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 What happens when you lose your mojo?  Do you just give up and think – Why bother?

Like everything in life we go through ups and downs.  You'll feel flat one day and on fire the next.  It could be the weather, your health, what's going on in your life, the people you surround yourself with, just a general BLAH phase and it's totally normal.

As with most things, when you know something is coming then you can be more prepared for it.   When you can feel yourself starting to fade and the energy and enthusiasm is running from your veins, don't stress too much, because it will only make things worse, it's time to book something in that you know is going to get your juices flowing again.    Now this doesn't mean you have to go and spend lots of money, it may be something amazing like a massage if you have the time and cash or it may just be a catch up with great friends, connecting with other business owners or career chicks that you know you can talk to and share things with and they understand where you're coming from.

On the other hand it may just be that you feel like you're running bit dry in your business.  You're not sure what to write or talk about, you've lost your social pazazz and nothing is coming easy.    Well think about how you can spend some time working on your business instead of just in it, and put a bit of thought, energy and effort into creating a plan that means that it's not so hard to do things everyday.

Here are just a few ideas:

  1. Create a content strategy so that you're not struggling with things to write about.
  2. Go to networking events to create some new energy and connections and talk about your business and spread the word and the love.
  3. Learn something new – there are loads of free resources and quick tutorials you can take to get a little better at what you're doing.
  4. Get together with friends that get you and understand what you're trying to do – they may have some great insights, ideas or they may just be a great laugh and stress relief for you.
  5. Go for a walk, do yoga, get some exercise going if you feel flat and see if that makes you feel better.
  6. Get creative.  What you do that's outside of your business but still fun – what about a vision board?
  7. Write yourself a letter.  This may sound strange, but I would love you to write a letter to yourself and do it from someone who is really praising you for everything that you're doing.  Sometimes all we need are words of encouragement and it doesn't always have to come from someone else – sometimes we just need to support ourselves and acknowledge the great work we're doing.  Go on….who will know?? 🙂
  8. Have an adventure.  It may just be a little adventure, but changing your surroundings can most of the time change your mood, your perspective and therefore your energy.  Why not try working from somewhere new tomorrow.

These are just some of the ways to try and get yourself out of your FUNK!  It happens to all of us but if you nip it in the bud quickly then your funk doesn't have to drag you down for too long.  Knowing that it's coming can also help you head it off at the pass and try and change things up a bit so that you can ensure it's a quick visit and not a long stay.

What do you do when you've lost your mojo?  Share your go to tips in the comment below and have an awesome day!

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8 Things to do when you’ve lost your Mojo




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

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