Suz Chadwick [00:00:00]:
Welcome to the Brand Builders Lab podcast. I'm your host, Suze Chadwick, certified business and mindset coach, author and speaker. Each week we'll be talking about simple but powerful business and mindset strategies that will help you build a lean, clean and profitable business so you can learn to get out of your own way and pay yourself more. Forget average. It's time to level up. Welcome back to the Brand Builders Lab podcast. Amazing to have you here. I'm.
Suz Chadwick [00:00:29]:
I don't know why, I'm just really excited today. Dive into today's episode because I think I'm just fully immersed in it within the Amplify Mastermind at the moment. And I am just loving supporting my clients to build like fearless, bold, incredible, personal brands that have the impact that they want. So today I really wanted to talk to you about stepping into the person you really want to be when it comes to your business. And the reason that I want to talk to you about that is because, like, now is the time. Don't wait. Don't wait for something to happen. Don't wait to be ready.
Suz Chadwick [00:01:16]:
Don't wait for things to be perfect. Like, you have to start to become the person that you know that you want to be. So that's what we're talking about today. But before we dive in, because I'm just like, let's go. Before we dive in, there's a couple of things. Number one, if you have not joined my free community in Heartbeat, then what even are you doing? How are you not coming and hanging out with me? You just have to go to forward/community and we do some free events. We've got the community in there where you can ask questions and share things. And sometimes I'll drop in a motivational Monday.
Suz Chadwick [00:01:54]:
So if you want to come and hang in the community, then make sure that you do that by heading to that link. The second thing that I want to let you know about is that something new and special is coming, which I'm excited about, which I don't know exactly when I'm going to launch it, but if you want to join the waitlist to find out all the details, then all you have to do is head to waitlist and you will be able to see it. Basically what I'm doing is I'm going to be bundling all of my programs, all of my relevant programs when it comes to building your brand. So building your personal brand, your business brand, your speaker brand, like, what is it that you need to do I'm going to be bundling all that in and then we are going to have two options. You can either do, well, there's more than two, but you can either do the mini mind, which is going to be like a six month experience with fortnightly coaching and access to the programs. Otherwise you can join the Mastermind, which is a level two for six months where we do like weekly calls and I'm like, in your business, I'll do a strategy call with you. Like, you'll be getting support at a completely different level. And then the third level is like vip, which is one on one with all of that too.
Suz Chadwick [00:03:10]:
So I just really wanted to be able to work with clients across those different things and not for it to be separate programs. So you can still go to the shop and you can access those programs on their own, which we will be updating soon. But if you're like Sue's, yes, I want to get in for six months with you don't know exactly when the start date is, so I will let you know. I'm thinking it's going to be in the new year. But if you want to get in for the six months, then go and says waitlist and you'll be the first to know when we start to share all that. But really it is for you if you're like, I am done with playing small. Like, let's go. I want to be big energy, I want big money, I want to create big opportunities.
Suz Chadwick [00:03:56]:
Like, I want to magnetize the things that I know I can achieve, do have in my business. I want to be a powerhouse brand and personal brand in order to magnetize those things. So had to share that with you. But listen, let's dive into this week's episode. So how do we step into the person that we want to be? There's a couple of things I want to talk to you about today. The first thing is right now I am being the person who I know I will not even have to think about being because I'm on a health journey right now and my goal is to become the person where I don't have to think about it. It's who I am. And so the first thing is really knowing who do you want to be.
Suz Chadwick [00:04:54]:
And this can be in business, it can be in health, it can be in your love life, it can be in your personal life. Like this is something that you can use across the board. But the question is, who do you want to be? What is the identity that you want to step into? In your business, what does that person look like? And so really. And I work through this with my amplify clients, but really listing and being as spec as you can. So if we take my health journey, for example, I'm somebody who walks every day. I'm playing pickleball a couple of times a week. I am like, I'm off sugar. I have don't have cravings.
Suz Chadwick [00:05:32]:
I don't think about food. Like, it's just. It's something that I have when I need it, but otherwise I'm not thinking about it. Like, there's no food noise. I am feeling incredible. I'm feeling confident. I am really proud of the skin that, I mean, I know that I'm really looking after my body and that's just who I am now. Am I her right now? No.
Suz Chadwick [00:05:55]:
I'm on the journey of becoming her. And so in order for me to be on the journey of becoming her, I have to do the reps. Yeah, I've got to. Every day I've got to think about, okay, let me get on the treadmill and let me do the walk. I did pick a ball yesterday. Let me be eating really clean and healthy. I don't have any cravings at the moment, which is amazing, and I'm loving it. And so that's great.
Suz Chadwick [00:06:20]:
But there's other things that I need to remind myself to do, because it's currently not autopilot, it's currently not my identity. It's something that I am shifting towards having as an identity. So, for example, let's take your business. Let's say the identity that you're in is somebody who has 30, 50k months. You're somebody who is attracting and magnetizing clients to you because of the way that you show up and the things that you do. So you've got DMS coming in. Like, visualize this. You've got DMs coming in saying, suze, how do I work with you? Like, I saw you talk about this the other day.
Suz Chadwick [00:06:59]:
Where do I go? Like, I just want to sign up. Like, I'm ready to do this with you instead of you having to market all the time. Now, you know that I am not against that. I'm like, you need to sell and you need to market, and you need to let people know what's available to them and who it's for and what the opportunity is. So we still need to do that. But it's about the identity that you're in. It's like, who you show up as every day in your Business is magnetizing the opportunities and the things that you want. And so being really clear about what that identity looks like I think is so motivating.
Suz Chadwick [00:07:35]:
It's like I am going to be at a place in my business where there's just cash flowing in. I am working with dream clients who are all in, who want to work with me, who love what we're doing together, who are resigning at the end of our time where they're just like, I'm not going anywhere. You know, I remember Brooke Castillo, who you know I love from the life coaching school. She just said there are clients who have been with her for years where they're just like, I ain't going nowhere. Like I am here and I'm staying because she's helped them to up level continuously. And so I'm like, okay, I'm in the identity of a coach that consistently helps my clients to up level from going to 100k to 200k to 500k to a million dollars. Like I want to be the coach. So how do I step into the identity of the coach that helps my clients to do that? And the, the rest of the identity is I have always got new ideas coming up.
Suz Chadwick [00:08:35]:
I am always creating really potent and powerful content and idea shifting things for my clients. And so in order for me to do that, because if I'm going to be that person and that is going to be my identity, then I need to be somebody who's like reading and thinking and spending time like really working through like what I think and why I think it and where it's coming from and how that relates to what's going on in the market today. And so knowing that that's what this identity looks like is going to help me to start to do the things that's going to get me there. So it's going to help me to talk about what it is that I'm wanting to create, who I'm wanting to be, what I'm wanting the end result to be. It's going to help me to do the things that are going to get me there. I know like one of the things that I shared recently was that I had unsubscribed to so many emails and it just felt a bit overwhelming a year ago. And now I've subscribed to like quite a few people where I'm like, I really love your thinking. I think that that's really interesting.
Suz Chadwick [00:09:49]:
I love how you share this particular information. And so now that's like fueling me to think in different ways and they're not people who do what I do. I just want to be really clear on that. It's like people who talk about A and people who do talk about branding, people who talk about copy, you know, people who are talking about what big brands are doing. That's really interesting and different. And so by having that information coming to me, it's really getting my juices flowing. It's getting my creative juices flowing and thinking about how does that apply to what I teach my clients, how does that apply to the things that I'm talking about so that, you know, part of thought leadership and one of the things that I teach is that there's the seven pillars of thought leadership and one of them is collective research. So it's not just about my experiences and what I do and what I've learned, but it's also about what are other people talking about that can help me to weave that into the content that I'm sharing with you.
Suz Chadwick [00:10:47]:
And so knowing that that's the identity that I'm working towards means that by me reading more, watching more, not consuming. And I think there's a big difference there. I'm not just like mindlessly scrolling. I am intentionally learning specific things that I think can help me be a better leader in my industry, that can help me help my clients get the results that they want, that can help me get the results that I want and be somebody who is sharing relevant and really thought provoking things, then that's going to help me to get to where I want to be. So I really want you to think about what is the identity that you are wanting to move into and how can you be really specific about that. The other thing I want to talk about that one of my clients brought up for me or shared with me is that she's more of an introvert, she's more of a quiet type. And she said, you know, Suze, I know that you say that your energy is your invitation, but I'm not as like outgoing as you. I'm not as bubbly or energetic as you.
Suz Chadwick [00:11:56]:
And I've said it before and I'll say it a million times over, you do not need to be like me. Your energy is your invitation to your client. Not to my client, but to your client. Like my energy is my invitation to my client. So the client who wants to be around me, I kind of feel a little bit like a battery. In a good way. I am more than happy for my clients to plug into me and to get what they need to be Energized by me, to be inspired by me, to find, like, new ways of thinking through me. And so I'm just like, if you want to plug into me and learn and grow and get and use my energy as an extrovert, I'm like, I am here for it.
Suz Chadwick [00:12:43]:
Like, you can take whatever you need. I'm all good for the clients who are my dream clients, the clients who I love to work with. And so I just said to her, you just need to be you. Because the clients who value what you think, the clients who feel like you're their person, which is your energy, is for them, then they're the ones that are going to stick around. They're the ones that are going to be die hard for you and what you're doing or what you're teaching. And so really think about how you are showing up and how that is magnetizing and attracting the type of people that you want. But the second part to that, I feel like magnetism. There's.
Suz Chadwick [00:13:25]:
There's several parts to it, but the first one is really knowing yourself and being yourself and showing up as you so that you can authentically attract the people that you want. The second thing is the naming and claiming of your audience. If you are a person in business who wants to stand out, you want to do big things, you want to speak on stages, be a podcaster, or you just want to show up in your authentic energy and share what it is that you have and you're willing to do the work. And when I say willing to do the work, what I mean by that is there is a lot of mindset, confidence and courage work that needs to be done in order for you to get over the speed humps to show up fully as yourself. Like, let's just be honest about that. Every client that I have worked with, and I almost want to say, bar none, we have needed to do work for them to show up fully as themselves, for them to feel confident and courageous to show up fully as themselves. Because when we step out from behind the brand, it is us. People are buying us.
Suz Chadwick [00:14:38]:
They're buying our thought leadership, they're buying our energy, they're buying what they know that they can learn from us. Like, that is what they're buying. And so in order for us to stand there and confidently be like, yeah, I'm okay with that, like, you, you buy my brain, you buy my energy, you buy being in my world, and it's not just a widget that you're selling, then it takes some confidence and courage to Be able to kind of say, yeah, like, I am willing to do that. I am going to help you achieve your goals. I am going to be the one to support you through this thing that you're trying to do for yourself. And so really knowing that, okay, I not only need to be the energy, but I need to also say to people, I am going to be the one that helps you. I'm going to help you to get to where you want to be. That is a really powerful thing to do.
Suz Chadwick [00:15:33]:
And so how do you step into that energy now? And I think you've got to really ask yourself, am I in that energy? Like, am I? Am I there? Do I feel like I'm showing up fully as myself? Do I feel like I am being the person that I know is going to have success, is going to be successful in what I do or do? I feel like I'm just really working quietly behind my desk, not really showing up, not really connecting, not really doing the work that I know is going to help build my brand. Because it feels uncomfortable, and I'm not quite confident just yet. It feels a bit scary. What are people going to say? Or are you like, I am going for that identity. I am stepping into that identity even now, before I'm ready. It's like me with my health journey. Am I in it yet? No, but I'm. I'm there.
Suz Chadwick [00:16:25]:
I'm doing the reps. I'm doing the work to be the person who is in that identity. And I shared it on Instagram this morning. It was a post where I've been writing, like, I mean, you know, I feel like I do show up as myself, but in my writing, I definitely lose a lot of personality. That's why I love speaking on stages. That's why I love doing the podcast, because you just get me. This is. This feels very easy for me.
Suz Chadwick [00:16:54]:
It feels very effortless for me to share stories and share my thinking with you. But when I write, oh, my gosh. So not fun for me. And so I realized, and somebody actually gave me this feedback, which I was really grateful for. It was just like, that just kind of sounds like everybody else. It doesn't really have any of your personality in it. And I was like, oh, like, punch to the stomach, but needed. Pick up the butt.
Suz Chadwick [00:17:22]:
Needed. And if any of you watch Brooklyn nine nine on Netflix, there's Jake and Amy, who are two of the characters. One of the things that they say is, you're boring. All I could hear was them saying, you're boring. So I did An Instagram post today talking about that and being really vulnerable and saying, I have been boring. I'm sorry, when I write, I am boring. Yeah, but I'm gonna put more personality into it. I'm gonna be more myself.
Suz Chadwick [00:17:56]:
And so now I've like, put little things in place. I'm reading it out aloud and I'm thinking, is there something that's fun here that I could add to it? Is there a story here that I could add to it? Is there something that is more me? Like, that is very specific to me that I could share here? That's not. Just like, anybody could have written this. And so that's also part of my identity. Somebody who writes really well and who brings the energy that I have when I'm speaking to the energy I have and the results that I have when I write, like when I get up on a stage, I'm like, it's clicking, it's connecting. My audience is engaging. They're laughing, they come up to me after, they're like, oh my God, that was so great. And I'm just like, when I write, just do not get the same response.
Suz Chadwick [00:18:47]:
So there has to be more that I can do and learn in order to become better at that. But that is going to be me stepping into the identity. Somebody who writes amazingly well or better than I am now, that's full of personality. Where if you read it, you'd be like, suze wrote that. Like, that is my goal. And so really give yourself the goals that you need. Be so specific. Not like, yes, my new identity is somebody who shows up in what way? Like, when are you showing up? How are you showing up? What's unique about the way that you're showing up? What are you sharing? What are you calling out to your audience? What are you saying that they can be part of? How are you becoming the leader in your industry? How are you being in that identity now and just building the reps until it becomes something you don't have to think about.
Suz Chadwick [00:19:37]:
It's like when we drive, when we learn to drive, you got to think about, oh, indicate now, check the mirrors, all the rest of it. Whereas if you've been driving like I have for however, 20 odd plus years, you're just on autopilot. That's an identity. I'm somebody who just drives like I drive, I drive all the time. I don't have to think about it. I kind of get in my car and then I'm at my destination, which was an hour away, and everything went well. I didn't have an accident, I knew exactly what to do, when to do it, because I'm on autopilot, it's part of my identity. When I get on a stage, it's part of my identity.
Suz Chadwick [00:20:11]:
When I get on the podcast, it's part of my identity. And so I'm on autopilot. I'm like, yes, I know what I want to say. I know how I want to share it, but there are going to be other parts in your business where it's not on autopilot. And so now you've got to build the reps, you've got to do the work, you've got to be really clear on what it is you're going for and then what it's going to take to get there and then commit to that every day. Like, I'm committing to my health journey. It's like, you've got to commit to it every day. If you want to be on autopilot as somebody who is fit, healthy and looking after themselves, then that is what I need to do on the daily basis.
Suz Chadwick [00:20:48]:
I need to prepare what my meals are going to be. I need to just get on the treadmill, even if I've got 10 minutes whenever I'm watching or listening to something like, get on the treadmill while you're doing it. And so now, over the past, like, week or so, I've been doing anything from like 10 to 15,000 steps a day, which is not something that I normally do. I'm normally sitting behind my desk, but that does not serve the identity that I'm wanting. So what needs to change for you in order to serve the identity that you're wanting? If you want to DM me and let me know, then let me know if you want to come and join us in the heartbeat forward slash community. And tell me then you could do that too. But I know, I just want to tell you this. We are coming into the end of 2024.
Suz Chadwick [00:21:39]:
As I'm recording this, you have to make the decision how long you're going to be willing to wait before you start to step into the bigger identity that you know you want in your business. And you know who I'm talking to. If you're like, meh, Suz, I'm not really fast, like, I'm good just, you know, laying low and not doing big things, then all good. But for those of you who are like, no, I want to go, I want to go with you, Suze. Like, let's go together. As a community. Let's set big goals for ourselves and let's go after those goals and let's support one another as we do it so that we do it together and we feel supported and seen and what an amazing place to be. So that is what I wanted to share with you this week.
Suz Chadwick [00:22:32]:
I hope that that hit where it needed to hit. If you've got any questions, let me know. And remember, if you want to find out more about what's coming, the six month experience, either Mini or Mastermind, then make sure you go and you join the waitlist suschadwick. Com Waitlist and you'll be the first when we send out all the details, which we're in the middle of sorting out right now. I'm very excited about this, I have to tell you. So have an amazing week and I'll speak to you soon.