Let's talk about

Do you every feel lost when it comes to the direction of your business?

Like anything in life, having a map that shows you where you want to go usually helps when you're feeling a bit lost.  In business it's the same story.  If you're feeling lost or like you're just kind of plodding along then it may be because you haven't actually defined where you want to go, who you want to be and what you want your business to become.

One of the easiest ways to find your direction is spend some time defining your vision, mission, and values.  Treat these three things like you guide posts or compass in your business journey. When you've defined these three things, they will be as good as your own person business GPS and help you plan for growth.   Sounds pretty good if you ask me!



Vision Statement

As Julie Andrews always sings – let's start at the very beginning.  Your vision statement.   This of this state as the one statement that articulates the essence of your business – what is it you’re trying to do, what do you want to create, what do you want your business to ‘be'?  Your vision statement often starting with ‘to be,’ or ‘to create'.  The business vision statement indicates your core purpose and where you want to be positioned against your competitors.  In the Connection Exchange, our vision is to be seen as one of the leading training, events and networking communities for women in business in Australia.  It's my vision – where I want the business to go, what I want it to become.   It's the ultimate desire.

Once you have articulated your vision statement, let it be your compass for where you want your business to go, and you can measure everything you do against it. It is a source of truth to help you achieve your end goal!

As the world of business quickly changes and no doubt so do you, I would recommend that you revisit it every year to make ensure you’re on the right path.  It's fine for your vision to change over time but always update it so that you're clear on your new direction.

Your Mission

Your mission.  Who are you serving and what is your desire for them?  Your mission can articulate who your target audience is and why you are helping them.  For example in the Connection Exchange, our mission is to support and educate women looking to start their business or in the first couple of years of their business to ensure they have the skills, knowledge, and training they need.   It states who we're serving and what we're providing to them in the process.   The mission helps to shape your products and services as well.  For example if I'm creating a new product or service, is it providing women who are starting out in business new skills?  It it providing them with the know they desire?  Am I giving them the training they need or supporting them in a similar way?  Hopefully you mission can guide you as to what you want to provide them.

Being clear on your target audience (and ‘why them’) helps you identify if things you’re planning tie back into your business’s mission. Who are you looking to serve?

Your Values

Values ~ “principles or standards of behaviour; one's judgement of what is important in life.”

These are very personal.  It's what you hold important in the world and what you want your business to be live by.  Your values provide the guidance for how you'll go about delivering your vision and mission.   Think about your values as the vehicle for how you're arrive at your business destination.  The values of The Connection Exchange are knowledge, innovation, fun and connection. These values feed in to everything we do, from the atmosphere in our Facebook group, to the free and paid offerings we create, and the events we host.

When you understand your vision, mission, and values, you can really live and breathe them every day in your business. Once you feel compelled by your vision, mission and values, knowing what to do in your business becomes a breeze!


Have you outlined your Vision, Mission & Values?  I'd love to hear what they are in the comments below!


Defining your Business Vision, Mission & Values Statement




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!