Let's talk about

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The time is ticking and things aren't quite moving at the pace you need them to.

So now what?

You build, create, promote and still you hear tick, tock, tick, tock and still there's not enough.

Dealing with business & creativity blocks, the slow pace that just happens from time to time can be a super challenging thing for any business owner.  You pour your heart and soul into something, you believe wholeheartedly in it and want nothing more than to see your idea spread it's wings.

I just want to tell you that you're not alone.

It happens to all of us.  The desert of ‘what next' is part of the journey.  Not a fun part, but a part none the less.

You feel like you're giving it everything but then that overwhelming felling that you're starting to drown in the mass of it all beings to take hold.   All the work, the confusion of what to do next, the overwhelm of listening to too many people and whatever else you're putting on your own plate – because yes my friend, we choose how much we take on.   That ocean of things to do and people to be like is a deep one to get sucked into.

It's only when we throw ourselves a life line, or maybe someone can do that for you, and pull ourselves out of the mass of work, ideas, emotions and more that we're able to look at it from above.

Isn't it amazing how clear things can look when you're not in the thick of it?  Taking time to pull away from your business every now and then and submerse yourself if learning, enjoyment, relaxation and rest is how I find my way out of the barriers that sometimes surround me.   It's the only way to start to see the wood from the trees.  As creative and driven beings this is a big ask. We want to give all we have and keep going (and going, and going).  To actually STOP, feel like the worst thing we can do.

What will happen if I'm not there?

What will happen if I stop responding for a day or two?

What if they forget about me?

What if……

The ongoing cycle can be the very reasons for these barriers.  In my corporate job when developing strategies for clients I always talk about implement, measure, review and adjust.  Put something in place, see how it goes, gauge the response; is it working – yes, then keep doing it and grow it.  If it's not working then take a step back and see why.   Yet it always feels hard to do it myself – because it's for me rather than for someone else.  It's always easy to see what others can do in their life or business, yet it can be so hard to do it yourself.

Finding the right people to support you, help you grow, develop and stand outside your ‘pool' of activity and ideas and help you fish out the ones that are going to be right for you and move you in the direction you want to go is the ideal scenario.

Finding these people is another story.    You can pay a coach or mentor or join a course, but finding the one that is right for you may take some time.  Networking is a good place to start to find like minded people who may be feeling the same as you and would love the interaction and support.   No matter where you look, finding people that really resonate with you, who you can be real with and share your fears, hopes, ideas with unwavering trust is something that is built and not just found.

As we build relationships in our communities and networks it's good to keep these things in mind.  Think about people you meet and if they could be a great source of support for you and visa versa.  What you may not realise is that they are looking for the same connection.  Instigate the relationships you need in your business whether it's free or paid support, it is always worth the time and effort and to be honest – the sanity.

I just wanted to take the time today to let you know that you are not alone and that support is here if you need it. xx

How do you deal with your creative and business block?  Do you have someone that you go to or a trusted team around you?

Dealing with business & creativity blocks and finding the support you need.




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!