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So, have you been wondering how you can get more done, but not give up all your time and your sanity in order to get it done? Well today, I'm going to share with you, one of my key tips on how you can get more done in your business, and focus on the things that are important to you.

Let's start with your sanity. It's a big thing in business!! Keeping your sanity, holding it together. When we've got so much to learn all the time, it can be a really big ask but, one thing that I think is really important for all business owners to perfect, is the art of outsourcing. Now, I've spoken about this topic before, but I feel like it's good to always have a bit of a reminder. And, because I'm in the middle of a launch at the moment, I have been outsourcing left, right and centre.

Outsourcing brings me joy, it means that things are getting done by people, who are so much better equipped than I am, to that job, and the end result will be what I want it to be rather than what I can be bothered with.

1// Ask for Referrals

The first thing is to ask for referrals. Take a look at what you need help with and what you can outsource and think, “What is it that I just am not getting any joy in, where I'm struggling to do it? I don't really understand it, or I just know my time could be better spent.” Ask for referrals around these specific tasks.

Once you have referrals then send some time looking through their information because you need to find someone that is right for you. Everybody's going to have a different price point, they're going to have different skills, they're going to have a different focus, so you need to find the right person for you.  What someone else needed that person to do, may be different to what you will need them to do.

2// Build your network

It's important to start to build your network of support systems around you, so that, as and when you need to outsource something, you've got your go-to person.

For me, I have about four or five core people that I go to for specific things. One might be Facebook ads, the other one might be for design, for virtual assistant support, for sales pages, website and tech. These are really key things to me and things I've identified I can outsource myself. Even though I do videos myself, I've recently hired a videographer, so that I can get it all done, in a day or two, all of the video shoots, for my e-course, as well as a few other things. So, even though you can do something, you have to decide whether the level at which you do it, is actually the level at which you want it done.

3// Cost versus your time

The next thing, is really taking a look at the cost of outsourcing, versus your time. Obviously, we know how much our time is worth, and so we need to really be honest whether it's worth us doing it, or whether it's better for us to just outsource. Once again, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. The first time I ever built an e-course, it took me months. I got the end result I needed but, I probably spent a lot of money in the process when it came to my time, as opposed to what I could have paid for somebody else to do it. So, think about your time versus somebody else doing it for you. And your sanity as well because remember, you could do it, you could take a lot of time, but it's also something that could be really frustrating for you, if it's not your zone of genius, and it's not something that you know how to do really, really well.

4// Don't let your perceptions cloud reality

My last tip, is that you may have a price perception as to what you think outsourcing will cost you.  I would encourage you to do your homework, you might find that what you think something will cost and the actual costs are very different.  Make sure that you're not just going out there with an assumption of what something's gonna cost. “it's gonna be so expensive. I'm not gonna be able to afford it. I don't have the money.” All of these things could be holding you back from playing a much bigger game in your business. So, make sure you have conversations with people, understand what you are getting, see when their special offer's are and connect with people in a real way, so that you can understand the value that you're going to get from them, when you work with them.

When you're growing and building your business, even at the very beginning, I know it can feel really hard at times. But, just see what you need, when you need it, and start to build the relationships that are going to help you grow in a much bigger way, and play that big game that you've been wanting to play.

Outsourcing like a Pro!




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