert but I work with a lot of clients on video which IGTV is. I've been doing some conscious analysis of how I use the platform, what I'm looking for and how I engage.

So let's break it down.

You have the main platform of images. So usually pretty pictures where you talk about what you're doing, where you are , observations and tips. I actually see images as a more passive scroll. I might be sitting on the couch scrolling through the feed and reading some, not reading others. I find the I shop more through images whether it be specific brands or influencers.

When it comes to IG stories then it's a more active and deliberate approach. I seek out people who's content I enjoy and like variety of their content. If the content is always the same then I'm not really going to tune in. I want to see fun behind the senses, what's happening, work and play -I don't just want all business. I find IG stories great for getting to know someone and seeing if you vibe with their personality.

Now IGTV – I was sitting the other day and wading through content. It's longer forms so 15 seconds to 10 minutes and I was thinking about…what do I want to see on this particular platform. I think I do use it a bit more like Youtube, I watched some cool extreme sports, I watch a workout video, I watch an girl in London who took me into a Harry Potter exhibition of the people who did all the graphic design.
So I was looking for a story – and when I say a story I mean something that has a beginning, a middle and an end. I wanted to see what was happening. So when it comes to IGTV I think I'll be looking at how I take people along for the journey more. I'll be using for new vlogs that I have coming up but I'm clear on what I want the channel to be and how I want to use it. For me it's a brand building opportunity. Remember TV is for entertaining and I think it's important to think about how you use it differently to the other two sections of Instagram.
But I'll also be looking at how I can repurpose content that I have to story tell as well.

Tip 5 – When you're creating content then understand where people are in their buying and knowing your cycle.

Some people don't know that they have the problem you solve, they just know that something isn't right or something is hard. So they are unaware of their problem.
You have people who are aware of their problem but dont' know the solution
You have people who are aware of their problem and they know there is a solution but they don't know about you and then you have people who know their problem, know they solution and know you can solve it.

So speaking to each of those people in different ways can help you guide them along to finding you as their solution. (That is a big topic and I go into that a lot more in the Play Big, Brand brand online course but really targeting your messaging is super important)

Tip 6 – Build your content strategy around your marketing strategy.

Now if you're out there saying “well Suz I don't have a marketing strategy” then how do you know when you're promoting certain products and services? how do you know what you're spending? How do you know what content to share so that you're supporting the things you want to sell at specific times. Now there may also be those out there that are just saying – well I just give content to give – and that's great but if I asked you “would you like to create content that gets you business or do you just want to create content that people like but dont' do anything with” – which would it be.

Tip 7 – Make life east and build your content strategy around your content pillars.

Your content pillar are the key topics that sit around your core message. The thing you want to be known for. My core message is Play Big, Brand Bold – So I talk about confidence, business structure and strategy, branding & marketing and creating epic brand experiences. What's your core message and what are the content pillars that you can focus on when you're planning your content?

Tip 8 – Do what you find easy.

This comes with a caveat as well. I didn't used to like writing but I've done it so much that now I don't mind – so it may just take some time for your hone your skills and get into the groove. I find podcasting easier so that's what I've decided to do. If you don't like creating the content then you'll struggle to keep going.

Tip 9 – Give yourself themes.

I used to have January was branding, february was marketing, March was brand experience etc. It meant that the blogs I wrote, the social media creative, the facebook lives – were all on that one topic but broken down into bite size chunks. You don't have to give it all away in one go. People like to digest.

Tip 10 – Be planned and then go with the flow.

The other week I had lost my insta mojo and I just went with it. I hadn't scheduled content, I was buried under a mound of project work and I just let it go. If you can be on target with your content 80% of the time then I say well done. If you plan ahead, batch and create then you're more likely to be able to stick with that, but when it's hard and life gets tough or busy, don't beat yourself up, just go with the flow! No one will die if you don't post your video or blog 🙂 but consistency is the key to building your brand.

So those are my ten tips for you on your can get more strategic with your content creation.

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PODCAST EPISODE #20 – 10 Tips to Nailing your Content Strategy


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