
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with clients and my community around how they are managing their workloads, family, partners and the things they really want to do and so I thought this might be worth talking about.

One thing I do want to say is this message is for every day, not just during tough times. It’s about how you want to show up in your business, how you want to create great work practises and how you want run your business.

I always say – run your business like a business and not like a self-validation tool that you only do what you need to when you feel like it and it makes you feel good. It’s about deciding to show up even when it’s not the easiest thing to do and it’s about THE most important person for you to keep your promises to.

Choices & commitment

The day that I’m writing the notes for this podcast episode my son has had a melt down and won’t do his school work.  I woke up at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep.  I feel physically unfit and sluggish and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with something I’m building in my business that I’m finding it hard to make decisions on.

So I could have totally blown today off – because – emotional family stuff, tired, sluggish – but I have made a promise to myself and to you that I will show up every week here on the podcast and I’ll share something that I think is of value on this podcast.  So here I am.

Now you might be saying – well Suz if you’re feeling tired then don’t worry about, don’t show up, you just rest and take it easy, but that’s not how I work.  If you’re worried about my self-care I won’t worry too much.  I’m the girl that books the massage regularly, has the mani, pedi, goes to bed early, doesn’t work nights.  I’m not pushing myself beyond what I know I’m capable of, but one thing I don’t mess about with and I don’t falter with come hell or high water is the commitment I make to myself with things that matter to me.

And I’ll tell you why this mindset matters, because….

Your behaviour creates the experiences you have.

Your behaviour and the commitments that you make to yourself determine the success you have.

You behaviour and the things you decide to do even when it’s hard and tiring and you don’t feel like it will determine how far you go.   It’s like all the guru’s say – if you wait to feel motivated you’ll never do it. If you wait for the time to be right then you’ll never do it.

Now obviously I’m going to say that if you just can’t do it because of everything going on in life right now then that’s fine – but I’m not just talking about now when things are harder than usual, I’m talking about life and business in general.

People say to me – Suz you have an amazing brand. But to me I’m not even 1/10th of the way to where I want to be and so every day I have to make a choice what I will commit to.

Every day I have to look at the difference between my big and small desires and the drive that I’m willing to put behind it.

So the question that I ask myself is ‘what am I willing to do today?’ and what do I need in order to achieve that or create that or do that.

I have a client who I know has been struggling to record her online content because she has the whole family in the house – so I’ve said to her, ask your hubby and kids to go out for a 1 hour walk every day for a week if it’s not raining to give you the space to record and create.   You have to think about what you need and what you may need to ask for in order to get the space and time you need.

When I recorded my first course I did it every night in the kitchen when my  4&5 year old went to sleep.

What’s your desire for a specific outcome and how much drive do you have behind it?


What excuses are you making today?

What do you want to do but you’re just treading water?

What have you got in your plans or that you’ve had on the to-do list for weeks that you’re just not getting done?

Because let me tell you – the weight of unfinished business. The weight of constantly looking at something that you’ve said you would do but you haven’t done is exhausting.

If you feel exhausted by your to-do list then you need to ask yourself a few things and make some decisions.

  • Do I really want or need to do that task?
  • If I don’t then am I making the decision that I’m not going to do that?
  • If I am going to do it then what is the date that I will commit to and it’s non-negotiable?
  • If I’m not going to do it, can I outsource it?
    1. Now I have been wanting to get my FB and insta ads sorted for ages and haven’t so I’ve hired someone who is going to do a much better job at it than I am.
  • What is it costing me not to do this? Mentally, financially, opportunity wise

Planning & ProAction (proactive action)

  • So here are key things that I would love you to think about and do
  • Audit what you have on and decide what’s critical and what can wait
  • Look at your work load and family life and see what time you have available for the things that are critical

Next to each task I want you to write down

  • When will I map this out by and date
  • When will I create this by and date
  • When will I build this by and date
  • When will I release this by and date
  • When will I share this and have community accountability?
  • Who will be my individual accountability buddy for this?

The other thing that is really worth looking at when it comes to being proactive is when you’re at your best.

Are you better in the morning like 5am or are you better at 9pm?

Is there a way for you commit to sprint period.

When I was building my first course it took me about 2 weeks of shooting in the evenings and editing etc to get that done.  So it’s not about a long term commitment it’s about sprint session to get things done.

I actually think that the commitment I make to myself, seeing my behaviour for what it is, knowing when I make excuses, knowing when I’m procrastinating, being gentle with myself when I need to but also knowing when I have the capacity to do thing is important.  Yesterday was a crap day so I didn’t really doing anything online, but what I could do was write out the notes to this podcast and I could work with my Facebook ads person to answer questions and I could watch an online course that I purchased last year and do some of that work.  It was all solitary work and so whilst it wasn’t high energy, it was quiet and still moving forward.

Do what you can, when you can but don’t be blind to how you work, what you need and how you can manage yourself.



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PODCAST EPISODE #105 – Honouring the commitments we make to ourselves


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