
Today I’m diving into the things that are holding you back and the things that can push you forward.  I wanted to talk about this more as we went really deep into this at Confidence Rising and did a lot of practical work around it.

Once again I think I take a lot of this granted and so it’s important to talk about more and bring it into the light.

Something that was interesting for me as well is that through the process of confidence rising I also added some new language to my vision.
My vision: Become a BOLD and powerful voice, teaching, SUPPORTING & INSPIRING women globally to play bigger and brand bolder & become expanders so they can build confidently bold brands to claim their space.

What is an expander: Someone who thinks differently, thinks bigger, is a challenger, is a trail blazer

We naturally have a negativity bias – we are programmed to pay attention to the negative things in life rather than the positive things. It’s how we’re built it’s how we survive.

I share in episode 12 a conversation with my transformation coach.  I had been carrying around a story about money with my husband for such a long time that I didn’t realise that it was causing me issues until we worked through it.

It’s only when you start to break down your stories that you can start to rewrite them.

We carry stories from our childhood, school, work periods, relationships.

1. How are you thinking right now?

What are the stories you’re telling yourself and what are your limiting beliefs?

At Confidence Rising we talked about this at length and really looking at all aspect of your life. What’s your limiting belief around work, business, partners or relationships, your kids, your own success and abilities?

If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them.

Brene Brown talk about:

The Rising Strong Process includes:

  • The Reckoning: walking into our story
  • The Rumble: owning our story
  • The Revolution: writing a new ending and changing how we engage with the world

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.”
Brené Brown

2. How are you exercising  your mind to respond positivity to the chatter

You have to give yourself:

  • Space to create and be
  • Space for reflect and curiosity
  • Saying no to things that don’t serve you – thanks so much for asking but unfortunately I can do that

3.  Where is your focus?

When you focus on one thing you miss something else – if you’re always looking for the negative or the issue then that’s what you’re going to see, if you look for the opportunity then that’s what you’ll see.   What we focus on is what we see.

What does your future-self look like?
Having that vision for yourself and your business is so powerful and it’s something that not enough people sink into.

I shared badassery goal setting and vision boarding in episode 43 what my vision is for what I want my business to do.  I talk about having a glass of Dom Perignon at Vue Monde in the city as I cheers my hubby because we paid off our house in the next 5 years.

Having 5000 women in Brand Builder’s Academy
Speaking on international stages
Writing more books

What’s your big vision?

It’s not about having it all now, it’s about anchoring into the big things you want for yourself and for your clients. For me it’s about creating more expanders in the world.

How are you finding your expanders?

  • Look around at others who are doing bigger things than you
  • Look for people who you respect and who challenge your thinking
  • Think about people who you’ve built a relationships with and where there is trust
  • These may be online mentors or in real life.
  • Amy Portfield doesn’t know it yet but she’s my online bestie and my expander.  Marie forleo is an expander for me because they both show me that it’s possible.
  • Erika Kramer The queen of confidence is one of my expanders
  • Emily Osmond is an expander for me
  • Tracy Harris is an expander.

These are women who I trust and who I see doing things that show me it’s possible and challenge me to do big things to.

I don’t need to be in a mastermind with them because I can see what they’re doing every day.  I can challenge myself and work out where I need to invest more time and money and work out how to do the things I need to in my business.  I watch what they do everyday and just because they are storytelling or narrative marketing it doesn’t mean I can’t see how they’re doing it.  I do it myself and I’m always looking at how I get better.

So don’t tell yourself the story that you can’t ‘find’ the right people – they are right in front of you and you need to start moving your own butt and figuring things out for yourself too.  Do what you can and then keep moving.  Consume all their free content then if someone really resonate with you then jump into a paid thing they have and go deeper.

PODCAST EPISODE #85 -Owning Your Stories & Finding Your Expanders


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