Let's talk about

Are you sitting behind your desk wondering how you're going to hit your revenue goal for next month? Do you actually know what revenue is coming into you business now and in the next 30 to 60 days?

Working with my coaching clients to really look at their long and short term plans and goals is one of the things I love doing. Tracking where the money is coming from and what they can proactively do to influence how much is coming in and when it's coming in, is key.

So if you're looking to generate more money in your business quickly, then here are some key things worth thinking about.

1// Easy Access pricing, packaging and booking

I'm always amazed when I go to someone's website and I can't buy something there and then or I can't book in a consultation time with them.  Why do people may it hard for me to work with them or for me to give them my money?  Do you have somewhere on your site – preferable in the ‘work with me' section where someone can go and book time with you today?

If you don't then I strongly suggest you open a new tab and go and edit your website IMMEDIATELY  if not sooner.  You can use a free plugin like Woocommerce or a PayPayl button that you can set up quickly and easily yourself.  I'll even admit that when I couldn't sleep this morning, I went to a consultants website that I've been meaning to book a time with and at 5am I booked and paid for a 1 hour consult with her. EASY!

Having clearly priced packages is also super important.  Once again, I will click away if I can't find someone's pricing – I just don't have time to fuss about.  I want to get in, see what's on offer and then either book or go somewhere else. Make it easy for people!

2// What you can't see, you can't measure

When we're talking about creating short term windfalls you have to know what you're trying to achieve. Tracking your income is key to any business (I totally believe this). So if you're not tracking your income then this is the first thing that you really need to do.

I also set myself goals. So my goal for different months may be $5k or $10k depending on what's happening in my biz.  I then use the Lucky B free money tracking app that I do love to put my goal in and then track every time I make money from something.  It keeps me accountable and it helps me stay on track. Do you know how much you're making each month?  By knowing this you can then work out how short you may be and then what you could do to make that up in the next 30 or so days.

3// How to make money fast

Depending on what your business is there may be some low hanging fruit.  Here are just a few ideas:

  1. Follow up people who have inquired about working with you before (I use my CRM – if you don't have one, then please get one, there are free one's available. Trust me, it will change your business)
  2. Put out a special offer to your subscribers that they can access in the next 7 or 10 days – they can book in the next month but it must be booked and paid for in the given time period
  3. Seasonal offers – Valentines day, end of financial year, mothers day etc – think about when are times you can create revenue that may be relevant to your business
  4. Put on a workshop – keep costs low, create amazing value and have higher ticket prices so that you are generating revenue from the session
  5. Cross sell collaborations – get together with someone else who has a great offer for the same audience and put together an offer that you then share the profits of but use both of your audiences
  6. Sell stuff on ebay – this may not be part of your business but you know something…..if you need the cash and you want to do a clear out then WHY NOT!! don't be precious 😉 plus you'll have lots of extra room.

4// Know what to sell NOW

Knowing what to sell can also help with the short time frame issue when working out how to generate more cash.  Think about which of your products and services have:

  1. A low to medium price point –  It may be something like $49 or $97 or $250 depending on what it is and the value that it has for your customer.  It may even be something that is much more than that. If you have a higher priced product that you have a sale for then go for it!
  2. A lower decision making process – Lower price points mean that I'm not really going to have to think long and hard about buying it.
  3. It has a lower implementation time – so that people can get value out of it quickly. If I can get a quick result then I'm more likely to buy.

A fantastic VA that I work with put out an offer to do sales pages for $179 down from $299 and got inundated with customers.  Think about what you do that people really need and then put that offer out there.  In January this year I took 10% off my business and brand strategy huddle and had 10 people book in but they had to book and pay in January.

5// The Power of being Proactive

Stop being a passenger in your own business – it's time to take the drivers seat and be focused and proactive in your business. Some people don't like the word Hustle which is fine and to be honest I don't think about it like that.  I think it about it as being proactive about how much money I make.  It's not by accident, it's not in the hands of others, I'm here to build and run a business – not a hobby, a business and with that comes the business mindset.

I would really encourage you to keep the link to this post somewhere so that you can come back and refer to it when you need to get active.  You can totally do this and you have what it takes to make great money in your business – you just need to make it EASY for people to buy from you.

How to Generate Revenue Fast




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!