
For those of you who have been in business for a while, this might be one for you.

I've been working with different business owners who have mainly come from done-for-you services and who are ready to shift their business model into one that focuses on building your personal brand and growing a scalable business.

So today I want to talk about what it looks like to shift your business model. The practical elements of it as well as the mindset because I know that it's actually one of the biggest issues that a lot of business owners have.

1. Why shift your business model?

  1. The majority of the clients I work with in Amplify are women who have had their businesses for a while. They've been delivering one on one or done-for-you services and they want something that fits more with their lifestyle. Something that gives them more time and freedom.
  1. Another reason is that they want to work with more clients in a scaleable way. And with the online teaching and program industry currently at $4b and predicted to grow, it makes sense that if you're great at what you do then you could teach others to that too.
  1. The 3rd reason to think about shifting your business model is to add additional revenue streams to what you're already doing. So some of my clients have been doing what they do for a long time and if they can create something scalable that they can add to their business then great.

I think after years in a business it's also exciting to decide to step out as a leader in your industry. So becoming a speaker, starting a podcast, just being seen more and building a personal brand that attracts the clients that you really want is the next level.

2. The pros and cons of shifting your business model?

Let's talk about the pros and cons of shifting your business model.

  1. The pros are that you can create more revenue streams. I teach my clients to revenue stack in Amplify so that they can get more out of their thought leadership and earn more from what they do. So if you love to share what you have then this works really well because it's not about creating new thinking all the time it's learning to share it in different ways.
  1. Another pro is that it keeps things fun and fresh for you if you're a bit restless in your business or feeling a bit bored. I know that I've had clients who just want to realise that they are going to feel excited again and work with people in new ways.
  1. The cons of shifting your business model – and it's not so much a con rather than a reality for some people. Is that a lot of times if our business is up and running then we forget that it takes time to build something new. So when people move into group programs or build their personal brand, it may not happen in 3 months, it takes time to start building that audience because it can be a very different audience than who you have right now.

3. The mindset when shifting your business model

The bottom line is that you have to be ready for something new. You have to want to change things and then you have to be okay with the work that it takes to make it happen.

If you want to shift to a personal brand model then you have to be okay with being visible. Personal brands are built on 2 main things community & content that shares your thought leadership.

So this is you deciding to step out from behind your brand and be seen, share what you think, and become visible and back yourself that you have something to offer.

Now if you've been in business and been going “done for you”, you've obviously marketed yourself well but for most done-for-you businesses, they've been the person behind the brand and they focus on the work that they create or do for clients.

So it's a shift. I also think that people don't realise (if they aren't used it) how hard it can be to put themselves out there. A lot of people feel a bit “look at me syndrome” which creates a lot of imposter syndrome.

4. The future of your business model

The one thing I will say is that your business model might evolve over the years that you have your business. I think sometimes people are scared to shift business models because they feel like – well what if I don't like it or what if I want to change it and that's the great thing, you can do what you want.

You may have had a done-for-you model that was great for the last 5 or 10 years and now you're for a mixed model where you have some done for you and then you're starting to build your scalable offerings.

You may get it to a place where your scalable model is all you need and then there may be another stage too. You're never locked in.

So if you're looking to shift your business model from a done-for-you to a personal brand scalable model then we work with our clients in the Amplify Mastermind to do that.

Reference to the value of online education space – SOURCE

Eps 289 – Shifting to a scalable business model


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