Let's talk about

Your Personal Brand may be the last thing that you think about most of the time, which is completely natural, but if you're looking to develop your business or your career then it may be something you want to focus on a little more.   Personal brand is basically your reputation, what people think of you and how you deliver, perform and contribute.


If you run a business then your ability to deliver on your promises is essential, and the same goes for your career.  If you are keen to be considered for new opportunities in your business then you have to be seen as the go to person for that opportunity.


This week's 2 minute power play gives a few tips on how to develop and build your Personal Brand.

What do you do that helps you build your Personal Brand and reputation?.


1//Find out what your Personal Brand is


Understand where your starting point is, so what is your current brand?  Knowing this will help you understand whether it's where you need it to be to achieve what you want.   Earlier in the year I had to ask 10 people what three words they would use to describe me.  Now whilst this was slightly embarrassing, it gave me a clear overview of how I was perceived by others.  There may be times where you believe people see you in a certain way but in fact they actually see you completely differently.  Knowing for a fact what your personal brand is, will help you manage it.


2//Leverage your Personal Brand


ARe you ready to share your accomplishments?  Don't think of it as blowing your own trumpet but rather sharing the exciting things that you're involved in.   Just consider how you feel when you've done something awesome and no one knows about it.  It can be deflating can't it?  This is your opportunity to start sharing and focusing on how you raise your profile with the people who matter.  The way in which you share this information is totally up to you.  It can be a learned skill to share your wins and feel comfortable with it, but I can guarantee you that it's well worth it.


3// Build your Personal Brand for the Future


If you understand what your brand is right now and  you have a clear view on where you want your career or business to go, then you can start to manage your personal brand in the right direction.  If you want to be known as a strong project manager then you need to start talking about your project management skills and showing the skills that will provide you with more opportunities in this area.  If you want to build a business then request testimonials from your clients to back up what you're offering.   Having proof of standard of work whether in your career or business is essential to building your personal brand.


4//Ask people to be advocates for you


When it comes to your career, some individuals have a sponsor in the business.  This is different to a mentor.  A mentor will spend time with you helping you work through problems and development areas you need to focus on, whereas a sponsor will be your advocate in your company.  Think of it as someone in your corner when you're not in the room.  Usually this is someone who is more senior, who is looking out for you and your career.  If you have a business then you'll hopefully have customers, friends and business associates who love what you do so much that they are advocates out there for you spruiking your wares and talking about you when you're not around.   Woohoo for them!  These relationships can take time to build but encourage people who love what you do to share it with others.


If developing your career and business is of any importance to you then making conscious and focused efforts in each of these areas will get you moving in the direction you want to go.


I'd love to know what you do to leverage your personal brand.  Leave your tips or lessons in the comments below.

4 Tips to Build your Personal Brand




In this video masterclass, I’ll share the three key areas you need to focus on to scale your business and build a bold brand so that you attract the client that want what you have!

Access it straight away and start watching and learning today!