
Welcome back to the podcast this week. I’m excited to have you here.  This week we’re talking all about 7 content strategies that are working right now that I think are worth using and thinking about if you’re not at the moment.  Content is actually one of my favourite topics because I love seeing what people come up with and how they do things differently. So we’re going to get into that, but before we do there are a couple of this.

Number is that I’m going to be running a FREE live workshop on Monday 13th July all about “how to build a profitable business without burning out”.  I am speaking to so many clients and people in my community who are hustling hard and not always getting the results and I’m just not a believer that you have to work yourself to the bone to run a successful or profitable business.  So I’m going to be sharing 5 strategies with you that can help you get of the ‘busy’ treadmill and start getting strategic about where you spend time and how you make your money.  So head to suzchadwick.com/webinar1 to sign up and come and hang with me live

The 2nd thing today – and I feel like I need a drum roll because I’m so excited about this.

As we're talking about Content that works this week, I'm excited to let you know that this week's podcast is brought to you by our sponsor – the amazing team at Pink Pom Pom Social.

If you're a woman in business who is time-poor, feeling overwhelmed and you're struggling to create or find high-quality on-brand images for your Instagram or socials in general, then you will want to check out the pink pom pom social membership.

For as little as $9.95 US a month, you'll get access to over 10,000 images and graphics and they add over 100 new images every single week! With over 24 different colour options, they will have something that fits your brand, inspires your audience and gives you endless options for new content. You can also request colours or quotes if you're one of their VIPPs as well!

So head to suzchadwick.com/pinkpompom and check out all the details, join today and breathe new life into your socials!

So there you go! Amazing free workshops, awesome sponsors and now we’re going to dive into this week’s content which you know I’m going to bring the good! So let’s do this.

So I’m going to take you through 7 types of content that I think are killing it right now, I’m seeing more of and that I’m engaging it and maybe you can have a think if it works for you and then how you can try these out!

Original content that is branded and tells the user what to do

So I have my branded photography

I then have quotes that I create based on my own thought leadership, beliefs or conversations

Courasels and getting people to save your content. So I created an image with the dos and don’t of content creation and then at the bottom I had my suzchadwick logo and in one corner I had share and in the other corner I had a save image.

If you can show people what you want them to do then it makes it easier and the more people like, share and save or stay on your scroll then the more Instagram pushes your content out.

IG Stories

Really shake it up. What are you loving seeing that is working and how can you use that?

  • IG stories is muted so use captions!!! I rarely listen to stories so if there are no captions or even something brief telling me what they are talking about then I’m not engaging.


  • Get into the DMs’ – I shared in my book Play Big brand Bold in Q1 of 2019, I made over $23k from IG stories and can I tell you that was through post what I do and how people can work with me and then saying DM me and people did that. You can listen to a free chapter from PBBB which was all about storytelling and story selling in EPS https://suzchadwick.com/pod101/


  • Just another tip is that is you want someone to reshare your content then you have to tag them in every story that you’re talking about them. Sometimes what happens is that someone will be 4 stories deep talking about something to do with me but they only tagged me in the first story so unless I go an record all the stories I can’t share it. So think about what you’re posting and if you’re making it easy for the person to share it.


IG lives that are training going into IGTV with ATC. I want you to think about this as a mini training and how you would position what it is you’re talking about.

I’m seeing people come on together and run session then posting it to the feed so that content sticks around for so much longer

So think about what’s my IG live and then IG TV strategy? How can I make this work for me not just now but longer term

LinkedIn Stories

I know – you’re like, get out of town Suz!! So I just discovered this less than a week ago. Now I’m not a lover of LI, I’m just going to say it, but you know something – I love stories and we’re I engage most with my audience.  So I looked some of my IG stories that I thought could be relevant for my LI audience and reposted a story that I was up early one morning writing my book and someone sent me a message that she has been wanting to write a book for ages. I check out where she was and in the message – because that’ where everything happens – I sent her the link to the writers retreat which now has a wait list because as I shared last week, I sold it out!  And she signed up.   So if you haven’t discovered IG stories yet and you think that it could work for you then definitely check it out!!

Stories and desire sell

Now I don’t think this is new but I don’t really see it as much as I would like. I was talking to a product based business this morning and when I looked at their content it was talking about the product but not really showing me how it fits into my life and it doesn’t build desire.

I was sharing with my BBA ladies the other day that they have build desire with their audience. So if we look at the writers retreat that I recently put out and that sold out – There was food, wine, lunches, bonus sessions, I showed the house which is beautiful. People don’t buy products they buy experiences, they buy things that they think will not only help them but things that they want to be apart of.  So if you’re actively and consciously thinking about the desire you’re building in your content then you’re missing a massive piece of the puzzle. 

Thought leadership

I’ve been talking so much about thought leadership in online summits and I’m working with 2 business leaders at the moment to build out their thought leadership message. This kind of goes back to point one which is where you’re creating original content.  If you want to stand out in the market then something I believe is that you have to have original thoughts, ideas, conclusions that position you as a leader in your industry.

So think about what you’re here to do, say and be known for and think about how you’re creating content around that and then consistently putting it out there.

Snippet content marketing

Okay so this is where you get creative and create image, audio, video, quote snippets to promo a hero piece of content. Put your hand up if you’re creating content that takes you a while if not ages to create?  Yep put your hand high.  Okay so you’ve created that content, not what?  You put it out there and then that’s it, onto the next piece.  Now you do what repurpose if you can but I definitely want you to think about all the things you can do both now and later to promo  that content, get more eyeballs on it, talk about it more, share it where you can so that it’s getting the love you really want it to.


In this video masterclass, I'll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

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PODCAST EPISODE #115 – 7 Content Strategies that are working right now


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