
Can you believe it’s been 10 years since I started this crazy, wonderful business journey?

It honestly feels like just yesterday I was sitting at my dining room table mapping out my biz plan over a glass of wine with my girlfriend.

A lot has happened since then – I’ve had some major highs and lows, learned more than I ever thought possible, made mistakes and broken the business to uplevel more times than I can count. But most importantly, I’ve built an incredible community and got to work with some of the most inspiring women on the planet.

To celebrate my decade in business, I thought it would be fun to share the key lessons I’ve learned along the way.

I hope that these nuggets of wisdom help you on your entrepreneurial adventure too!

1) Take Risks – But Go All In!

I’m a bit of a risk-taker by nature. Exhibit A: When I hosted my first EPIC summit in 2015, I invested over $40k of my own money! 😱 Thankfully it paid off, but there were definitely some butt-clenching moments along the way.

My advice? Take bold risks in your business, but don’t do it half-heartedly. You gotta go ALL IN, hustle like your life depends on it and leave no stone unturned. I called in every favour, messaged all my contacts and did everything humanly possible to make that summit a success.

When taking big risks, be tenacious and make sure you doing everything you can be successful!

2) Create Your Own Opportunities

When I first started out, no one knew who I was. I didn’t have an established personal brand or business, so I wasn’t getting asked to speak at events or be on podcasts.

But that didn’t stop me! Instead of waiting around, I decided to create my own opportunities. I hosted workshops, put together panel events, and basically power-marketed the hell out of myself!

Before long, I started getting invites from others. But honestly, I’m still making moves on myself today. The point is – don’t sit around waiting for opportunities to land in your lap. Make it happen!!

3) Ask For Help When You Need It

Being a solo entrepreneur can feel lonely and isolating at times. That’s why finding your squad is so important. Having an inner circle who “gets it” to celebrate your wins and be there for you during the down moments is priceless.

But you gotta be brave enough to ASK for help and support when ya need it babes! I have an amazing babe tribe who have provided advice, pitched ideas when I’m stuck and lent a shoulder to cry on when nonsense happens.

Don’t feel awkward reaching out – the right people want to help! And these friendships can be formed organically too. Start with 1-2 like-minded friends and it can grow from there.

4) Stick to Your Zone of Genius

Just between you and me – I totally used to be that person that wanted to do everything herself! I wore all the hats, even if I was pretty crappy at certain jobs. I was basically driving myself mad trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. 😜

Through a lot of trial and error, I learned that being the master of all trades comes at a cost. The sooner you identify your unique talents and zone of genius, the better. Then start outsourcing everything else ASAP!

There are SO many amazing providers offering fun stuff like copywriting, accounting, web development, admin tasks etc. Hire for your weaknesses babe – it will transform your business!

5) Be Tenacious When Times Get Tough

Speaking of going all in, running a business can be a bumpy rollercoaster ride sometimes! There are always going to be ups and downs, but how you DEAL with challenges makes all the difference.

There were many tough moments over the years, but giving up was never an option for me. Staying focused and determined during the low points – and being able to bounce back from failures quickly – is ultimately what kept me going.

I also became a pro at managing the rollercoaster emotions and always had contingency plans in place when money was tight or things didn’t go to plan.

Your tenacity and resilience will make or break your business – be mentally tough!

6) Stay Curious + Keep Growing

After 10 years in business, I still get ALL the feels when I discover new ideas or learn fresh ways to do things! My advice? Be ravenous about self-improvement and chasing inspiration babes.

From the latest marketing strategies to new revenue opportunities to game-changing tech – I make an effort to level up my skills through courses, events, podcasts etc regularly. It’s the only way my business can keep scaling too!

To be honest, I think every few years we need to metaphorically be a glow stick. You have to break before you can shine brighter! Lean into the growth spurts and identity shifts – that’s where the magic happens!

7) Just Fricken Do It, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I really wasn’t in the mood to record this podcast today!

But…I committed to putting out weekly episodes, rain hail or shine. And even though all sorts of tech issues came at me, I persisted and showed up.

Why? Well besides wanting to show up for you, I simply don’t have an option to slack off.

Building an empire means doing the work, even when ya don’t feeeeeel like it. Motivation is fleeting my friend. Discipline, professionalism and 100% all in consistency on the other hand will make or break you.

Choose to show up day after day and let me tell you… that bold attitude will take ya far! 💪🏻

8) People Come and Go – Let Them Flow!

This is a touchy one, but also reaaaaal talk. Forming bonds with clients and having loyal followers who stick around for years is AMAAAZING. But the flip side is understanding nothing lasts forever.

Businesses evolve, markets change, humans have their own stuff going on… you get the idea. As the business owner, it’s down to YOU not to hold on too tightly when relationships run their natural course. Yep, even if the vibe was 10/10!

Sounds harsh, but taking the emotion out of things and seeing the bigger picture helps heaps. Value everyone, but don’t become overly attached or take transitions personally either. Let that energy flow baby!

9) Make Time for Rest and Play!

Ah the good old early days where you're the ultimate workaholic! I hustled day and night, I took on crazy hours and was obsessed with business 24/7. Yes, I achieved a lot…but it's just not sustainable.

These days, business and life flow is my mantra. I block out rest time to chill out and make sure lifestyle is a massive focus alongside growing my empire. Business done on YOUR terms is the only way to go!

Having non-negotiable holidays, being present with family and friends, getting zen time in nature, doing activities that light me up… it keeps me fueled creatively and adds SO much more meaning to why I do this work.

Don’t become a slave to your business sweetpea! Work to LIVE, not live to work.

10) Back Yourself EVERY. DAMN. DAY.

Last but not least, my number 1 lesson over the past decade is learning to back myself relentlessly. Not in an arrogant way, but in a “I freakin’ GOT this!” kinda way! 😉

As women, we can be SO quick to doubt our abilities or play small. But ain’t nobody got time for that! Now every morning I look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk about the badass boss I am and all I can achieve.

Even when things aren't going my way, I don’t spiral into overwhelm or seek validation from others. I own my worth, my talents and my capacity to navigate obstacles. You have to be your OWN cheerleader my friend!

When you back yourself loudly every day and stop questioning if you “have what it takes”, it’s incredible how things flow so much smoother. Opportunities, money, dream clients – the whole universe conspires in your favour!

So soak up these 10 lessons my friends and remember… YOU'VE GOT THIS!




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EPS 329 – 10 Valuable Lessons from a Decade of Entrepreneurship


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