Joining Club Done has been incredibly valuable. I signed up initially to connect with other local business owners, but the coaching has turned out to be one of the most beneficial aspects of the program.

The amount of value I've received on specific questions related to where I am in my business right now has been super useful and has definitely allowed me to move forward more quickly.

I've had plenty of one-on-one time with Suz, where I could get direct feedback on my current position and sometimes just my language and ways of thinking. Her insights and advice on selling have been a breath of fresh air and incredibly valuable for this exact moment in my business. I honestly think I would be stuck in one spot without them.

Suz delivers her coaching in a style that really resonates with me, helping me bring out the best version of myself. Her approach is practical, actionable, relaxed, and incredibly supportive.

I would highly recommend Club Done to anyone needing help with their business or that little push to get stuff done.

Thanks so much, Suz!

Talia Browne - rebel love media

I highly recommend it

When you want a 'get it done' crew around you to grow your business, mindset, confidence, clients and cash...then you join Club Done!

You've been in business for a while and you have big dreams, and bold goals - I get it. 

And while we all love learning (hey I'm right there with you), I think success comes from an 80% well executed strategy and 20% learning and ongoing evolution along with the change market.

If you find yourself trying to work out what to do next or you're not taking action to market, sell and close, then you're in the right place.

Let's do this together!

It's time to get out of your own way and get it done!

You want to be one of the people who laughs in the face of procrastination 😂😂

You're done with working by yourself, not having someone to ask questions to and having to plan things in your business without any support. 

Well that stops now.  We've got your next 12 months of support sorted!

We're bringing the energy, fun, accountability, support and coaching to get your creative juices flowing.

Ready to set your motivation levels to a new high?

We'll be setting big goals and hitting them out the park together. You, me and our evergrowing community!

Take Action & Join now!

Getting out of your own way is an ongoing journey! You've learned a lot and it's been great, but execution & sometimes confidence & self belief is where things fall down. So let's fix that!

 CLUB DONE is where the magic happens. Join us today, and be part of our awesome community of go-getters. It's time to kick doubt to the curb and start taking action on those big goals.🚀💪

It’s a place for strategic and fun conversations and coaching. It brings together ‘beyond the foundations’ business & mindset strategies.

As an CD member you'll also get FREE access to paid workshops coming up in 2024! 

I’ll be with you each step of the way and I can’t wait to help you IGNITE your business with powerful action.

If you want to continue be part of an engaged community with ongoing coaching & support to keep growing your business then continuing to show up and get support matters.

You’re determined to stayed focused on growing a sustainable business so that you earn what you want and pay yourself well.

For some people you might be reaching for those 6-7 figure goals and for others you’ll be happy with having a business that supports your life, family and passions at a solid income level.

Our next 12 months together is about implementing what you already know PLUS getting the support to do it even better!

Whether you’re growing your audience, tweaking your products & services, or building your mindset to keep getting out of your own way, we'll help keep you focused and moving forward.

We'll support you to keep up to date with key business strategies, changes in the business landscape and also to be a place for you to ask questions and get answers every single month!

Why join CLUB DONE?

Need to get out of your own way and getting things moving in your business?  Every 2nd Tuesday we'll be spending 2 hours working together for you to get key things done in your business. 

We'll kick off with a round robin to share what you're working on, then we'll have 30 min working sessions, 15 min break and then come back to share and updates.  If you need help or have questions then I'll be jumping in a break out room to help you work through anything during this time.

The group will have a private Heartbeat community where we'll facilitate call outs for collaborations, content shares, feedback requests or ask for help.

The group will be a place for you to get help as and when you need, share wins and so much more! 

We love a place where we can chat, ask questions and have conversations. 

access opportunities in the community

Get access to a library of bonsues including:

- Simple Sales online course
- Converting consults into Clients workshop
- Courageously You Mindset course
- Storytelling Workshop
- Powerful Personal Branding
- Lead Magnet Mastery


You'll have access a monthly live Zoom Coaching calls that cover all time zones, where you can ask your specific questions and get support and coaching. 

This is your opportunity to get the coaching and support you need to keep moving forward. Accessing these call could make all the difference in your business.


We'll kick every month off with a planning session to get you setup  and focused for the month!  If you find yourself feeling lost in your business and unsure of where to focus then this is the perfect way to start your month off. 

We'll work through sales & marketing goals, content, metrics & mindset to set you up with a clear plan for the month.

Monthly Community coworking

monthly planning & goal setting sessions

What's included?

single payment, save $167 + get the single payment bonus


All Amounts In Aud


12 Payments x 


Join on the Annual Plan and save Plus get access to a 30 min 1:1 coaching session. Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled any time.

1 Payment


VIP - 12 Month Membership + 4 x 1:1 strategy sessIons (1 per quarter)


I’ve been in memberships, courses and mastermind and one thing I know to be true is that what I decided to get out it was what I got out of it.

When I showed up for the calls, asked my questions and got the help I needed, I was able to grow and build the business I have today.

CLUB DONE is a place to keep growing your business, connect & get support with your marketing, mindset & money.

The market is always moving at such a fast pace and it helps to be in communities where you can keep learning and growing your skills and most importantly your confidence. 

CLUB DONE is here to help you keep it simple but also keep things moving in the right direction. 

That means that it's here to help you to:
- keep growing your revenue
- nail your marketing
- stay out of your clients wallets so you can charge more
- build your confidence and courage 
- create strategies that work
- learn from one another and be part of an amazing community.

So if that's what you want and you want ongoing coaching with me then I can't wait to work with you in this new & action packed way!

Big love

Show up for you!

i'm in, let's go!

What our happy clients say...