Today we're going to be talking about four things you underestimate in your business.
As some of you may know I ran Simple Sales coaching week a couple of weeks ago, which was fantastic. The more that I do this work with my community with my clients, the more I see how much we underestimate certain things that we need to be thinking about doing and realising this within our business as well.
Suzanne Chadwick
Welcome back to the podcast amazing to have you here. Today I'm sharing four things that you're underestimating in your business that I think you need to know about. So make sure that you listen up send me a DM at CES Chadwick, if you've got any questions, thoughts, sarcastic remarks, as well. But I also wanted to let you know that I've got a new free training, which are five strategies that can help you to get to your first 100 grand and beyond. So if you want to check that out, all you have to do is go to Suz Forward slash masterclass, and you can watch it. But hey, let's dive into this week's episode. I wanted to talk about the things that I think you're under estimating in your business. So
this week, as you may know, I've been running simple sales coaching week this week, which has been fantastic. And the more that I do this work with my community with my clients, the more that I see how much we underestimate certain things that we need to be thinking about doing. And I guess just realizing in our business as well. So the first one, which has really come up through simple sales coaching week, is how much your mindset is creating your results. Now, you might be like, Suze, we know this, yeah. But what I've seen this week has been pretty amazing with the women that have joined me in simple sales coaching week. So the first day, and I'm not going to go through what we talked about in the whole thing. But in the first day, we talked about the thoughts that are going to create new sales for you create simple sales for you. And one of the ladies that came along, she basically went on day one, and she implemented the things that we talked about. Now over this week, she has now reached out to a number of groups, she has redone her sales page. This is a free thing that I'm doing all this week. Yes. So I just want you to see, like what a shift in your mindset can do. She's changed the sales page, she went and reached out in a few groups and shared, like what it is that she's doing. And she was looking to get more insight from her clients, or from potential clients. And she's potentially now like, gotten into a collaboration with a brand who has about 75,000 followers of her ideal clients. So and now she's like, Okay, what else can we do? So I just really want you to understand that, well, you can have really small mindset shifts that can have massive impacts for you. And so it's something that we underestimate, I just want you to know that you could have a small tweak in your mindset, that would create a profitable thought loop and not a broker thought loop, which we talked about in civil sales coaching weak, and it can completely change your business. And I think that a lot of times, we feel like if we grind, if we just keep going, that will get there. And that's where burnout comes from. Like if you are in a broke thought loop, where you're having a lot of negative thoughts about your business, and you just keep working. That's where burnout comes from. Because you're just in like a hustle mode, you're just sent out, let me just keep going. And eventually this will work. But I just want to let you know that you're under estimating that if he can really start to think about how can I share more of what I've got? How can I connect with more of the people that I want to connect with? That you can start to see those positive changes happening in your business and the opportunities that you're looking for are more likely to come to you. And so just think about how are you approaching the things that you're doing? How are you looking at sharing what you have connecting more with your audience, asking questions. I think that one of the things that we really underestimate is I'm a big one for desire based selling. So I'm all about the possibility for my clients like you can have simple sales, you can actually have a mindset that makes your business profitable without the burnout. If you can, like have a business that reaches the income level that you want without you having to work like yourself into the ground. And so just thinking about how you're connecting with your audience, and how you get, and how you are understanding what their deep desires are, so that you can talk to them about what's possible for them, is like one of the most powerful things. Yeah. And I know that we have to understand the pain of our clients. But I just really want you to ask yourself, I use selling the like the outcomes, the desires, the possibilities, all of the things that they want for themselves, and how they can get there. And so really knowing your clients spending time with them, asking them questions, you know, yesterday, and I was just so beautiful one of my clients yesterday, she does, she got on a coaching call with me. And she just said, I said, How's it How you going? Like, generally how you going? How are you feeling about everything that we're doing? And she said, Suze, I just feel so cared for, like, I feel like you care. And I just want you to understand that you caring about your audience and your clients and your community, you can do on scale. Yeah, you can care for them, by being present with them by asking them questions. So I'm going to ask you right now, what is your one deepest desire when it comes to you and your business? Like, what is one thing that you're like, Suze, if I could create this for myself, and it's not always revenue? You know, this is something that I did goal setting, with my mastermind group. And it was so funny, because I was like, you know, we could go through the revenue and strategy and all the rest of it. But I want to know, what are the goals? You have to make yourself happy this year? What are the goals around the impact that you want to have on your clients? What are the goals that you have to have, like social responsibility in your business? Like, how are you creating something that is more than just the money? And I think sometimes that's what we talk about a lot. It's a question that I absolutely want to know, for my clients on a regular basis, because I want to care about my clients, I don't just want to scale and do mass selling and all the rest of it. I want to know you, I want to know your business. I want to know what's going on. And so this week and simple sales coaching week, you know, that's something that we've been working on a lot is how can you deeply know, and I think a lot of the a lot of people that I speak to when they're really struggling with sales when they're struggling to connect with their audience, or attract the audience that they want. And I say to them, what are your clients deep desires or your community's deep desires? They're like, I don't know. And I'm like, you can't sell to somebody, if you don't know what they love. You can't sell to somebody if you don't know what it is that they need. Yeah. And so you've got to spend the time in that. And it doesn't mean you've got to go away, do that for a really long time, not do your business and then come back. You do that every day. Like yeah, like connecting with you. So what, what helps you to have that energy? What kind of environment do you need to create for yourself to have that energy. So for me, in order to be in a higher vibration, for me to create the kind of content and connection that I deeply want, with my audience, I need thinking time, I need to go and see like outside of my lounge, or, you know, somewhere, and just with a notepad and just write down ideas and draw a lot of maps and just create space, have a cup of coffee, and just be okay, in the silence and the quiet of allowing myself time to think like that energizes me. And so I think you've got to ask yourself, what kind of environment do I need to be in, in order to create my deepest desires? How do I need to show up? And what do I need to do in order to bring my best work to life? And you know, that's something that we've been talking about all this way. And simple sales coaching week, is, this can be fun. Yeah. Because if you can put yourself in an environment where you're like, while this is amazing, which is like this week with coaching, like I have been having so much fun with those who have been coming. And I've seen like, they've been letting me know, Suze, I did this that we talked about in day one, and I've done this, I've talked about in day two, when I'm now sharing my offers, and it feels so effortless, and I'm connecting with my audience, and I've now got this, like, potential brand deal. And, and you know, I put this out there and three people signed up, like sales doesn't have to be hard. Our mindset makes it hard. And so we really underestimate how much our mindset can create, like making things feel like a lot of effort, when we can flip the script as well. And so really think about how am I connected with my audience, what is it that they want? How can I show up as my best self? what environment do I need to show up as my best self in that energy, so that I can create that environment for them. And then you become magnetic, because they're like, oh my gosh, like, I want to be around you more, I want to know more about, like, what it is that you talk about. Because when I'm with you, which is the second thing that I think is really underestimated, is how much the people around you impact what you do, and how much they inspire you as well. And so even being in the group this way, a lot of the women have, like connected, they're doing some collabs. They're like working with each other and sharing each other's things. And I just think when you surround yourself with people who are also wanting to create, like effortless sales, and wanting to work on their mindset and wanting to support one another, that stuff spreads, yeah, like that energy spreads. So ask yourself, what is the energy of the people that you're around? Like? What's their energy? Like? Is it inspiring you to do more, and when I say do more, I don't mean like, constantly be doing more and more. But I mean, do more of the stuff that you love, do you feel like the people around you are inspiring you and energizing you to think in a different way to show up in a different way to do different things. Because if you can find that, where you're with people, and just by being around them, you're like, oh, my gosh, I've got like a new idea. Or actually, I could do what I'm doing in a better way. And like, those are the people that you want to constantly be around. And so try and find that, I know that, you know, when my clients come into bold Business Academy, that's what we're doing. Like we're coaching on a regular basis, we're having conversations, they're having the shifts that they want in their business, like they're creating, like the outcomes that they want as well. And it's because it's the halo effect, when you are around other people who are doing amazing things. You also it rubs off on you, you're like I can do that too. I feel so energized to be able to do that. So that's the second thing that I think that we underestimate a lot. The first thing was how much your mindset is creating a result. The second thing is how much the people around you affect what you end up doing. And whether you're part of the halo effect. And the halo effect can be negative as well as positive. So the halo effect can be if you're around people who are not, who are not like bringing you energy and giving you the strength to kind of do new things and think in a new way, then the opposite can be true, too, is that if you're around people that I'm sure it's just so hard, and nothing's working. And nobody says yes. And this is like not how I want it to be that halo effect will affect you as well. You'll be like, Yeah, that's so true. Yeah. And you'll just focus on the things that are not going the way that you want. So just think about who is around you? How is that bringing you the energy that you want? How is that in creating the environment that you want? The third thing that I think a lot of people underestimate within their business, is how much you need practices here. This is like my practical side coming out as well. How much you need practices that create results and success for you in your business when you commit to them. And so I spoke about this a lot, is that when we are when we are working for somebody else, yeah, we do. When we are working for somebody else, we get on and we do the work that we want to do. And we and we know that okay, this is what I'm supposed to do. This is what I'm gonna, like get on with today. And when we in our own business, sometimes we're kind of like, Man, I don't really feel like it today. And so we don't have the practices that allow us to show up and do the things that are actually going to work for us. And the things that we love to do, like do more of the stuff that energizes you do more of the stuff that you love trying new things this week, simple sales coaching way that I've been doing. I'm like, I've never done that before. But gosh, it's been fun. And I've seen those that have come have amazing results in this free container. And it's energized me. And can I tell you that when you create something and you want to like build something new, it forces you to think in a different way. So a lot of the content that I've shared in simple sales coaching week this week has been new content, because I'm like, Okay, let me what else can I bring to the table? Like what how can I think in a different way? How can I talk to my clients in a different way? And so it's been amazing to put myself in a position and I'd really encourage you and challenge you to also put yourself in a position If that helps you to think in new ways, now, because if we just keep doing the same thing over and over again, we can really get stuck in well, I've done it before. And that's what I do. But I'm going to encourage you and say, What about if you tried something new, if you try something new and different, when it comes to selling in your business, connecting with your audience, like, those sorts of things, then you will think in a different way as well. And I can tell you that the more you challenge yourself to think in a different way, the more likely you are to bring your best work to life. Because you're you're in an evolution as well. You know, don't underestimate trying new things that energize you, and and one of the things we talked about this week is really following your intuition. Follow the breadcrumbs, follow your intuition, what is it that you like to do? What is it that you want to do more of, for me, I want to like speak at more events, and I want to do more lives, and I want to, like do more training, and I want to work with more clients in bold Business Academy, because it energizes me and it helps me to help my clients and do more of the stuff that I love. And so how and so with that in mind, and I want you to think about like, what is it that you want to do more of? And with that in mind, what are you going to do? Yeah, what else could you do? What other things could you do that could kind of scoop out like the people that you really want to be around? Yeah. And think about it. Sometimes we're just running and we're just doing doing doing and we don't kind of step back and go, What is it that I really love to do? What is it that really energizes me? What is it that when I do it, I attract the type of people that I really love to work with? And like answer those questions for yourself and see what comes up. When we were doing the live coaching. In coaching Week. This week, somebody said to me Sue's like, you know, I've done webinars before, and I get really awkward when I have to do the pitch and it just doesn't feel great. But seeing you do this live coaching week with no slides and no real pitch or anything like that is inspiring. And so just know that you don't have to do what everybody else does. You don't have to do what everybody else does. You can work out something that works for you. You can take different ideas and bring them together into something new. Like be okay with forging your own path in a way that energizes and lights you up. Because if you can find things that energize you and light you up, you my friend will become magnetic. And you know I talk about all that like that all the time. Magnetic magic. It's when people are drawn to you. They're just like, oh my gosh, I just want to be around you. I just want to hear what you have to say like there's people on Instagram where I go, and I, I always go to their stories first thing in the morning. I'm like, I wonder what they're doing. I wonder what they're up to? And that's what you want to create for your audience. Yeah, think about what they need, what they want, how you can connect with them, how you can ask them more about them. Yeah, so that you can understand like, what it is that they want what they need as well. And the fourth thing that I think that we underestimate when it comes to our business is how much focused action you need. And so really think about what am I working on right now. So let's say I'm working on this one thing, then what are all of the different activities? What are all of the different, like connections? What are all the different ideas that I could use to focus and bring more to this one thing? Yeah, so if it's a product, if it's a service, I just want you to have focused action, so that you're not scattered so that you're not trying to do a million things at once. But that you're just like, the end goal is this one thing, the end goal is helping my clients to earn more, pay themselves more to have a business that they love and have more fun. And that's my goal. Yeah. And so now I'm like, Alright, let me do a like a coaching week, and let me do some lives. And let me connect with my clients one on one, and I'm going to be speaking in an event like, that'll be really fun, too. But the end goal, the focused action, the focused attention is on the one thing. And so I just want to encourage you to get rid of the noise. Focus on what it is that you want, focus on how you want to do it and what feels great for you, and what you feel works well. And I think we can only do that by testing and trying different things to Yeah. So there is no failure. When you're testing and trying new things. There is no failure. You're just learning. Yeah, you're just learning what works and what doesn't. So I do something and I'm like, Okay, I did that. I don't really I didn't love it, and I'm not sure that it works. So okay, that's not for me. So it wasn't that it failed. It just wasn't for me. And so really think about how you can start to play. How can you have more of a playful mindset in your business that allows you to create the results that you want. Okay, so I know my audience is older women who want to feel current, modern valued, I'm stuck on finding them in the wild. So this is the other thing is that model, I got it.
So the other thing is that when you start to share what it is like, so how can they do that? What's your thought leadership on it? What is it that you share and you create, then they will start to come to you? I think it's a really interesting thing when I was like, how do I find more of these people? And I totally get that. But I also think that if you can create amazing evergreen content, which is searchable, so whether that's blogs, podcasts, videos, whatever it is, yeah, where they can find it based on the sorts of things that they're looking for. So what questions are they asking? Yeah, and how can you be the person that answers that question? If you can be the person that answers the question for your audience in a valuable way, they will find you. And you just got to be creative with the different ways that you go about doing it as well. Yes. So just think about, once again, all the ways that you can connect with your audience, but it really is about you bringing your best self doing things in an energized way, because that becomes magnetic to them. And there are so many people that contact me, and they're like, you know, how do I join VBA? Or how do I work with you? How do I coach with you? And I don't know them? Yeah, I don't know them. I've never met them. But they've either heard the podcast, or they've heard me speak somewhere, or somebody's recommended me. And so just creating your best content, and putting it out there your best thought leadership, and looking at different ways to get that out there, you will start to attract the people that you want. Yeah. So think about how you can be doing that. So this morning, we've just done this live on the things that you're under estimating in your business. The first one is how much your mindset is creating your results. The second one is how much the people that you surround yourself with, impact what you do, and how much they inspire you. The third one is how much you need practices that create results and success for you. And do you commit to those practices like this is what I do every week. And I know that if I consistently do that, there will be a tipping point. So it's like compound interest. You just like keep doing the same thing and little by little by little by little, it all adds up to something a lot bigger. And the fourth one was how much focused action you need. So don't be scattered. Focus on the one thing the one outcome that you want, and then come up with creative ideas about how you can engage your audience and connect with them in a bigger way.
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