Let's talk about

Building you business community and tribe around you can be very important in business today.

We want to be around people that resonate with what we do, what we say, and what we deliver.

We want customers and clients that get what we do and the way we do it.

Creating a community where you're serving your customers and clients and adding value is a great way to build your business, because they'll connect with you, your brand, what you say, what you do and it will resonates specifically with them. That means that they want to hear what you've got to say and they're keen to learn from you. They're keen to find out how you can help them.

The way that you can do that is through a number of different ways.

The way many people start to build their community is through Facebook groups.  Facebook groups can be great if you've got the time, because it is very, very time consuming. I'm not going to say it's easy. It does take a lot of time. It takes a lot of effort. It takes a lot of input from you, but Facebook groups can be a really great way to have a conversation between you and your community, as well as your community with each other. I think that that's always something to consider. Once again, you've got to be able to invest the time in it and really keep the engagement up. Think about if you have the time and if so then this could be a great one for you.

The other way is obviously to go to networking events or create events yourself.

Meetup.com is a great tool to use to build your community and tribe of people who have similar interests to you or are interested in what your key topic is. It costs around about a hundred dollars a year to have a meetup group. Then you can obviously run free events if you can find venues that are not going to charge. That's a great way to build a community if you want to do that in your local area.

Other ways you can build your community is through your subscriber list, by sending out regular information and helpful content to them.

If you really struggle with content, and I'm not going to lie, I do sometimes. Even today, I'm spending the entire day videoing and writing down lots of different content ideas that I know my community have asked for or questions that they've asked me. It can be hard at times. Really taking a look at what content you can provide to your community through your Facebook group or subscriber list, I think is really key too. Ask the questions. See what's of interest. See what's on the cards this year for them.

By engaging with your community … Which is what a community's for – build engagement and ask questions … You can really understand more about them. That's obviously going to help you in your business as well, by having those conversations. To be able to build products and services that speak directly to your community, your tribe, and to your potential customers and clients.

[bctt tweet=”Building a community around your business means you learn about the people you want to work with.”]

They can also spark ideas that you may never have thought of before. It's just more fun when you've got more people around you to obviously converse with in your business. It obviously helps you grow your client base so that you can make more money and do more of what you love and serve the people that you want to serve.

Building a community can be really key in your business. It does take effort. It does take time to really listen and ask questions and find out more. The benefits are fantastic. They'll obviously be telling their friends about you as well, if you're providing content that really helps them to grow their business.

If you've been thinking of building your community and tribe, then those are just a couple of tips on how you can do that.

Building your Business Community & Tribe




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